I dare you to show me a single good, interesting or innovative alien design from Disney's Star Wars

I dare you to show me a single good, interesting or innovative alien design from Disney's Star Wars

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I like chin horn man

>>>Hantaviruses are single-stranded, enveloped, negative sense RNA viruses in the Bunyaviridae family which can kill humans.

>>They normally infect rodents and do not cause disease in these hosts. Humans may become infected with hantaviruses through contact with rodent urine, saliva, or feces. Some strains of hantaviruses cause potentially fatal diseases in humans, such as hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS)—also known as hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS)—[1] while others have not been associated with known human disease.[2] HPS (HCPS) is a "rare respiratory illness associated with the inhalation of aerosolized rodent excreta (urine and feces) contaminated by hantavirus particles."

>Human infections of hantaviruses have almost entirely been linked to human contact with rodent excrement, but recent human-to-human transmission has been reported with the Andes virus in South America.


The Crimson Corsair

Why was there a devil in Star Wars cantina?

Why was Sven in Star Wars?

shit design

Because the very first movie had a really low budget bc everyone expected it to flop (sci fi was not popular at all then). So they just reused assets of others movies until they got additional funding for the cantina scene.

Originally there was going to be a giant praying mantis until they noticed how underwhelming that actually was.

Ep 7 is just lazy

>banana gun

it's the first time I realize you can see his eyes underneath the helmet

>we're pulling out all stops with these groundbreaking practical effects

You sure it isnt because the galaxy far away is actually hell?

>Originally there was going to be a giant praying mantis until they noticed how underwhelming that actually was.

There was, and her name is Kitik Keed'kak. Show some fucking respect, you asshole.

Show me one from the prequels

Better than a CGI bird

>what is love

Darth Maul, now fuck off

It really could have gone without that closeup, the thing drinking from the water trough on jakku and the alien mount trying to catch bb-8 are also really poor

Tonnika sisters a CUTES

>just a guy with painted face and horns
How innovative! Also, those horns look like shit

How do you know zabraks horns aren't supposed to look like that? :-)

Dexter Jettster

Fuck me are all the effects like this?

Still haven't gotten around to seeing this shitshow yet

I don't remember seeing a single alien race that existed before the Disney buy out. That pissed me off.

>literally has a banana in his holster

Why bother

No matter what's said you'll say it's shit and unoriginal.

Twi'leks are both RACIST and SEXIST

Nah, it's got as much CGI as any modern blockbuster and they covered up a lot of practical effects with CGI (including BB8). JJ just over exaggerated for marketing purposes.

so why would a woodpecker evolve on a desert planet that made up of 99% sand

Is there a list of every single alien in the cantina out there somewhere? Some autist had to have made one.

>tfw you find out that the more alpha a Dathomirian is the bigger its horns are
>tfw maul was beta as fuck


i like this picture



also checked

these guys were cool
also Pau and doorgunner monkeyman

>Is there a list of every single alien in the cantina out there somewhere?

Like you even have to ask you fucking stupid moron. Even THIS chart is incomplete, but should satisfy your tiny little brain.

You're too cynical user, for instance I like this guy

I think nu wars tends to have pretty lacklustre alien designs.

The new droids are pretty cool though.

Porn parody of horny chin guy and leather pants girl when?

The perfect autist response. God bless.

someone post the EPVIII leaks that had some Doctor Who level shit

calm down, bitch boy

Luciferian deal, he wanted a cameo in a movie that would lead millons away from Christ.

Please. I myself have painstakingly researched every character in the cantina and know them by name so that I could recreate their placements in an RPG program.

You're pathetic compared to me.

whoah Satan is pretty popular

Why does he wear the mask?

this isn't even in english you geek

>all those adds with him and he was in the movie for 3 seconds

I didn't make the chart you insipid cunt.

Here, have some burgerese.


Fucking burgers kek

That henchman fucker from Rogue One.

admit it, you want one of these

I had an issue with how weak the alien designs were too. This was one of the few ones I liked though. Would fit right in with the aliens from the previous films.

Came here to post this. This guy was great.

vas is?

is he a former royal guard?

Does this one count when it's wearing a mask and the mask is already purposely based on General Grievous's mask?

they probably had to hire multiple creature designers who each had their own idea what a star wars alien looked liked

I feel like this design would work better with a bit more color

This doesn't feel like Star Wars

What's the breathing thing for?

no way fag

That's because its actually an old EU Bothan based on McQuarries original design.

it's for breathing

Here, have this too, you stupid motherfuckers.

Hard to believe you need to be spoonfed.

Help oxygenating his blood or whatever gas he uses to breath.

What else would a mask like that be for?

i can't see where the band is playing

Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti, Mas Amedda, basically anybody in the Jedi Council.

Prequel's had a lot of issues, but alien design wasn't one of them. George must have had a good eye for choosing which ones to greenlight. Any of them that aren't CGI typically look pretty fascinating.

Wrong species, frogtard

>jawa het knik's blaster is missing its power pack
useful information

I just wanted to know why he wore it

There is alredy

a retard is you

Maul is Dathomirian, EUcuck.

who is this character? i don't recall him at all

crimson corsair

Yeah as of now the only reappearing ones are Wookiee, Sullustan, Mon Calamari, and I think that's it as far as force awakens go. Each only religated to one pre existing character. Rogue One only brought back Mon Calamari, Aquillish (only because of Ponda Baba), and a Twi'lek.

So if you took it off, would he die?

Yes, it fucking is. His failed attempt to ambush Davin Felth's sandtrooper squad due to the power pack having been stolen by Reegesk and his immediate death for doing so helps contribute to Davin's already growing discontent with the Empire, leading to him shooting his superior officer in the back during the Docking Bay 94 shootout when the Falcon escapes Mos Eisley.

Fuck you for not knowing this you piece of shit.

Davin Felth is the "Look sir, droids!" guy. Bet you didn't know that either, faggot.

for you

not canon

Rogue One was better than TFA.
I rewatched both movies for the second time (only watched each movie once).

TFA only lived up to cameos, and since you knew they were already going to appear, the whole movie was total shit.

Rogue One's fight sequence pretty much makes up for the shitty plot, and their explosions were pretty good, that's about it though.

He was one of the 2 dudes who were gonna give a ride to finn before the republic capital planet was destroyed

Never said it was, fuckboy. Hahah, you're so stupid.

>peg leg

>So if you took it off, would he die?

Probably not... well not immediately.

Makes sense. I thought they looked like the old EU Bothans but thought it may have been coincidence. Hassk Triplers were also taken from unused 70s McQuarrie art for the original films.

Well that's how it worked for the prequels. There would be a shit ton of artists who'd sculpt shit and George would hand pick his favorites. Something about the TFA and Rogue One designs feels like they didn't even put them through the concept phase and just went straight to the creation phase without any sort of communication between each other.

No mention of the midget alien rebel from Rogue One?

Don't speak vulkan, huh dipshit?

Whose the yellow broad?

yeah, but the difference is that lucas had a look at all the different designs so he could add his own creative input to the aliens

that looks like an alien from old eu


No, seriously


Waitressbot blows the shit out of that diner thing from the prequels.

Kill yourself disney fag

lucas' words not disney

Looks like something from return to oz

prove it

he had to make EU non-canon or else star destroyers doing loop de loops in atmosphere would've been canon