Thoughts on angel olsen?

thoughts on angel olsen?

Attached: tumblr_p5os3y7iti1rho9f6o1_1280.jpg (768x1364, 183K)

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top tier

big bobs


I want her to write songs about how much of a pathetic man I am

big fat udders

Unfortunately her music is quite boring; she's stunning though

Can someone dump their rare Angel Olsens? Please?

wailing bitch
almost as bad as Lana

Her tits must be full of soymilk, that's why lots of soyboy cucks like her shitty music.

would gladly send her a mailbomb full of cum

Attached: 0EF5FCEF-4B96-4F2A-9E5D-C64AFF4FE214.jpg (750x457, 255K)

all angel olsen pics i have:
download both archives

Attached: angel.jpg (738x1000, 150K)

hope it has the one of her fat butt in black jeans that i havent been able to find again

stop misogynizing her you fat losers

im skinny and i like em THICC

These shit-cans are on point.

how do bobs get so big

>tfw the feet webm i made isnt in there

liked her before i ever knew she had big tits

>born January 22, 1987

which part of that disgusts you the most?

she old

I'm in love with her
Her music is amazing too

she's just more experienced

you must be underage. if 30 is old to you then what about 60 or 90? if you were an adult you would think that 30 be in the young range. people live over 70-80 these days, so 30 is the new 20.

Another le quirky artist singing in a stupid fucking voice that moved to NC and has helped totally ruin the state music scene

she belongs on a farm

The point is she loses some waifu appeal when you find out she’s over 30

no way she's still a beauty

fuck off underage, she's as great of a tittymonster as ever

Please post!

Attached: angelfeets.webm (640x640, 918K)

Thank you dude

What's sauce of this?

her bf's ig

Attached: death will never truly come.png (1070x601, 463K)

Attached: images.jpg (277x182, 7K)

seeing her in just under 2 weeks in melbourne :)
i like her music a lot!!

Attached: DUBx6WJe_400x400[2].jpg (400x400, 21K)

she is good, especially for a women, its really fucking silly that Sup Forums talks about grimes more when she is worse at music and worse looking than Angel Olsen

Sup Forums only likes her because she looks like an inbred retard

op here. i like angel olsen but let's be real: grimes is much more talented and interesting than angel. her music is very innovative, creative and eccentric. angel makes competent yet kinda normal music.

grimesposters like her so much because grimes is just ugly enough to be approachable and in their league (so they think)

that's stupid and you know it. no matter her looks you will find excuses (e.g. if she looked like a model you would say people only like because of her appearance); anything just to admit that her music is simply likeable and affects people in a good way. stop being a poser and admit the truth.

if grimes didnt look like a fucking mongoloid you people wouldnt constantly be fucking spamming her.

grimes is a piece of shit, and so are you. fuck off back to your own thread.

you missed the point completely. people spam her not because she looks like a "like a fucking mongoloid" (who the fuck would even do that?! and why?), but because she makes great music and because she's an interesting person. she has a strong memeable quality.
u mad, kiddo?

Attached: angel olson.webm (1080x1920, 1.98M)

i'd suck on her breasts and drink her urine if you know what i mean

>great music
>dumb ugly feminist cunt who makes shitty synthpop gets spammed because her face is hideous

Attached: angelolson.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

god damn it

lol 9/10

500+mb of angel olsen
holy shit that's weaponised autism

in saying that its st patricks day and i am at home by myself so fuck it i guess i have nothing better to do

I wish more than anything else that she would become my sugar momma

>grimes is much more talented and interesting than angel
I really fucking disagree

Post webms

>She's i-only-care-for-the-girl-core
Their musc is crap

LOL. Like it wasn’t just shitty punk and bluegrass in the first place.
Don’t “But Merge...” me either. Super chunk are inargueably horrible.

jesus fuck mang

I can't download this shit. Can we get a mega link?

Attached: 1508598502779.png (645x729, 91K)

'preciate you, playa.

Seconded, Angel is super bland compared to Grimes. Probably only famous because she is a hot woman making rock music, honestly.

im not going to argue on the internet with you but i'd just like you to know that you saying this made me feel kinda sad

Who is her bf?


Attached: milkies.png (762x521, 246K)

I lurv her music

Bump? Zippyshare is awful.

quit being a whiny little faggot

F u she's not bland and there's no reason to compare her to Grimes, they don't even make the same kind of music wtf


low t from all dat titty milk

>that soyboy gets to titfuck and cum on her face every night

>implying he doesn't get cucked

>implying everyone partakes in your degenerate fetish
stop projecting creep

Stop posting my future wife

have you ever actually titfucked a girl before?
it's not that fun

More like a fine wine

Her bf is among us, larping in this thread

piv feels better than literally anything else but the appeal of angel is her big fat titties, so yeah

>people actually saying this

Grimes hasn't made an interesting album since 2012. My Woman blows art angels out of the water by a wide fucking margin and you're honestly retarded if you think otherwise.

Attached: 1490148725222.webm (1920x1080, 2.03M)

post her ass video, please

I just don't want a virus just because I wanna see prime pictures of Angel Olsen. ''d like to do another cum tribute for her too.

i downloaded both of these and it was just .zip files within .zip files fuck you. fake news.

I could never even download it. The links take me to outside websites and it's spammy as fuck.

>not using adblock

>not knowing how to unzip multiple files

both of you are fucking retards

im using a 10 year old obsolete imac with DDR2 RAM

I have adblock and it doesn't do anything.

then use ublock instead of shitty ass adblock. you dont get viruses from those ads anyway.

Okay I finally managed to download it. I'm trying to decide which picture to print out for a tribute.

are you gonna send it to her?

No just upload it onto xhamster with my other tribute of her

>mfw i search and theres multiple

Attached: 1488959506379.jpg (396x385, 37K)

I'll let you decide which one's me.


Let's just say I'm not Brazilian, and I am English.

guess youre the other guy then since theres only 2 :p

My last tribute was for Saoirse Ronan, mate.