>15 days until next salary
>$21 bucks left in the bank
>enough bread in the fridge to last until Sunday
How's your third world life going, Sup Forums?
>15 days until next salary
>$21 bucks left in the bank
>enough bread in the fridge to last until Sunday
How's your third world life going, Sup Forums?
Can't you move somewhere else?
I know your pain since I used to be a third worlder.
I crossed the border into Finland to stay with my cousin until I start university. I used all my money for the ticket to here from Russia.
I'm not joking. I'm from Nigeria.
I already swiped 500 bucks from my sister and a week till the next paycheck.
are you a rocket scientist or a doctor?
are you Japanese comedian?
Nigerians are Bro-tier
>tfw being a Neet
Electrician, my parents spent their life savings so i could move to Europe.
Thanks finnbro.
He has a PhD in breeding
Is Nigeria really third-world?
Perú reporting in!
Silence moon-man
Absolutely, Nigerian countryside is probably one of the worst places to live in.(I might be a bit biased though)
>tfw friend works 8 hrs per day/7 days per week
>he makes $3 per hour
>we can go "out" only once per week
>by "out" I mean we buy cheap beer at the store and drink it on a bench by the lake like faggots
>tfw he falls asleep from exaustion almost every time
>tfw can't plan something like a small trip or something because he has no money
>tfw other friend works in a far away town and earns the same
>tfw I feel "rich" even though my dad earns like $15/hour
>tfw we don't go to McD's because it's """too expensive"""
>too expensive
>salary lowered to 1500 euros p/m
moving out of this shithole
a monkey unironically stole my goddamn chips when i was coming back to my dorm room.
A real friend would pay for him
Beans are dirt cheap, same as rice. You can also go fishing
>not exclusively eating this and becoming rich from all the money you save
They are R$0.99 a pop top.
Why spend money on any other food?
yeah well fuck off f*nn
in my country even doctors don't make as much as autismal finns flipping burgers
>third world
will receive 520 Euro next week for unpacking items of clothes for a few hours a week next week on top off the 880 Euro I receive from various state programs another 150 Euro my girlfriend gives me for the rent and yet another 150 Euro for introducing 1st semester students to the campus next week
so basically I will receive 1700 Euro for doing almost nothing in this third world shithole
unironically can't wait to finish my studies and improve my quality of life
>not eating nothing but rice and oat meal
fuck your decadent food
Petty well I guess
haha that's nothing. Imagine living in a first world country where the min wage per month is 1300 eur and barely making above that (+ having the state and a fucking woman that have to nanny you)
you're useless, don't come bragging here
that sounds comfy
a monkey just stole mine as well but I'm pretty sure he was being ironic
Compra um saco de arroz e um de feijão e faz, seu merda. Com $21 tu consegue comida pro mês inteiro, basta não ter preguiça de cozinhar.
Are you threathening me?!
Yes. I just told him that your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to my post.
This, every Nigerian I've meet has been chill af
get out of my country nigger
Does Spain count as third world?
> mfw grandma gave 6kg of humanitarian buckwheat
>tfw payday is literally today
>got around 30000kr after taxes
>3 158,91723€
Rich swedenigger
Why don't people in poorer Euro nations go work in higher paying Euro countries? I thought the EU allowed you to do this no problem.
Because you will have an extremely hard time finding a good job plus the fact that you have to adapt to that countries prices so in the end you will still be poor, just in a "better" country.
hard to find a job
and cmon do you really want to cut all ties and go somewhere to delaware?
How third-world is necklacing for you
>tfw I feel "rich" even though my dad earns like $15/hour
I am wide-sighted and thought for a while that you got a Dutch flag. That line tipped me off and made me wonder if maybe your flag is some latin American shit lol
turns out you and your friends are just poor and Croation, not south American
I work like 10 hours a week and 1700 euro
that's the pay for a skilled worker working full-time in Germany and also more than 40 euro/hour after taxes in comparison to the 12 euro/hour your dad makes and the 2 euro/hour your friends make
I literally work less than 5% as much as your friend and still got more money than him
id rather be from nigerian than from some chinkland lmao
>3000 pounds