I have never hated a country like I do Turkey.
Why the fuck are they in NATO?
I wish we'd kick these terrorist funding niggers out, so Russia can nuke them to oblivion.
I have never hated a country like I do Turkey.
Why the fuck are they in NATO?
I wish we'd kick these terrorist funding niggers out, so Russia can nuke them to oblivion.
first, you can't punish a natioan for their leader's work.
Second, if you do that, usa is the biggest terrorist funding country and top 1 ranked in genocides. please move along burger
Why DID FUCKING TURKEY PLAY IN EU CUP? Not like those untermenschen progressed at all, but wtf.
Myth: Turks fund ISIS
Fact: You are, have been, and will always be an irrelevant mouthbreather.
Get on a plane to Moscow, Putin's cock won't suck itself.
Turkish genocide when?
360° difference, fucker
I don't give a single fuck you rancid smelling sewer bettle.
Your country is a wart on this planet and it needs to be removed.
Because Europe considers Turkey to be a European state and not a Middle Eastern one.
Armenian genocide recognition when?
only downside to this brexit shit is that these roaches will crawl into the EU with their diseased religion.
fuck islam and fuck turkey.
It can't start any sooner.
it's only a matter of time now till we start shooting and beheading FAGGOT SCUM in the streets of NYC
>this planet and it needs to be removed.
see above, during the collapse of ottoman empire a lot of armenians migrated to usa, they didn't die they still exist just a little research..
besides, if there was a genocide, i wouldn't give a single fuck. who cares about armenians anyway.. only armenians.. otherwise its just a meme
I pray for the day you insects start shit, i will bring hellstorm to any turk I see and anybody defending them.
>hellstorm from mom's basement while playing newest cod
2007 called, they want their over used memes back.
>competent combatants
You fuckers are cowards and failures.
Without big daddy NATO, you'd already be a parking lot
>who cares about armenians anyway..
It's not about who cares about them you filfthy turk, it's that you are muslim and they are not, DONE, FINISHED, THAT'S IT. That's all that's needed.
bajana sikeem eshol esheg.
I can just imagine your shrill feminine voice.
You should kill yourself ASAP bro. Clean the gene pool of USA.
I really hope the US and Russia call some sort of temporary alliance and murder and rape every single turk in existence.
Because they used to be good guys. Then they went full islamic or communist. Why can't they just see the merits of being a classic liberal nativist?
Fucking normie, using fucking ifunny on my board
t. to be annexed in 10 years
Prepare your wife's expectant cunt, slave race.
t. inbred muslim ape
Literally no cuntry on this earth likes you.
Every thread is a turkey hate thread
You are dreaming, every single person I know, from the Greeks, the Armenians, the Romanians, the Bulgarians, The Russians, Servbs, etc etc, despise you, you aint going to do a fucking thing here in the United States, you know why? Because we are not Germany or Sweden, stupid fucking people, they were stupid and flipped off Christianity and had to take you pieces of shits in, but us here, we already told everyone the kind of filth you are, you better believe it.
No one will trust you, just as you made all these Christian coutnries, change their name, to accomdate your stupid fucked up religion and country, the same will happen to you.
You will start to come out of that roach shell of yours but it'll be too late, society will have moved on without you.
Fuck I hate cockroaches even more than the jews.