Uk Economy

How can the UK possibly ever get back the economic leverage that it had when inside of the EU?

is the UK even going to benefit from this in the long term?

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>Pound already evened out and ended on a high note for the month

>UK leaving the EU destroyed the exchange rates of foreign currency more than its own

>Super Jews saying the fall of the EU is inevitable

Yeah I say we're pretty fucking good.

They jumped off of a burning ship so now is sink or swim time.

>Social Media and the guardian literally on suicide watch
>Malaysia of all places has proposed a free trade agreement already

The Bank of England is going to take 250 Billion pounds of debt which is 27 years of membership.

How can they negotiate better or even equal deals to those they have right now? they don't have the leverage.

Exchange rates to the pound are not even close to as good as other countries now, are you kidding?

Source on
>Malaysia of all places has proposed a free trade agreement already

>they don't have the leverage.

I think that's the biggest issue

Our new Gov needs to act very quickly to ensure a Norway deal

Dan Hannan was right on the borders for now

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you been taking too many blue pills today?

Brazil also proposed a massive agricultural trade deal.

>they don't have the leverage.

Still being the economic trade centre of the world gives us pretty damn good leverage, especially when we're farting around making Germany pissed off because we're not rushing the leave.

>>Pound already evened out and ended on a high note for the month
Might want to check again

Don't forget, you are also a Nuclear capable Nation. Now the only ones left in the EU with Nukes is France... kek

Its funny how Britain went from #5 to #6 most powerful economy in the world literally overnight.

>is the UK even going to benefit from this in the long term?
It probably will. I have faith that the British people can rebuild their economy. It will take some time though. "The economy" isn't some idol that constantly needs to be fed, it has its ups and downs.

Its perfectly healthy for global stocks to crash every 7 or so years. Its necessary in order for people to buy back the stocks at a lower price and for new money to go into the markets. As a young person, this was exactly what I was waiting for. I was getting tired of the stock market being so flat for over a year. Its time for it to crash so it can go up consistently again.

The small market shock is already recovering. Globalists were just trying to scare you into retracting the vote.

> economic trade centre of the world

You overestimate the importance of tea and rain

>what is City

I'm not saying the pound is in some awful situation, I'm saying it isn't trading well right now. What the poster I replied to said was wrong.

You don't have enough leverage to get the same deals that the EU does with itself.


What would make it do better long term? I HOPE it does, but I want to know why it would.

This isn't my point at all. I'm asking how your going to leverage equal deals to those you have now.

Didn't you get the memo OP?

We are claiming back our old colonies, so get packing.

that being because London gave access to the EU market.

do you feel that people will want access to 65million people or 650million people?

The Jews let it happen

I genuinely want to find someone who can argue well FOR a good economic future for Britain without the EU.

wrong, wrong, wrong

bank of england had to lend £250 billion to try and stabilise. this time next week it will be in the shitter


Our new diplomat has been in talks for a few months now, trying to get a deal particularly with the UK, but through the EU. Now with the EU gone, he sees an opportunity to make the big deal directly, while also forcing the EU's hands. He noted that there is a big bureaucracy when dealing with a single country through the EU, so now is the chance for the UK to present more flexible one-on-one deals.

If you're implying the UK will fail because they left you're sadly mistaken.

The US gave the UK Nuclear technology. There's no way we would ever let them FAIL. Besides those, UK has always helped and assisted the US in our efforts with the Middle East.

You don't throw away a good Ally.

Also this

What economic leverage?

Mate I hope they do great. I fucking hate the EU but I want to see a GOOD economic argument for leaving it.

Can Yanks really just hold a burden on their heads if it doesn't grow?

You retards are still pedalling this crap?

We donate billions of shekels to Israel and other welfare Nations. We would at least help with that, and with trade.

>What would make it do better long term? I HOPE it does, but I want to know why it would.
Long term.
-The British will cut off Merkel's migrants, saving taxpayers billions in welfare payments.
-Fishermen will regain fishing rights.
-Britain will keep money inside Britain instead of it going to the rest of the EU and Brussels.
-Less bureaucracy, less money needed to fund the bureaucrats of Brussels.
-Less red tape needed to open a business.
-possibly lower costs of food, fuel, and housing.

Its been ONE trading period since the Brexit vote was finished. Crashing a stock market takes more than one trading period. The Great Recession crash didn't happen over one trading period, it took several bearish weeks for the downtrend to be confirmed.

obama said if the uk left eu he might want tons of countries are now saying this like russia and acording to also brazil

whoops i meant

obama said if the uk left the eu he might want to trade

Nice trips

Will this deal be good enough that it would offset the problems leaving should create? How would this solve large unemployment from Banks in the UK and other financial institutions?

Do you really think it's good that you guys do that?

Won't this just create problems of your own? Shouldn't you invest in your own country?

>billions in welfare payments
How many jobs would this create and how much will it offset those lost in banking etc.?
>Britain not paying into EU
Yes, this is good. If they don't get fucked on trade.
>Lower costs of food, fuel and housing

how would this happen? are you talking LONG or SHORT term?

What? I don't understand your post at all... but Obama can say/do whatever he wants. Congress writes the checks. They'd be absolutely stupid to disregard the UK, seeing as we have strategic bases there.

>eu wants to sell their trinkets to the uk.
>going to punish uk by not selling them the trinkets and refuse the profits.

The egos of the EU leaders have been hurt so bad that i would not be surprised if they wanted to "punish" the uk.

Too bad most citizens sympathise with the british and any adversarial action by these self serving parasites will only add fuel to the eurosceptic flames.

Fucking juncker is acting like he is a king or something

Ah okay. Yeah it's too beneficial to the both of us, and less restrictions from the EU.

>I hope we import these crisps

This is the movie I based my post on. The EU is filled with bureaucracy and red tape, and has decimated the British fishing industry.

When a country depends on your money, it's kind of hard to say no, when we want you to do something.

>-possibly lower costs of food, fuel, and housing.

> fuck up half of your trade deals
> nothing prepared
> need to negotiate without leverage
> conclusion: trade deals will be far better

How stupid can you get?

Watched it. I understand about the fishing industry but it's small in comparison to industries like cars and finance.

One of the largest exports the UK has is cars.

Roast Beef is fucking bonza m8

They will, this is just investors being retarded and selling their assets in the UK because brexit is the devil according to shills.
In a few weeks you'll see a sudden rise in their market as the usual speculator buy up all the stocks for cheap reinvesting capitals in the territory.

You Brits have some of the best snacks ever.

>great domestic production
>shitty exports, especially to the EU
>lots of imports, especially from the EU

They will be fine

It is in fact the EU who will find themselves bending the knee in order to gain access to that lucrative UK consumer market so they can earn some sweet, sweet GBP


>How can the UK possibly ever get back the economic leverage that it had when inside of the EU?
Wait a week or so.

After that people will have realized that a sovereign Britain is not the end of the world and everything can go on like it always has.

How will a 250 billion pound debt infusion not deter investors?

Companies have already announced that they have plans on leaving to Frankfurt etc.

we stop being lazy cunts and restart our industries that we closed up north, but everyone down south is just too much of a bunch of stupid cunts who bitch and whine instead of actually solving the problems

The uk is nothing but a big banking sector anyway, the produce nothing usefull. Correct me if i m wrong. But i really like their feminine accent on their citizens esp. women, they sound really sexy.

Can you export some Jolly Ranchers soda in exchange? Even just the orange stuff.

Seriously mate, companies are already planning to leave. That's not a problem?

That's why I said the word "possibly." The costs of food and housing in the UK are already high enough, and when housing prices get that high, they often times crash.

Economics isn't a hard science, its a philosophy. Its always full of "maybes" and "possibles." No one gets to predict the future.

If Britain does do poorly economically, then housing prices will go down when people decide to leave the UK. Its because London and Britain are doing well economically and don't have enough land to build on that housing prices are so expensive.

dont worry lad we got this


When Trump is talking about taking jobs back... you know that mean factory work right? Gotta build up to be great again.

Holy shit. My wives just came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at them and raped the chicken nuggets from their hands. One wife started to scream and curse at me and I slammed the door on her head. This is so haram. I do not know what to do. I did not want my wife to die, but I'm literally shocked by the results tonight. I feel like I'll explode. Why the bloody hell are we leaving the EU? This can not be true. I do not want to believe the world is so corrupt. I want to believe in a sharia future. I want to be a Muslim president and fix this broken union. Now I can not do much with this law. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought Europe was going to be Muslim???? This is so fucked.

Jolly Rancher soda? I haven't heard of this...

And they'll come back once we have the least regulated economy in Europe.

What industries? How do you expect this to go down with lazy people? They just gonna get up and go to work?

I agree with you, but this is a hard thing to do. Really fucking hard.

>Companies have already announced that they have plans on leaving to Frankfurt etc.
I believe some sort of evidence is required.

Really? So no BAE, no pharma, just finance.

Okay Abdul.

To the rest of the EU, don't you worry we will be just fine. Don't let the demented Germans scare you, they are weak minded and weak bodied.

The only thing they are good at is being cucked.

Pic related, your average German family.

I don't see what the panic is for.

Okay, that's my thinking too. This is my only defense I can think of to keep them with you lads.


>UK has no and has never had industry

Okay I know Aussies like to shitpost but this is just beyond anything I've seen posted from you shit lickers.

muh economy
good goy good goy

What do you want to trade for some of your godly Snyder's of Hanover Honey Mustard and Onion Pretzel pieces.
I don't know where they have been all my life until last week

It's a thing. I don't care for the sweets but that orange and blue stuff is the tits. Too bad it's like £2 in Tesco for 1L.

You talk as if states don't costantly inject money in their economy.
And nobody is going to move their production and infrastructure somewhere else only because Merkel is cute, this is just bluffing to tank the market even harder.
It's speculation, just like everyone's economy went to shit because of two towers being brought down.

Freedom isn't free comrade. The tree of liberty gotta be littered with the money of pensioners and merchants.

Oh the Paris thing? This was mentioned ages ago and it's only being done to issue Eurobonds backed by the £.

HSBC is a toxic bank that the public here have had to bail out, Paris is welcome to them lol.

Seriously Aus bro, things will work out. Just enjoy the ride, we're not going to reverse our decision.

>muh shekels


Just kill yourself, jew.

Oh very oh very gotta shill

>m..m..muh leverage

even your leader wants to suck our cock and give us a great deal.


You're probably going to suffer a tad short - medium term.

I think you'll be fine long term.

Well i guess you have troubles in the knife industry. Bin dat knife. Another industrial sector that is going to suffer. But then again you see increase in the plastic sector, germany will make you high quality plastic spoons and knifes. You can count on us.

HSBC said it was moving a token amount of staff of 1000 people to Paris before the Brexit result came in, they announced it months ago and it's actually a sign that the EU needs the UK, not the other way round.

Silly Australian is being silly.

What domestic production is great in the UK?

I'm genuinely asking because I want it to work out for you and be able to argue better myself.

I'm not against you mate.

I also never said you didn't have industry, I think it's hard to get a competitive industry when the majority of young people who would work in manual labor jobs down the line are lazy shits.

I have doubts about finding people to work in manual labor to compete with other big producers.

You forget how much debt the Eurozone is in and how much it owes the UK.

We could call that debt in at any time if we liked and completely destroy the Eurozone in the process.

How about we do that?

We do have leverage, as I just posted above, our banks exposure to PIIGS debt.

Don't try us Germany, you won't win.

I just looked up a case on Amazon... 25 for 20, $40 shipping... looks good but not that good kek.

Where will enough new jobs be created in the UK to make up for them leaving?

You think it might be to pressure the UK to lower taxes etc? I'm hoping this is true.

Enjoy your Merkel mandated Muslim bull you pathetic little cuck.

We will be fine, don't you worry about that.

How much debt do they owe the UK? Really interested to hear about this.I know the US is owed heaps by China too.

>Where will enough new jobs be created in the UK to make up for them leaving?
LOL? We're a population of 64 million, you think 1000 is anything?

>You think it might be to pressure the UK to lower taxes etc? I'm hoping this is true.

I don't know, I don't really care, if they want to move their toxic assets to Paris or Germany then those places can bail them out. Good riddance. The important banks aren't leaving and came out and said they wouldn't relocate before the Brexit vote.

Hopefully. Our corporation tax is among the highest in the world.

To be honest I don't really give a damn about funding the NHS or anything else. Far better to use that '£350 million a week' to just cut taxes and encourage business.

Have a look.

>EU collapses
>Britain is now king of the shit pile and can bully smaller countries around (like Germany does now with the EU)


I guess those bulls dont have the joy in fucking you because we dont have the sexy overpronounced vocals to imitate the elegance of the french language. I guess we have to apologize to the foreign bulls. Something we can learn from our vocal worshipping UK friends. Oyy, already sounds like some english words. Oyyy, how british do i sound?

>an organisation with italy and france as its founding members and the same currency from athens to helsinki knows more about finance and economics than the Jewer of Jews, Swindlers of the Swiss.

I don't think so

lol @ how much debt is owed to us.

It's insane and completely nullifies the pittance of £350 billion. LOLOLOLOLOLOL..

Eurozone is fucked if we call that debt in quickly.

>the important banks
HSBC is fucking huge m8, 4th biggest assets

doesn't Germany owe you less than you owe them?

almost double?

I hope for this too. Would love to see more countries with lower taxes.

errrm you know the steel works, factories and manufacturing that we lost it all to fucking china as they treat their people like shit with such a low minimum wage its more effective for companies to abuse the system over there instead of manufacture here, but if we set up the old industries that we closed down we would be making much more income, not to mention we will also have our fishing waters back that were stolen by other EU countries.

lol your house of cards is falling down Germany, you would have thought you'd learned your lesson from WW2.

But nope you haven't learned, guess you never will learn. Maybe a few nuclear missiles hitting your nation will make you learn not to cross us again?

I doubt it though, you're a pathetic nation Germany, you always have been and you always will be and no matter how much you try to attack my nation, you will never win.

Learn it and learn it quickly you cuck.

you think lefties are going to let that swing? I hope they do but good luck finding ways to compete with china on that shit. I think lowering banking taxes is probably a better idea then maybe looking into that shit too but you're never going to compete that well with the Chinese

holy fuck is that real

>Religion Islam

I'm done

Yes of course, factory work in the manufacturing industries is great for economically building up a country, you know a lot of people don't like trump over here and I admit I ain't his greatest fan however compared the completion (mostly Hilary) he sort of looks like the only decent option as Bernie is getting much votes which in my onion is quite a shame. basically fuck Hilary and how she can get away with so much shit that others would get charged with or face a prison sentence.

Well thats the price you pay for betrayal