Translation thread

Do Japs have grammar this legitimately awful, or Is it the translator?

cmon now


What the fuck is he even trying to convey?

Why are translators still so fucking terrible in 2017?

"I'm lost as to which platform to buy Sonic Force for.
Because I was buying it for Xbox or PC, I thought "let's go with Xbox".
But even while lying down with Switch the game has charm."

It's the translator, m9

How the hell did you get that from that?

Stop LARPing as stupid murifat to get (you)s, faggot.

What do you mean?
I just translated the Japanese for you, that'll be $50.00 please.

Are you really this fucking stupid?

Using google? Or some other site?


if you were canadian, I would be certain that you're just trolling

but now I can't tell

just in case, kys

No I refuse to learn moon rune, make Japanese easier to learn, just use romaji

Using my eyes and brains

Oh like you've never experienced a bad translation, fuck off you pompous ass.

we are fstudying english so you are ok we are all ok too be quite honestly

Japanese people don't exist in the Netherlands

by reading and translating

Not only Japanese people have eyes and brains m9

What is proper Japanese sentence structure?


I will now try to provide you a simple explanation of what he's trying to say:
"I'm a Dutch weeb and I learnt Japanyas"

Watch Langfocus's video about Jap language.

He's lying, I don't beleive he's capable of learning Japanese. Its a meme. Not even the Japanese know the entire alphabet of their own language.

adjective goes before the noun, i recall

>just use romaji
>fuckton of homophones written the same way
>"sheeeeeiiit. ok, we gonna put sumofdat squiggles on top of letters so we know which word is which"
do NOT make the same mistake as vietnamese

but Japanese is relatively free from word order.
Basically Subject Indirect Object Direct Object Adverb Verb.
All cases except verbs are interchangeable.
It means, the order like ID DO AD Sub V is allowed.

Adjectives go before nouns.

It's not quite that easy.
Subject has が after it, object has を after it, the order is used to stress which one is most important.
Adjectives are placed before nouns, but can also be used to end a sentence in which case they mean "[subject] is [adjective]".
Verbs are usually placed at the end of a sentence, but can be placed before a noun to create a clause.

I don't even know why I'm explaining this because you're obviously trolling, but perhaps someone is actually interested.

I don't watch anime though, how can I be a weeb?

this is top quality bait

There's no alphabet in Japanese, there are two syllabaries and 2000 kanjis (I mean, 2000 are enough to read almost everything, there are more than tens of thousands probably).


> I don't watch anime though, how can I be a weeb?

t. Vincent Naruto Shinji Dijkstra

Then what are those 300 anime games on steam, 3d figurines of 2d moe animu girls on your shelves and that Naruto haircut, faggot?

>object has を after it
there's indirect object marking with に too

every kanji is a word (though some words make more sense when it's two kanji combination)
who doesn't know more than 3,000 words from their own vocabulary? and who knows more than 5,000? (usually only literary academics get to know that many)
in other words don't fear kanji, learn a word => learn its kanji

Sometimes I'm quite confused because japs use noun+adjective though mostly it's english in katakana.

I was just giving a quick rundown
wow m9, that's some pretty sad projecting ya weeb
look at this fkn poindexter

>though mostly it's english in katakana
you mean this as example?

What does this say?

Don't know but it's katakana I think.
There's an "a" and a "ma"

It says you don't know any Japanese

I wrote "Netouyou watashi wa"

i know you did
still doesn't make a lick of sense

No "ma" then. Strange, I thought よ character meant "ma"

ま is ma
よ is yo

>people even have trouble learning 92 kana





I literally never tried to learn even a single bit of Japanese. It just gets to your brain thru anime, want it or not. Especially parasite words like "kawaii, sugoi, watashi wa, senpai, sensei, -dono, -sama, -san, -kun, -chan, NANI, K-k-kiSAMAAAAAAAAAA!!!111" etc.
All the kanji/kana characters I know are from anime too, never tried to learn em. In fact, I don't even like Japanese, kek

Yeah like that.

In that context, those word shall be translated
"バカ" sounds like maybe "idiot" of "retard" and generally used for human, so it is not appropriate in that context.

>American education

netherlands, i think it's for you
and i dunno, it's not impossible to learn and use properly if you practice a lot. the hard is to actually do it, and to have enduring motivation to do it




quality post






Meant for


how do i type in japanese? i have the language pack unstallec bzt when u trz ti use ut u cabt reakkz tr zoe tg. i cant reakot teteo vert fast in tgus uet viarcubg bzca when 8 cant


Your grammar closely resembles english grammar.

I can't tell the difference between my ways of speaking and other Japanese posters.
But its maybe because other Japanese here tend to talk in relatively short sentence which is likely to be exemptions of grammar system. I think.

