How are nazis/stormfags seen in your country?

How are nazis/stormfags seen in your country?
Here, they are seen as total losers

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They are not seen here.

Secretly Agreed With considering the entire country hates antifa and PC culture

I don't know who you're talking about

not even true lol


nah it's true, most people here fucking hate wogs and shitskins, and with good reason

Half the country shuns them, the other worships them, but would never admit it in public

Better than niggers and muslims, although that isn't too hard

They're seen as a curiosity mostly. Half of the people in neo-nazi movements are undercover FBI agents. We've had incidents before where undercover agents from different departments would accidently arrest each other.


Not seen well

The average person on the BBC news Facebook comment section doesn't represent the population
Most working class people do

dangerous idiots

You don't need them since you're homogeneous anyway

>Here, they are seen as total losers
that's changing and clearly you have the wrong friends

Not seen here.
Naziboos don't really exist, it's more like Vichysts and Charlemagne Division-boos . They are very rare and despised


Well they aren’t muslim... yet.

Germans in general are seen as fucking losers.

Aren't you like 99% white?

t. total loser

Who hurt you pal?