After he defeated Spassky in 1972, he went into seclusion and later turned into a raging Anti-semite. Why is this?
What happened to Bobby Fischer?
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Take note that Fischer was living in the Soviet Union and talking all of that shit about jews. Roles were reversed in the 1970s.
What do you mean the roles were reversed? Are you saying the Soviet Union = the jews? Then why was he effectively chased out of America?
he turned on america because they wanted to prosecute him for playing chess in yugoslavia in 1992.
he made anti-semitic remarks already in the mid to late 1960's. it just grew.
overdose of red pills
Sorry for being historically illiterate, but why was that a problem? Also surely if he was a national treasure at the time then surely they would have been more lenient towards him.
I'm saying the Soviet Union was started by kikes, but by the 1970s they were totally displaced in the power structure.
Be wary of Western capitalist propaganda trying to play on your anti-Semitism [which is valid and good and natural]. Capitalism is jewish and kiked out to max.
The Soviet Union in the 1970s was a much different place than the Soviet Union of the 1920s-1940s
the us had sanctions on yugoslavia so they sent a letter informing him that he couldnt play chess there. bobby didnt like that and spat on it during a press conference.
after that I think the the government really did want to fuck him over and probably why they illegally detained him in japan in 04.
OK but that doesn't explain why he switched sides, or rather America turned on him.
troof is antisemitic
>Why is this?
Because the Jew World Order had it out for him.
It's pretty odd considering he was pretty much ethnically a Jew himself.
He spilled the beans after he had first hand experience with them, so of course he had to flee and go into isolation. Jews aren't supposed to rat out their own.
fischers resentment towards jews most likely started during his aborted match against his main american rival the orthodox jew samuel reshevsky. this match was sponsored by the jewish couple gregor and jaqueline(born rotschild) piatigorsky who took reshevsky's side.
this is just speculation though.
He was mentally ill.
He took the redpill.
It does explain it. He was free to bash kikes in the Soviet Union with little to no social consequences. That wasn't the case in the United States where the entirety of the military, intelligence, banking, academic, and media apparatuses are in the hands of greasy kikes.
he was schizo and ethnically jewish fyi lol
I know
It's not odd at all.
Jews are patently the biggest and most staunch anti-kikes, see: uncle adolf.
if you want to see a true kike going against these zionist kikes, watch
Not surprising when his own mother was a communist whore of a kike
I don't buy that for a second
How can a Jew be an anti-semite.
He was just a self hating kike that was intelligent enough to see behind the curtains.
Then he snapped
How can a white person be an anti white?
he got red pilled after the jews fucked him over for playing a chess match in sanctioned hit Yugoslavia