Indiana here, I'm scared

What are we going to do about Minneapolis/St Paul, Detroit, and Chicago? Do we just force the people there to leave?

Who /mitten/ here?

sure thing brother

we need a SEXIT too

Confederacy and Midwest/Mountain Coalitions should unite to REMOVE LIBTARD COASTS. Or at least conquer them.

Basically Free States with most of the military and guns vs nogun liberals. Time to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Might as well, they're just a waste of space in our Midwexit.

Good riddance you fucking faggots, no one wanted Ohio anyways. "Pop"

And nothing of value will be lost.

Write a serious proposal.

THIS. we just need to remove commifornia and jew york and then america is saved anyway.

>have to take Chimpcago, Detroit, and St. Paul/Minneapolis with us

I'm not sure it's worth it.

I agree with this

Do we have to bring Michigan?

If Detroit and Flint didn't exist Michigan would be perfect


How exactly do you plan on surviving all by yourselves? You don't even have a sea port. Literally everyone will have you by the balls.

sex what?


Has a nice ring to it. I could see this taking off.

As a Hoosier...I would not want Minnesota, Wisconsin or Illinois in this treaty, with their Democrat run, nig-nog rigged, indebted states...and Michigan as a whole is borderline ghetto slums, and questionable. Fuck for that matter, Ohio is pretty dingy too.

As a Hoosier, I would look to opt out of this union as is would drag IN down.

Columbus here

Illinoisfag here, i agree with this and shitcongo seriously needs to go, if it was up to me i'd eject that shit directly to commiefornia, its literal cancer and it pisses everyone else in the state off.

first point of order: make illinois into a lake

all in favor say aye, all opposed can get shot fagget

Fuck you we're not going with Ohio

I am from Ohio and we say soda, to this day I have never heard anyone say Pop

Please. I would love if the US Balkanized. take western PA too.

>took a wrong turn exiting 8 mile
>run down houses everywhere
>i see a group of 4 blacks on the street
> reverse and nope the fuck out of there

wisconsin plz, if anyone needs to get collected and thrown in death camps, its you lot.

Cincinnati here

Look at all those flyover states.

butthurt nigger detected

go drink some flint water and choke to death

>drinking the carbonated jew


Good luck with your high murder rates Michigan fag

I'm down but can we expel the Somali niggers in MN when we leave?


maybe we should just all go independent. i could see GA, SC, TN and NC becoming one state

secretly best state ever, shhhhhhh don't tell anyone

NY here. Please let me leave this liberal shithole and join you guys.

I saw a pixie-cut chubby girl at wal mart today with a septum ring, Pokemon tattoos, and 1 inch gauges.

I can't do it anymore.

Best state reporting in.

Look at these fuckin dancing bunnies we have.

>inbred racist hicks actually think this would work
Remember 1770? You know, that whole civil war thing?

You southern fags already lost, you would just lose again.

Mein neiger.

There are two kinds of people in Illinois.
1. People who like Chicago
2. People not from Chicago

The rest of Illinois is conservative, don't worry.

>mid west tries to secede
>civil war
>they realize they have no means to fight
enjoy not being in the most relevant state (NY)

>Civil War

>civil war

I just noticed that, while most state flags are brainless gluings-on of heraldic crests on a one-color field, the Confederate states are all somewhat unique but somewhat relate.

Just high niggers.

The great lakes connect to the big wet thingy in the east.

You must be referring to the Boston Massacre. Yes, good point you raise.

I love it but I would jump at the chance to buy land in SC if I had the money.

Dublinfag here

I trimmed some cancer, do you all approve?
We can turn them into fenced in national parks or preferably deep ass lakes.

>not calling it pop
Nice try Ahmed.

Best state reportin

Ohio here, Please split us in two and let cincinatti have their own state, We can call it "Retardville" or "Coontown"

1770 civil war. huh and we're the dumb ones?

>muh victory by attrition
>outnumbered more than 3 to 1 and yanks still took 100,000 more deaths.

not that i was implying civil war anyway. Americans are much closer now. i'd prefer peaceful succession memes aside.

people used to identify more with their state than "america" up until the civil war ended. most of the original states have unique flags.

after some deep thoughts i have decided we should lake several areas

there was some talks about turning some run-down parts of detroit into big zombie theme park things

Come to Cincinnati and find out, I don't know any fags who call it pop


It's pretty much a part of KY now. At least until that decrepid Jennings Randolph bridge collapses.

>trims the Midwest most valuable asset.

Thanks for the free (You)s dumbasses :^)

you dont sound too enthusiastic about it

Middletown here, please take us with you.

ah, the great lake of Miperhurerio.

Chicagofag here. Would happily move out and let them do an Escape From NY thing to it, especially the south side.

pic related

Fine with me, just promise me you will do it quickly before people get a chance to flee and do damage to the good states.

You are a fucking liar
Turkey Hill literally has billboards that say POPFEST

yes but only by traveling through a series of locks and water ways that are controlled by NOT YOU

>implying Chicago isn't the capital of the midwest

Let me out of Nebraska, first.

>muh autism you's

have another retard. its a couple bits of text.

not to mention you just gave me one. soooo thanks?

Nah, it's good. We try not to brag about it too much so we don't get over crowded with hipsters and shit.


kek fuck off. Why would you want to deny yourself the glory of a Trump presidency?

NEXIT when?
(New England)

Idk, when I lived in the sticks, the white trash would say pop... I've always said soda and haven't heard anyone call it pop since I've lived in the city, which has been a long time. Pop is an old people/white trash thing.

Never been to turkey hill, been to Columbus though, live in Cincinnati.

I know, the farmer folks are very likable in IL, I lived in Lake Co./North Shore suburbs in IL and Chicagoans are quite full of thrmselves (and Italian Beef sandwiches).

I would welcome IL anyday before Minnesota or Wisconsin...they went for Lubio and Cruz in the primaries. Unforgivable.

Implying trump isn't a puppet for Hillary.

Just incase Hilary gets it. No harm in entertaining the idea.

What you do is what the men of south africa do.

Missouri here.


So far I have seen us pulled into a Texit, Midwexit, Norxit, Confederexit, and Bread-bexit and biblexit.


>No one visits their states
.>F-fine, we don't need you! Baka!

Yeah we need our own exit just for us and no one else. MIXIT when?


That means GTFO right this instant, with this shitty meme of putting "exit" behind everything.

Kay I'm in, but this is the map.

Fucking yanks thought they could run off with Abraham Lincoln and just continue using the Irish to pick cotton while those Brazilian slaves sat on their ass all day? I think not!

Ohio here.
I just moved back to my hometown after living in Maryland for a few years after I got out of the Army.

Based upon what I saw on the east coast I would support this.

Do they currently tax commerce to pay for the servicing of those locks and waterways?

Only if we can detach from everything north of Jefferson City. STL, KC, and Columbia can burn.

I'm tempted to find out where you live, walk up to your trailer, knock on your plywood, allow you to answer then lean in real close and whisper:
"It's pop you trailer trash..."
Then ever so casually walk way, swishing my hips and kekking as I hop in my car and drive back to the sane northern part of Ohio.

Springfield, MO here. Surrounded by MSU Bernouts. Voting REMAIN, as leaving would mean I don't get to live under Trump's presidency.

>/polack/ criticizing someone for being racist
nice meme

>No Colorado

Ohiofags, is there update on the Akron pooper?

>And nothing of value will be lost.
hello rebbit

>nope the fuck out of there
hello redd.it

>leaving Minneapolis intact