Be english

>be english
>around 30% of your language comes from a people you hate since a thousand years
>you still speak it to this day
can you be more cucked?

You could be speaking their language on an anime imageboard. On a Friday night.

Wtf I love France now

Your country could be known for forever surrendering.

>tfw normans ruined anglo civilization

You literally speak the language of the people you hate since a thousand years fluently.

didn't expect such quick retort

>e*glish is the lingua franca of the internet

Anglish when my fellow Britons

>people we hate
Stop this meme

>w-we're anglo-saxon masterace!!!
>are actually celto-germanic mutt


You can't fool me, Perfide Albion, I know who you are

b-but we don't hate the French :(

celto-germanic master race

just you
kys ouiaboo


Why are people on Sup Forums so fucking weird

As the French would say



Once more unto the breach!


what's wrong here?

What's your favourite french dialect?

My list:

Québécois French
Haitian Creole

The guy just said he didn't hate France he never said he was a ouiaboo, but you still flipped your lid.
It's like you can only ever have extreme opinions about anything on here.

>half gaul, half briton


you don't know the 'kys ouiaboos' guy?

>kys ouiaboos
>tfw successfully made myself a meme
as small my victory is, it is still a victory