Oh dear Scotland..
Oh dear Scotland
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Oh fuck.
Front page of the Mail on Sunday tomorrow. Scots confirmed for FOREVER KEKED.
Fucking cunts tried to screw us in the referendum, get cucked faggots
Like the Spanish would allow them entry to the EU even if they did leave the UK. Don't want the Catalans getting the wrong idea...
its anither lockerbie!
Hahahahah Scotland actually thought the EU cared about them, that they would help them! Hopefully know they realize the EU only wants to profit off of countries, and England is required for that
y tho
Because nein sounds too much like they're calling the EU nazis
underrated desu
Scottish people's opinions don't matter.
They are a childish, petulant people with a massive fucking chip on their shoulder. They fake folksiness when underneath they are really just snarky runts who are psychologically suspended in their teenage years.
A bunch of degenerates and druggies who think the queen is going to cut their benefits
>They fake folksiness when underneath they are really just snarky runts who are psychologically suspended in their teenage years.
Never a truer thing said. Look at /r/Scotland, where they're posting Braveheart memes.
>Thatcher/Reagan havin' a giggle
>Soon to be Farage/Trump
Hadrians wall when?
This is true.
Why couldn't I have been born English.
I wish you would cut my benefits.
Move to England senpai, it's not so bad. Honest.
Yea and they need more white people
And then I'm no better than a nigger or paki invading
Scots are genetically inferior. We are subhuman whites.
Walking around today. Neanderthals. Myself included.
>no free gibsmedat for the scots.
Good, keep leeching of england.
I'm Scottish and I feel I must say thank fucking christ
Haha porridge wogs btfo
>don't forget you're here forever
Me too
I hope you burgers get Trump and this can truly the begining of a great world.
Pls promise me. Don't let them put me back in the EU.
I wish all scots would just submit to you like me. Life would be simpler.
I could live and work without a care. With you safely guiding the future
If true then Scotland will die, haha.
To be Scottish and know your country is completely irrelevant to England, the only important country in the 'UK'.
It's almost as if people forgot overnight that the EU actually was a tyrannical government, and that it wasn't just memes.
I suspect they let UK leave because they don't want to deal with its shit any longer.
got a link? cant see the story on the mail site
It won't be up until the morning, I don't think. You can see it, and all the other front pages tomorrow, here though - suttonnick.tumblr.com
Scotland is very lefty and lefties here are getting physically upset (actually crying) about the departure from the EU. I don't really get why.
>With you safely guiding the future
Christ I wish that were true
Thank fuck.
I hope the fish lady called indyref2 soon, and it fails spectacularly. That'll be the end of this divisiveness.
Britain needs to pull together now more than ever.
Clearly that main story is more important here than their countries independence and future financial prosperity
crap, I wanted to see the UK fall apart completely.
How about this. The remainers on England move to cuckland and the leavers in cuckland leave to England. Everyone wins, right?
im scottish.
I've posted this with the smugest of smug cunt faces to The Face Books
Can't wait till my fellow porridgewogs awaken from their Tennent's lager induced slumbers to this one.
Fucking hell, chap!
>Scotland cannot cough up the shekels for a EU membership
It's from Warhammer, I assume the guy said it was from Adolf so he didn't look like such a neckbeard faggot
maybe now Scotland will realize they are utterly irrelevant on the world stage, and even in Europe, and that the only reason anyone cares about them is because they're part of the UK.
Independent Scotland is a 2nd world country.
>They are a childish, petulant people with a massive fucking chip on their shoulder.
It's not the people, it's the politicians.
We've got the same fraction of retarded protester youth you guys have.
English friends, do you ever get tired of cucking the Scots? It seems like a source of endless amusement, the sort of thing it's impossible to get bored of.
>Sturgeon right now
One's an exclusive, one isn't..
This is fucking brilliant.
As a Scot it's great to see the SNP be BTFO.
Same thing with cucking the whites, amigo
Is it wrong that I laughed?
Aye right, it's lit anaether Hadrians Wall!
But I've always trusted you England ;~;
The SNP are evil
BBBBuuuttt the EU commisars will treat us nicely! We will have power in their union!
As a Scot that voted leave but still wants independence i'm happy about this we'll get booted out in about 50 years anyway.
But I enjoy being cucked.
But only by The UK
I love seeing based English bros shooting down arrogant separatists
Continental Europe is basically just "France and others" in the minds of many bits
You are basically the only bit of Europe pretty much everyone in Britain likes
If they let Scotland join then other regions like Catalonia, Pais Vasco, Corsica etc etc. would declare independence and try to join.
Scotfags are too fucking dumb to realize it.
>a Scot that voted leave but still wants independence
Finally a Scottish nationalist I can respect
Are people like you rare in Scotland or is it a common thing to be pro independence and anti eu? I have never understood supposed Scot nats who want to join the EU after leaving the UK
The only logical outcome is a scottish independence referendum. Now the SNP have both nationalism, percieved betrayal by Westminister and Remain voters on side.
You think that's good news?
This, Spain will veto any attempt by Scotland to join the EU, Belgium most likely as well.
Would be more accurate though.
why do you think trump visited Scotland earlier this week, hes already making the plans
What? The SNP have lost their most important card for winning angry Remain voters, staying in the EU.
How is this a victory for them?
Probably pretty rare if i'm being honest. most nationalists probably voted remain in hope of another referendum but leaving the UK to join the EU is fucking retarded.
I voted leave but don't want independence
I just want to do whatever you want me to do
You mean like last referendum?
If Northern Ireland wanted to leave too couldn't Scotland also just link up with the Republic and end up joining the EU in a sort of reverse merger? Both NI and Scotland playing on Ireland's membership.
I voted no to independence as did the majority of Scottish people! yes to leave too, as did 1.1 million scots!
Don't label the whole country because 500,000 of us are cucks!
You must be a Scot, you got the accent right. Ye radge.
>Scotland would have to reapply for EU membership
But Scotland don't qualify for EU membership. Are Scottish politicians so retarded they don't even know what the requirements for EU membership are?
>I'm illiterate or retarded or both
>Leave UK
>Stop leaching off Britain
>Enter EU
>Leach off EU
Everyone's happy.
Don't speak like that Scotbro, you are welcome here. I, user, personally invite you to come and live on Angleland
I hope you guys remember 1 million of us voted for leave. We're not as bad as the media are making out, and less of us like Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP cronies than you may imagine.
They wouldn't
We know, we just want you to stop voting SNP and ruining the UK with your cuckoldry.
>source is the daily fail
Yeah scotland is leaving alright
Good. Scotland can fucking burn as far as I'm concerned apart from the based few leavers.
Scotland just can't stop getting BTFO.
Whatever happens with the EU I'm sure a lot of people in England think this was worth it alone.
This is true. The vast majority of Scottish people are like this. It's not as bad in the Highlands but most people from the Central Belt are complete arseholes.
t. Scot
Why is Scotland so afraid to get a job?
all the decent scots know the cunt is a shill anyway
>Nicola Sturgeon
>nae fuckin English cunt can tell me whit tae dae man, fuckin pricks man
Scotland has been told several times by the EU that its not recognized as a real country and will never be part of the EU alone.
SNP can bluster all they like but when it comes down to it they dont care about independence, they only want more UK tax money in their pocket to fund black hole schemes like free universities and hold onto power.
exactly scotland is broke, they get their moneyfrom us
wow, that's some terrible acting
and the lowest of the low? idiot doesn't know about niggers, mudbloods, kikes, gooks and spics?