What's next for Bernie Sanders?
Now that the dust has settled
A grave
Preventing Trump from getting his grubby hands on bernfags.
You mean allowing Trump.
You don't want Hillary, do you?
doing a drive by on Hillary with his black lives matter buddies
Came here to post this.
Better Shilldog than Trump. At the very least with Trump's defeat all the trumpfags will get laughed out of here and return to reddit.
the sweet embrace of death.
I'd like to imagine he drives away into the sunset in a Lamborghini he purchased with his donators money, whispering "no refunds".
correct many records today shill?
>better Obama 2.0 (Shillary) than Trump
shill detected
Keeping getting donations from broke college kids by reminding them it sucks that they're in debt and have no money
>Better Shilldog than Trump
Wow, the shills are adapting.
Back to being an irrelevant cuck who gets nothing accomplished.
Bernie Sanders is such a fuggin traitor to his voters
"I'll be voting for Hillary"
"We've got to get the Wall Street money out of politics"
literally traitor tier
>Hillary better than any candidate
My nigga I would rather call in Vinny Testaverde to be president than have Hillary as POTUS.
When trumpfags stop posting threads on Sup Forums 24/7 praising Trump as their god then, and only then, will their claims of shilling be taken remotely seriously.
He parties his old ass off because he did the Democratic Parties bidding flawlessly.
He got Hillary millions in donations and tons of young voters. The DNC played Berniefags like a fucking fiddle and the best part is they don't even realize it
Well, now that he has been thoroughly humiliated, his ideals rubbed in shit and stomped into pieces, his supporters impoverished and disillusioned, and his dreams smashed, now that he has been forced to endorse the woman who destroyed him, I think Sanders will probably die shivering and alone in a retirement home, childless, with no legacy. The nurses will steal the care packages people send to him, and one, who donated to him and now hates him, will regularly beat him with a ruler and hurt him as he cries and shudders in his bed.
He will die not only miserable and alone, demented, ruined, but also utterly aware that he has not succeeded at one single thing his entire life. He will die exactly as he lived: Sniveling and begging for help from others.
Good try, shill.
>Better Shilldog than Trump.
What the fuck are you saying?
Trump is a wildcard and a blowhard, but we KNOW what we'll get with hillary; 4 more years of Obama policies, 4 more years to open the borders and let all of the illegals stay, 4 more years to try to nullify the 2nd amendment (she has previously said that confiscation of guns is her goal), 4 years to make SJWs and nufeminists happy.
gr8 b8 m8
I almost got rustled
secretary of labor
*head of the ministry of labor
Death by old age most likely
>the dust has settled