YFW the Jews and Sikhs saved Britain from remaining in the European Union

>YFW the Jews and Sikhs saved Britain from remaining in the European Union

Praise kek

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So, is it anti-semitic to support Remain?


>White vote 53-47 Leave, Asian vote Remain (33-67) but 1/3 for Leave, black vote 27-73 Remain in


anything labour supports is anti-semitic. It's basically a muslim party now.

Now post the gender difference.

Is that Jewish religion or Jewish ethnicity they polled?

I have no issue with actual religious jews, they typically seem fairly decent.
It's the leftist ones that are full marxist indoctrination that piss me off.

I assume most atheist Jews still put Jewish as their religion.

Aren't most Jews atheist now? A lot of them don't even circumcise anymore.

>intelligent people vote to leave
Really makes you think