How will Trump fix this?


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Why is the white birth rate dropping?

*doesn't count anyone who's spanish, portuguese or latin american
Ted Cruz and his two kids aren't counted as white, not even Toby McGuire.
But progressive media likes to say "white America is over lol you lose we win" without losing credibility.

white guilt

Cause we're not sex craved monkeys.

He'll deport a bunch of these babies, right?

by deporting Pedro and his 15 children

I doubt it is, you retards just import several orders of magnitude too many niggers per year

because we're fucking broke

>massive tax cuts for the working poor

i think trump has fixed this

More white babies will survive into adulthood.

he can't he can only try to cancel the anchor baby amendment and begin to deport the illegal shitskins but he can't strip niggers of their citizenship

eliminate welfare.

> whites are a majority

Nice meme

What if he does what the left does to the 2nd, and installs a bunch of SCOTUS justices who don't believe in the 15th?

>Dad tried reviving baby left in hot car by putting her in fridge

Taxes, crushing immigration killing us.

I'm sure a large percentage of them are anchor babies.

>Forced deportation
>End birthright citizenship

That and bringing back jobs as well not spending oodles of money on foreign conflicts will help the American economy improve enough for white people to feel more comfortable having babies. If individual cities work harder to gentrify their urban areas, that may help, as well.

Then there's what may be the easiest solution.

Because smart people dont breed like rats. Honestly black population isnt growing at all and hasnt for a little white, in fact its projected to decrease a little bit over the next decade.

You mean children 6 yo and younger
They'll be in high school in a decade

Abortions, correct?

Blacks don't even have a high birth rate in the US. Whites just don't have much of an identify anymore.

lol I was expecting an elusive black dad

*Because non-religious people don't breed like rats

Fixed it for ya

I'm sorry but this is far more interesting.

Because white people want to live a life where they can feel proud of what they have.

Seriously, if we could afford families with a sense of decency the white birth rate wouldn't be so fucking low around the planet.

because shitskins fuck repeatedly, and continue to have children regardless of their financial well-being or health. They breed like rats, and they treat their children like disposable rats.

Kick out the anchor babies with their parents.

Holy shit that crashing hispanic birth rate. Maybe its not a White problem, its a living in the West problem. Thats crazy.

Trump is gonna have so many babies, you're not even gonna believe it. Every white woman of reproductive age will be brought to the White House and leave with a bun in the oven bearing the Trump seal of excellence.

No fucking shit. NeoWestern Civ destroys culture and history for all races by pandering to base instincts and preying on insecurities.

because smart people wait until they have enough resources to raise children to actually have them, and that's really fucking hard for most people right now

i can get behind this, just not too much because we don't need incest happening


I'm unattractive.

The hardest thing to understand about a Majority-Minority America is that it'll be highly uneven. Overcrowding in the Mexican-American border is killing birth rates due to lack of economic opportunities. Furthermore, there isn't really an opportunity for Mexicans to emigrate to other parts of the nation (Ohio?? Montana??) because the economy is dead.

Democrats are effectively subsidizing the De-Americanization of the American West. But it's only a matter time before educated Yankees begin to figure this out.

Meanwhile, nobody complains about Asians in America, despite them being the fastest growing demographic. Intermarriage is high, their usage of welfare is low, and assimilation is happening at a relatively normal pace.

Liberals sold us a utopian lie.

Whites don't breed out of control like bacteria because they have common sense.

Damn, so many replies filled with pure coping mechanisms and blaming other people, until we finally stumble upon the truth. Really makes you think.

Did you not fucking know this? First and Second gen immigrants tend to have a fuckton of kids because they came from a place where "have lots of kids so some probably survive" is still a legit tactic. After a few generations of kids growing up in the west they slow down to normal western birthrates, since most people survive into adulthood by default here.

i wonder what kind of future white people will have if leftist scum keeps on betraying their own kind and shitskins keep on breeding like a virus.
You can already see what happend in south africa, whites live in closed of zones so they dont have to worry about not waking up every time they go to sleep.

seriously wtf, i used to believe pic related but that time is past.

whites are usually cucks, but hey, at least you can use the "minority card"

>let's go back to Nazism

>these are the same people calling Obama a dictator for the last 8 years

You've never been in the south.

You'd be surprised about what could be done.

But it's not the niggers breeding like rats anymore - it's the Mexicans. And we sure as shit can deport those!

EZ. Have an immigration policy similar to the 1924 one.
The "hur dur out breed them!" is a meme.

“When it comes to immigration, you know that the 11 million illegals, even if given the right to vote, you know, you're going to have to do what's right, but the fact is 11 million people will be voting Democratic,” Trump said.

“You have to be very, very careful, because you could say that to a certain extent the odds aren’t looking so great for Republicans, that you are on a suicide mission,” he added. “You are just not going to get those votes.”

Trump then advocated for opening the borders to European immigrants, who he described as “tremendous” and “hard-working people.”

Nobody here said anything remotely close to that.

>Nobody here said anything remotely close to that.


Working women destroy the one paycheck family and stay at home wife so institutions raise kids now.

cut gubs to less than what canada gives by a lot.
problem solves itself.

build northern wall, become wall based economy.

>people with birthrates going up
Heavily subsidized direct aid welfare / free school lunches and busing / free healthcare / free college / EBT / free / free / free
>people with birthrates going down
People that have to take care of their children out of pocket.

Theres a thread going on right now about how Obama is ignoring a supreme court verdict.
They're calling him one at this moment.

You know what I haven't heard since that ruling? "Hurr durr legislating from the bench." At the very least liberals understand what the Supreme Court's job is and don't get pissy with them for doign it.

Niggers aren't the problem. Over the next 50 years, the nigger population in the US is BARELY expected to increase by 1%. The real cause of all these nonwhite babies: SPICS

SPICS are the enemies. They're the ones we need to fight. Niggers are killing themselves in record numbers both from crime and abortion.

Being anti-abortion is anti-white, but that's a different matter.

SPICS are the issue, and the sooner Sup Forums gets their heads out of their collective asses and realizes this, the better.


trips of truth. we are going to fucking hand the u.s to Mexico with them breeding us out.

By releasing a virus that kills all black people or people with neanderthal dna.

Because white men act like pussies and only complain on the Internet while immigrantes do whatever the fuck they want.

but all whites have neanderthal dna

majority of the only countries that matter

potatoes are immune

Wasn't there this one king in the bible?

This. Only Africans have 0 % Neanderthal DNA.

t. Finn with blond hair, blue eyes and Neanderthal thal skull bump. Neanderthal pride!

Did it work?

the internet