With the current political climate, do you think having a beard is degenerate? It seems like only leftist hipsters and radical religious fanatics have them.
Is it time to shave Sup Forums ?
With the current political climate, do you think having a beard is degenerate? It seems like only leftist hipsters and radical religious fanatics have them.
Is it time to shave Sup Forums ?
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Appearance is important to give others a sense of your personal discipline and self respect.
Too far in the direction of not caring about your appearance can make you a social pariah.
Too far in the other direction makes you a nice piece of furnitire.
>beards make you a hipster
No, being a hipster makes you a hipster.
Traits associated with certain groups can be done right and wrong. Some people can make a tablecloth look good. It's all relative.
>letting people you don't like dictate what you do purely for the sake of being contrarian
What if I told you you were the degenerate?
A proper Canadian man must wear a beard. If you cannot grow a beard you should forfeit your Canadian citizenship and move to Middle East or Germany
Yes, manchildren use bears as a shortcut to masculinity. A beard in our current sociopolitical climate says "please recognize that I am still a man even though I behave like a petty little girl".
Weak men also use beards to hide their weak jawline
I have a braided goatee, I look like a pirate XD
I am morbidly obese and I agree with this.
I have a beard because it looks better than a double chin, and is easier than going to the gym.
in the event of chemical or biological attack only the smooth faces with gas masks can survive. thats why our military shaves. not to look pretty, but so that the sweat and clean shaven face form a proper seal against the rubber. facial hair in a chem/bio attk = dead. only the intelligently strong will survive.
The reality: anybody who lets fashions dictate how they should look is a faggot (or a woman).
If you want a beard have one. If you don't don't. Only by making your own decisions in your life do you become a man.
>A proper Canadian man must wear a beard. If you cannot grow a beard you should forfeit your Canadian citizenship and move to Middle East or Germany
Wrong. Again, trying to fit some mould of "proper man" means you are a faggot, period.
If you want to grow one then grow one. If you don't then don't. Growing a beard because you think that will make you a man is the most pathetic thing I ever heard. That's what all these leftists hipsters do to make up for their lack of real testicles, and it's fucking pathetic.
You think having a beard hides your disgusting face but in reality you still look like a fat fuck
Why do people like having a man pussy on their face?
Not EVERYONE who has a beard is weak. My mate is 6'5", goes to the gym, is built like a brick shithouse, and has a beard.
But yes you are right, some men (in fact many men) grow beards for that very reason. And when I say men I mean faggots.
Facial hair only caught on in the last few years because a generation came of age in times of economic hardship....and razors are expensive.
> a neckbeard is better than going to gym
> wahh wahh why don't 8/10 stacys notice me
>Is it time to shave?
Absolutely. Men today only grow beards in an attempt to sell their "masculinity" despite the fact that easily 3/4s of them have no clue what it's like to be "a real man".
Or this
>Buy an electric one and a trimmer; it's a costly initial investment, but pays off in the long run.
beady anglo eyes
Lumberjack beards are for Marxists and liberals.
If you want to piss off liberals with facial hair, get a Jefferson goatee.
Every time I see anyone with a long beard, I immediately assume they love sucking cocks.
> hardship
Kill yourself
I don't grow a beard because..
1. I'm not a hipster
2. I'm not a Muslim
3. I'm not ashamed of my Ayran jawline
You sound like a faggot for caring about what SJW /hipster niggers do.
Small eyes are masculine.
shaving isn't natural and is a homosexual fashion statement. But go ahead and try to look like a prepubescent or a woman. I don't give a fuck.
Beards have absolutely nothing to do with political allignment.
Based britian. Fuck since you got freedom you guys have been on point.
Beards are a personal characteristic. It's observed poorly by the mainstream but some people love them. I feel like we should not have to shave completely for work, but if the Sup Forumsbots had their way like OP we'd be trapped in a concrete wasteland of grinding gears and numbness.
Doesn't the bible say it's a sin to cut your beard?
Can't grow one, lad?
That's sad. Maybe try gluing your boyfriend's pubes to your face
Beards are degnerate, yes.
I only take an electric razor to my face every couple months. Just don't like shaving at all.
Found the nu-male
Electric razors I guess aren't a recurring cost, but I would still rather shave with a manual razor. Fucking hate electric ones 2bh.
found a woman.
I'm not the biggest fan of them either. But my Phillips has saved me more money than I would have with Gillette replacements.
I was thinking about joining Harry's shave club because the deals aren't so bad. But I'm half-Chink, so I don't need to shave that often in the first place.
I can actually. But I'm going to shave in a minute because, like I said, I don't feel the need to grow one to prove my masculinity.
K..Karl Pilkington...is that you?
Fair enough. I used to use an electric razor but realised I would rather spend the money on having a nice shave.
I just buy whatever 3-blade disposable razors are on sale to be honest. They're usually only £2 - £3 for 4 of them. And that lasts me a while because I only shave every few days, and I reuse each one a few times. Pic related are what I usually buy.
>not shaving with a double edge, straight razor, or other similar device
you're all a bunch of idiots.
Are disposable razors worth it? If the quality of shave is just as good, I'd consider switching to them.
>Asking other men for approval and fashion advice
This is why masculinity is dead.
rat eyes detected
You can't grow a beard.
If that picture is an indicator of anything is that you need to start lifting and eating because you look fragile
If you don't know how to change a tire you should shave, otherwise keep your majestic man muff.
This Obama voter knows what's good.
Straight razor shaves are next level amazing
Moustache or shaved is Sup Forums approved
Beards are the last bastion of manhood left in this world.
Change a tire or a wheel?
We can all stop posting on this thread now.
In the case of a nuclean attack only turk roaches will survive.
I choose to not be a turk roach because that's not likely going to happen and I don't want to look like a turk roach for the off chance.
Not all bearded people have weak jaws, but if they have weak jaws there is likely a beard.
Apparently you feel the need to shave to prove something else.
Shave or don't shave but when you start making it about what other people think, you start to wander into the realm of famale psychology.
If you don't know how to change your timing-belt and repair your own car, you should shave your gay little beard and put on a diaper, you man-baby.
If your chin looks anything close to pic related you should keep it, if not then yes shave it.
You faggots can shave all you want. Real men have facial hair.
So what makes a jaw strong? Is it just being pronounced and defined?
Depends on the beard. I'm a veteranfag working security. My company will let me go a week without shaving at most. I don't want it longer than that anyway. I have a comb over haircut too. Looks weird with a beard though.
i would but i don't have a lift and my timing belt requires engine removal
I grow a beard because I don't want to shave every day.
It's like the hair, I got long hair because I'm not going to pay 20$ every 2 weeks to get my hair done.
You have to be the king of the beta to care about what people think anyway.
>posts hipster who shills for Shillary
who you calling a cuck?
Mostly genetics the other guy can't fix that chin, but the leaner you are the more defined your jaw will be
Eh, fair enough, if I needed a lift I might find it impossible to do my belt too. Looking forward to patch-welding my exhaust some time later this summer.
You have terrible beard growth.
that pencil neck should be sent into flood zones to dry vaginas out.