You are actually claiming that its hard to believe the halacaust happened despite the nazi party's top ranking members...

You are actually claiming that its hard to believe the halacaust happened despite the nazi party's top ranking members constantly speakking about jews and the need to liquidate them(there are even voice recordings of them and journal entries speaking directly about extermination of all jews).
On top of that, faking the halacaust would be the most grant project in the history of mankind. Hudreds of thousands of incriminating documents, not a single nazi who claimed its all a hoax, tons of eye witnesses; nazi, jewish and of many other nationalities.

Just admit it, you have some need to deny the halacaust and believe in jewish conspiracies to sustain your identities!
Exactly like Hitler saying that if jews didnt exist he would have to invent them.

Other urls found in this thread: jewish population


Just produce a book of facts.

There is no evidence.

It never happened.

I don't speak for Sup Forums, nor should you treat Sup Forums as one person.

Normally this defines you as a troll.

However, the majority of people I've spoken with here believe that the holocaust happened, but not to the extent that history details.

The jerk off machines, roller coaster crematoriums, and multiple jews stating they lied about their experiences in ww2, along with the logistical leap of having to provide enough fuel to burn all the bodies while fighting a 2 front war makes it seem illogical.

Then, coming from a place of "internment camps" it's a logical step to say that when supply lines were being disrupted towards the end of the war, resources would be used to provide for the war effort, and not used to care for prisoners.

I would suggest typhus, and similar diseases are to blame for the majority of deaths near the end of the war, considering that they kill more soldiers and prisoners alike historically during wars.

Or, you know, 6 million.



Congrats son. You got baited.

Jews just lie and lie.

JEW ON Sup Forums


Proof of absolutely nothing.

i find it hard to believe 6 Million jews were killed at a rate of roughly 2500 per day

i find it hard to believe that, despite those numbers, there lacked evidence such as bones, ash etc after the war.

I find it hard to believe that it happened to such extent because you basically imply that the germans eradicated 6million jews. that wouldve been the size (actually larger) of greece at the time. I dont even think nor believe there were that many jews in Germany and neighboring countries

i find it hard to believe because youve used the media in the past to create a guilty concious in the minds of the goy. it was first "muh 6 million" then it was "muh civil rights" and then "muh womens rights" and now finally its "muh refugee rights" and "black lives matter" all controlled by jews. All funded and, more importantly, profited off of by jews.

I find it hard to believe it happened to the extent you say because if you really cared about "muh 6 Million" you would care about whats happening to the Armenians..

I find it hard to believe it happened to the extent in which you propose because Soros and his cronies crushed the value of the pound.

I find it hard to believe because Jews control the mass media, and ***tried*** but failed to push Bremain through, but thank god the british people said enough is enough.

Now you tell me,after all the lies youve already commited, do you really think people would believe that 6 million JEWS (not people, JEWS aka the chosen) died?

Heres what i think couldve went down. around 9 Million in total were sent to camps. This is not exclusive to jews. Around 2 million jews were killed, and the rest were homo, muslim (shitskin) , and just people who belonged in jail.

You took a really sad tragedy and turned it into an advantage. You have Israel, after doing absolutly nothing to deserve it, and on top of that you literally forced the natives out of their homes and shit on them on a daily basis.

Even I feel bad for the shitskins.

>Hudreds of thousands of incriminating documents

Source? Didn't think so, There is plenty of evidence that he wanted to deport all jews to Palestine or Madagascar, but we'll just ignore all that.

This piture is enough to make one believe the halacaust since if a senior official member with full suport of the authorities can do this it is a statment of the goals and thinking of the regime.

There you go.

Also, they actually started killing people towards the end of the war. the 2500 meme number isnt real. thats over 6 years. they started killing them after they ran out of food after the russians and the allies bombed the rails.

2500? my guess was the last 2 years of the war were the worst.

leaving a million deaths out of my math for at least a more reasonable number to use

5million deaths in the last 2 years.
5M/730 = 6850.

Wait a second, at least maybe they had sundays off right?

5M/626 = 7989 Per day.

Keep in mind, i took off 1 Million as an estimate of how many died in the first 4 years of the war.

so.... where did 6Mil come from??? it makes so little sense to me. its almost... Incredible, in every definition of the word.

Site can't be reached.

I'm not sure if that was an ironic argument or not.

I think one or two jews might have tripped over and one got a skinned knee but other than that they were fine

>The Holocaust in 10 seconds

>The Holocaust in 20 seconds

>Jewish survivors describe life in Auschwitz

>The last days of the big lie: Spielberg’s hoax



>Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor


So what? If thete were no jews there would be an everlasting peace on earth

Just die kikes


Thread died.

Heinrich Himmler speaks of the extermination of the Jews:

Joseph Goebbels' Diaries:
Excerpts, 1942-43

Testimony of Oskar Groening:

In 1946 the British government set up an inquiry with the specific intent of discrediting Jewish immigration to Palestine and downplaying the Holocaust. It was headed by centre-right, non-Jewish, senior judges, civil servants and diplomats from America and the UK.

Its reluctant findings estimated the number of Jewish victims from the Holocaust at 5.7 million...

Total Number Jews Killed - 5,721,500

This source refutes the claim that is made by some Holocaust deniers that Red Cross documents support them.

accounts of those who lived in the town which regularly saw the trains along with brutal occurrances.

The Wanssee protocol - a discussion between high ranking Nazi officials on "the Jewish question".

NO NAZI. Ever. Ever. Was a Holocaust denier.
From 1945 onwards, thousands of Nazis were captured and hundreds tried for their part in the Holocaust and other crimes against humanity.
Even men on trial for their lives, in the full knowledge they would be hanged if convicted, never stood up in the courtroom and shouted "This is all a lie! This is a fabrication! There were no gas chambers and no crematoria! I'M BEING FRAMED!!!!"

>There you go
>Posts broken link

Sounds about right for the holohoax


Modern crematory ovens are not built to cremate as much people as possible as fast as possible.
Modern cremation chambers are built to specific minimal scales nessecary for what theyare meant for, cremating a slow tic of dead people.
If a modenr country wanted to it could create massive cremation chambers and a whole apparatus that would allow it to cremate an unspeakable amount of people at an unspeakable pace.

Indeed. The math is simple. And math doesn't lie.


>Unfortunately, we are not able to provide you with the figures
you are seeking, since the ICRC has never tried to compile
statistics on the victims of the war and has never certified
the accuracy of the statistics produced by a third party
>Hey we haven't looked in to it ourselves but of course it false, here have an anecdote.

Sounds credible, really undeniable evidence

We all went to school and learnt about your lies JIDF. Just give up. No one believes in your hoax anymore.

""""""""""Heinrich"""""""""" """"""""""Himmler"""""""""" speaks of the extermination of the Jews:

Actual voice of Heinrich Himmler

It never happened but it should have :^)



Even nazi counts of jews amounted to about 11 million in all of Europe. on soviet territory alone there were about 5.

All the numbers check out. There was minimal immigration out of Europe as there were severe quotas on jewish immigration or they were simply not allowed entry.

>NO NAZI. Ever. Ever. Was a Holocaust denier.
No nazi that the jews ever got their hands on and put on show trial in a country where holocaust denial is unironically illegal.

You have probably heard people say, if the holocaust didn't happen, where did all the jews of Europe go. The simple answer is: they emigrated after 2,000 years of persecution for whatever reason, because for the first time in history they could, either to America or Israel.

You can compare the number of jews in America and Asia in 1939 with the number of jews in Asia and America today.

North America 1939: 4,383,643
USA 2014: 10,000,000

Asia 1939: 582,509
Israel 2014: 6,451,000

>World Almanac says no population drop during the war.

>Jewish census showing 6 million discrepancy - one number for the media and you, one number for reality.

The Third of the Holocaust documentary discusses this in more detail from primary sources at 4:04:41.

Holohoax affirmers will tell you that the World Almanac revised their figures after the holocaust.

Here is the original World Almanac showing no population drop.

>World Almanac says no population drop during the war.

But yes, the numbers were revised. Let's examine how. They explain here in this jewish source.

NB how in 1949 the World Almanac mysteriously revised its post-war figure to 11 million (they don't explain how). However, this still didn't fit their story of 6 million, so they also had to mysteriously revise their pre-war figure by 1 million too (they don't explain how).

1948 actual: 15,753,638
1949 revised: 11,266,600
1938 actual: 15,748,091
1939 revised: 16,643,120


Look at who was making these revisions. It wasn't the World Almanac on its own. There was another organisation called the American Jewish Committee working with them, producing a different set of data.

If true, it would mean that despite all the chaos of post-WWII Europe, some random agency in America was able to take more accurate censuses of pre- and post-war Europe than the World Almanac could at the time in question.

It would also mean that, despite all the chaos of pre-WWII Europe, during 1 year the jewish population mysteriously EXPLODED by 895,029 or 5.7%, or 285% faster than the world population growth rate at this time of around 2%.

The Nizkor source itself explains that the numbers weren't revised because of a new census.


No, merely to fit retroactively the mystical number of 6 million, as stated in the letter at the bottom of the source.


What authorities? By what means? Not the World Almanac, that is certain. The AJC just lied.

It is all a lie. Please learn to live with that historical fact.

look, i get it. youve been indoctrinated with the belief that your version of events is absolutely right. for many years I thought the same too..

But as I got older, I started looking more into the facts and tried understanding the magnitude of the situation. It just simply does not make sense..

But again, its not your fault youve been indoctrinated with these lies... youve probably ben told the same story by your grandfather and your father and basically your entire family..

its like haunaccah.. that never happened either. yall got shit on at the end of it.

>accounts of those who lived in the town which regularly saw the trains along with brutal occurrances

>unironically using witness accounts

Do you really want to open that can of worms?

>Never forget the Rollocaust

It's almost as if you're ignoring the Haaretz agreement, which foreign powers (allies) effectively denied.

Then, they used it as a guideline to resettle the jews in Israel.

The winners rewrite history, I don't deny it happened, I deny the extent to which most claim it happened.

>It's a Jew's first week on Sup Forums episode


nice try schlomo, but no dice

lmao if you aren't a troll behind a proxy and actually think you can make people believe this shit

oye vey


Based israeli. You just saved yourself from the oven.

More commentaries on population statistics. This time, how they are lying to you about the jewish population today.

First of all, we have this. Yes, it is a wikipedia page for summary, but I'm about to source it fully below.

>Jewish census showing 6 million discrepancy - one number for the media and you, one number for reality.

The world jewish population is officially 14.2 million, slightly less than in 1939. If you do a google search, you will find a big wikipedia inset at the top of the search results stating this in big bold font for your convenience. jewish population

These population statistics find their way into the media in articles such as this.


However, as you will have noticed on the wikipedia page, there are two figures with almost exactly 6,000,000 discrepancy.

Core Jewish Population: 14,212,800
Enlarged Jewish Population: 20,109,400

The source of this data is here, buried on page 88.

So there must be some reasonable explanation for why the numbers have to be separate like this, right? Maybe we're just misunderstanding the statistics if we call it a discrepancy.

Here, at the Institute for Jewish Policy Research, they explain the difference.

>The “enlarged” Jewish population includes the sum of (a) the “core” Jewish population; (b) all other people of Jewish parentage who, by “core” Jewish population criteria, are not currently Jewish (e.g. they have adopted another religion or otherwise opted out); and (c) all respective non-Jewish household members (spouses, children, etc.)
>all other people of Jewish parentage

Why are these people not included in the core figure? They would certainly have been considered jews by the nazis.

It's because they are lying about the statistics to cover up the holohoax lie.

Think about it like this. Take a look at this video of a panorama of LA. Now try to get your head around how many people are there, about 3 million. Then multiply LA by two. Now you have the number of people who we are supposed to believe were murdered mainly over two years in 6 camps. And then, in the chaos at the end of the war, the nazis managed to hide all trace of their bodies and any documents pertaining to the organisation of all this. And also the infrastructure used to do this. Because what survives today is not sufficient for the task. And people still believe this in 2015.


>Never forget the Rollocaust



kek, at least you know..

can you help us out

holy cow. this is like kek magic only people actually believe this and die for this.

not saying i wouldnt die for kek, but stil

Nah I'm not touching this shit with a 10 foot pole
I chose naturality a while ago and will keep it until we have a fair public debate both in europe and the states

Fuck neutrality.

Israel has earned it's status as a nation by fighting off its neighbors in multiple wars, and winning decisively.

The threat isn't from 60 years ago, it surrounds you on all sides.

This is why I respect Israel, and still deny most aspects of the holocaust.

You need to apologize for attacking the Liberty though, faggot, then kick out the orthodox leeches and reign in the extremely leftist diaspora.

Here's a question for you. 6 million Jews were supposedly exterminated in the holocaust right? I've never seen an image of a Jew with a number tattoo that is over the 100k mark. Please explain?

Bombing it won't work, that hard reset only works for the Germans.

I don't care about it, even if it was six million it's nothing compared to other massacres, and it's still not a reason to bitch and whine for the next 70 years. So I'm neutral towards it like I'm neutral towards football game results - idgaf
And yeah I agree on your other points, fuck the diaspora, fuck the orthodox. And sorry about liberty it was uncalled for

It's ok greatest ally.

We still have your back.

I'm glad we both agree that the holocaust is largely irrelevant in today's society.

The real threat is in the here and now.

Yeah, true that

>the holocaust is largely irrelevant
It's what props up ww2 history and ties the narrative together that the Germans were evil and we were good, when the opposite is true.

Relevance forced for political influence is not real relevance, it's manufactured

Gotta believe in the lolacaust

You goys have to start studying those books we gave you in school, or you'll never have a future in this globalist world!!!

The effect is the same, and what they do with it beyond the one single myth is immensely important.

Most people would find that Israel's right to the land is based upon 6 million of them dying. If such a thing were largely twisted then opinions on an unfathomable amount of things is drastically changed with the knowledge that the 'good guys' had kept up such an immense lie.

People might see National Socialism objectively and understand the huge amount of myths surrounding it.


>6 million
>written years before the happening
The Jews invented meme magic




oh it happened , just not the way they say.