Why are libcucks always trying to tread on me?

Why are libcucks always trying to tread on me?

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this is now a Gadsden flag general

Well worth the read.

fuck yea nigga



anyone got the one that goes like "i specifically requested the opposite of this"

ive been searching for too long

awww yeaaaa

hi quality

got you bro

probably my favorite


t.terrorism snek


fucking hilarious


My OC, I think it's been reused many times.

as a non-ironic ancap i can say this image is gold

Someone post the Monster Musume one




No John

You ARE the libcucks


fucking senders

>non-ironic ancap

you mean a feudalist?



>posting pictures of snakes with yellow backgrounds
>making an argument
pick one or none





>all these plebs will never know this feel

Rare national pride, coming through!

good luck enforcing that.

Never understood this. When the statist comes for you the libertarian response isn't shouting NAP at them, it's putting a god damn hole in their head



lol people don't hate ancaps because they're violent and dangerous, they literally hate them because they refuse to be violent and dangerous

chimps will literally despise you if you refuse to participate in their chimp shit even to beat them down, that is how dumb they are

What flag is that on the tank? What new meme ideology is this?

>I'm going to strawman libertarians and then psycho-analyze them

Wow guess I'm a statist now

like the average anti-ancap would rather be enslaved by a retarded jungle nigger than deal with a guy who believes in abstract principles and wants to talk about them

lmao imagine being so afraid of lookin like a nerd that you decided to be a person who was okay with stalinism

Why does every libertarian just assume they will win every fight?

Do they think life is like their animes where one guy with a katana can beat up 60 with machine guns?


It's the flag of the guy who doesn't give a fuck about your principles and will just kill you to get what he wants

You: one gun, maybe lots of ammo, charisma of wallpaper

Statists: a mob, lots of guns, lots of ammo, leaders and possibly tactics.

Hmm... I'm starting to understand why libertarianism is such a cuck philosophy.

When it comes to the right wing, you'll find that people with marketable skills tend to be libertarian to some degree, perhaps paleocon minus the religious aspects.

Those without marketable skills tend to be nat-soc, because they think that the 140 IQ engineer should be scrubbing toilets alongside the 90 IQ retard.

>the heroin needle practically fell out of my arm

stirner never killed anything except a 40 oz

>muh FBI muh tanks
u cant even take down a bunch of mexican weed farmers and literal goatfucc havers

support our troop's lol

Yeah because nobody has ever fought successfully against multiple people or a government before.

Fucking bootlickers man I swear

Failures from the federal government stem from our bipartisan cucked elected officials, not so much from the agencies themselves.

I am confident that the Border Patrol, under Trump, will do what needs to be done.

>I'm a libertarian because I believe in high IQs
>also we need to let in millions of Niggers, Arabs and Mestizos because muh god of globalism

And yet if the government collapsed you'd see people taking whatever they wanted

And? States have already proved to be far more powerful again and again for thousands of years than isolated nobodies living in the wilderness.

While you're shooting the paperboy for intruding on your property, Chad is winning elections and fucking bitches.

do u not know that the DEA is in bed with the cartels ?

You put words in my mouth, nice strawman though

An cap /=/ libertarian, anyway nice story.

Libertarianism is for people who weren't edgy enough to be anarchists.


Read about Freeway Ricky Ross & the Contras

pic related is a good place to start

I've heard this many times, but it barelly makes sense.

What if the statists have a tank? I don't think everyone will own anti-tank weaponry, and tanks won't magically disapear

What about jets? and what about a whole army? what about tactical strike teams? do you think everyone will be able to fend off against all there threats? because if you do, you're fucking retarded

I'm not opposed to disbanding the DEA itself; I know they are notoriously dirty.

Those resources can go to the Border Patrol, which needs to be bolstered. Secret Service should go back to the Treasury. The FBI should become an elite unit once again.

We've got big problems coming down the pike and it's going to take a strong central government to deal with them.

>Those without marketable skills tend to be nat-soc, because they think that the 140 IQ engineer should be scrubbing toilets alongside the 90 IQ retard.
That's not even remotely close to national socialism or fascism though, you're basically just making shit up as you go


Where is the brittish one with the knife at?

libertarianism can only work in a homogenious society with extremely low diversity
they all have to voluntarily agree to one leader who will command the army to destroy any group who doesn't agree with the NAP.

pic related.

I agree but if you have nothing to defend yourself, you are in a worse situation than the libertarians. You aren't even trying.

>libertarianism can only work in a homogenious society with extremely low diversity

This. I actually tend to think most systems work in small, homogeneous communities.






>On reasoning and emotions: Libertarians have the most “masculine” style, liberals the most “feminine.” We used Simon Baron-Cohen’s measures of “empathizing” (on which women tend to score higher) and “systemizing”, which refers to “the drive to analyze the variables in a system, and to derive the underlying rules that govern the behavior of the system.” Men tend to score higher on this variable. Libertarians score the lowest of the three groups on empathizing, and highest of the three groups on systemizing.
>On this and other measures, libertarians consistently come out as the most cerebral, most rational, and least emotional. On a very crude problem solving measure related to IQ, they score the highest. Libertarians, more than liberals or conservatives, have the capacity to reason their way to their ideology.

>>believe in high IQs
low IQ detected

So manly



As an hardcore lolbertarian, I'm perhaps excessively skeptical of these psychometrics of politics (and of psychometrics in general).

I guess I've just heard so many times from subverted people how those that aren't globalist-socialist are "uneducated" that I've lost all capacity for taking things like this article seriously. Even though it's ok at face value.



This is perhaps the only disagreement I have with Libertarianism, how do you expect to maintain ideals of Liberty as well as your own culture if you allow the importation of barely intelligent human beings who will often vote for more government interference?

One can argue that removing the welfare state will do wonders for removing a vast majority of said low-iq immigrants but that argument alone carries a lot of skepticism along with it.

high test!

what was that? couldn't hear you over my facts and evidence

in other words: pure autism



Of course m8, I'm all for the right to bear arms, but believing that you would be able to protect your property without the help of the state is naive, at best.

> being libertarian causes autism

I suppose you're one to believe that vaccines cause autism as well?



libertarians are autistic, I take it as a complement though

I didn't imply it at fleeing from the subject. If anything, I would take libertarians being proven manly as the grand btfo of libtards and cuckservatives.

Jonathan Haidt, the guy who wrote that first study, is a centrist and pretty unbiased. His work on psychology is actually really interesting. He just looks at psychological differences across the political spectrum, not trying to push any kind of ideology.

Got you senpai.




Autism has been understood as an extreme manifestation of the so-called "male brain." That's probably what he was referencing.

>literally "MUH ROADS"
So are they finally admitting that they have no serious answer to that question?



How do people not rape kids in coal mines 24/7 without laws? I just don't get it

Why wouldn't I rape your tender boipucci 24/7 if there were no laws?

Something I don't get about anti-libertarian strawmen.
If anything, a lolbertarian society would most likely turn into mass executions party for serious crimes (while other "crime" are legalized).