Which state is the best and why? What about the worst?
US States
Best: Colorado
Worst: Iowa
Why, user?
Colorado is gorgeous, has some decent locals, and is starting to pass a shitton of legislation I like. Iowa is a giant internet black hole full of flyover cows and cornfields.
this guy is evil and his evil friends keep him in power. Flint gibsmedat federal money, privatization of public services, fuck this greedy ass motherfucker. Tons of other shit he does with social security and retirement and health care and other shit. Fucking tired of this fucking joke of a fucking waste of fucking person.
Best: California
Worst: New York
Best: Texas.
We are wealthy, but aren't degenerate.
We are heavily racemixed and multicultural, but aren't tearing ourselves apart.
It's like looking at an image of what Texas would've looked like if everything went WRONG.
Best: Kansas
Worst: Florida
Best: Illinois
perfect mix of Urban and rural, we have the cleanest big city in the country
Worst: MIssissippi
I don't know what happens in Mississippi but it's a strong red shithole so that's enough to be considered the worse
Also, rule of thumb: Blue states are inherently better than red states.
>best. California
You retarded?