Other urls found in this thread:Битва_за_Бамут

Virgin chechen
-can attack only with numerical advantage
-shitty k/d in defensive war and many advantages
the chad russian
-rush into battle
-kills 2-4 chechens with bare hands
-die a glorious death by calling artystrike on his position

One of the most overrated battles of all time, Russians love their propaganda. If you want a true heroic defense look at the Batlle of Bamut in the first Chechen war where 100 Chechens defend against 8000 Russian soldiers.

>Sweden defends Chechens
Like clockwork

i googled battle of Bamut and guess what? There's no such thing because that never happened

It's ok, Abdul. Sometimes brave warriors of islam must be BTFO

war is hell

>have numerical advantage as well as support of US, air support and techonology
>still manages to lose grozny and the first chechen war
>has to give chechens what they want because of a hostage attack in a hospital
You can't make this shit up

Saw a documentary on the chechen wars on TV here, they interviewed a lot of russians who were conscripted and sent to fight there when they were 18 or 19 years old.
Shit that were terrible wars. No wonder many of them came back brutalized or fucked in the head.Битва_за_Бамут

Shows your ignorance of the war lol, read a book.

russia lost against chechnia in a (1994-1996) war

they didn't run so long
>200 man terrorist attack aimed to kill as much cicilians as possible
literally no special force in the world faced that especially 90s russian police

ah yes totally """""" 100 """""" chechens ( actually nearly 600) vs """""8000"""" (actually 2100)soldiers ambush
very brave

It was not a terrorist attack dumbass, it was a raid into Russia. It started out good when Chechens attacked government building and police stations but were surrounded. They sought shelter at a hospital (which had many VDV Russians who bombed Chechen civillians). The Chechens even let out the infants but held the other hostage. Nobody where killed inside the hospital until Russia started to bomb the shit out of it. If Russia had negotiated a peace treaty (which they later did) many innocents wouldn't die.

Yeah 100-150, Khachukayev was the general and he managed to defend a little town from russian airforce and tanks. Later he succesfully retreated after laying more than 1000 russian pigs to death.

you sure dumb as hell muhhamed. Dirty chechens attacked small city, killed all policemen and took hostages in hospital
it was terroristic raid just like chechen animals like.

You are a retard Ivan, if that raid was a "terrorist attack" then the bombings in Chechnya where even bigger terrorist attacks done by the cowards in VDV. Infact the reason why Basayev (Chechen Commander) went and raided was because the russians had bombed his village a week prior killing his father, children and brother.

rest in pepperoni
he sure escaped that hospital only to be killed later like terrorist he was

t. Rulon Oboev

Why didn't the Soviets just use Chechnya as a nuclear test site?

Can anyone sincerely say that humanity would be missing out without Chechens around?

>poor basaev his family was killed in warzone it gives him full rights to attack civilians and kill hostages he was good boy

He died fighting for his nation, killing many Russian piggies. I am not a fan of Basayev because he later turned Islamist and invited arabs to Chechnya but atleast he killed many Russian pigs.

Btw another battle where the odds are against the Chechens.

because Chechnya was a important region, lots of oil. Plus many of the high ranking soviets where Chechens.

Poor Russian soldiers who bombed and killed innocents (both Russians and Chechens) in Grozny.

>poor innocents that refused to leave occupied by terrorists city even when they knew there would be offensive soon >we must avenge for their death by attacking peaceful city and killing everyone in it
truly double digit iq muslim logic

>Plus many of the high ranking soviets where Chechens.

Aren't Georgians just Chechens in denial?

You do know that when the initial Russian invasion was announced Grozny was evacuated? but mostly by Chechens who had relatives in the mountains.The Russians who lived in Grozny had no place to go and were killed mercilessly by Russian airforce. Infact in both Chechen wars 250 000 people died, 50.000 of them were Russians during the first attack.
Only the Northern Georgians (Khevsurs, Pshav and Tusheti) the rest are Turkified Caucasians.

>Swedish flag defending Muslims
Like a clockwork

>chechens are gud boys they dindo nuffin theyre innocent kids of war cutting throats of civilians because war made them to do so etc.
yeah ok we understood

I know that i could never convince you to think otherwise of Russia, the Russian propaganda machine has already brainwashed you. You think that Chechens are savages and monsters i get it.

Here watch this video of heroic Russian soldiers shooting two Russian girls, evil Chechen monster rebels tries to save the girls by giving them to their doctors.

i support russia against islamic terrorism

You have to go back, Dzhokhar. Kadyrov is waiting for you.

Chad Chechen Rebel is only capable of killing children in their schools, like they did in Beslan.

In Soviet times they lived in Kazakhstan, lol.

>Ataturk does everything in his power to turn Turkey into a relatively secular, modern, Western country
>a hundred years later Turks elect a fundamentalist nutjob that thinks he's a reincarnation of Mehmet II

To be honest, we shouldn't had involved in Chechnya. Dudaev was much better than Kadyrov IMO, at least he had some brain in his head. Maybe it was possible to make him into what Kadyrov is to Putin right now.

Dudaev was a secular guy who wanted to made Chechnya into a national country without any clan/shariah systems. Instead we got what we got - little sultanate with warmongering king with unpredictable future.

THIS.....Fuck everyone in this thread who is shitting on Russia for any of this.

Except that they didnt, they returned to Chechnya 1957.

Yeah that was your fuck up, have fun pouring into Chechnya and financing Kadyrovs new mercedes cars. Dudayev wanted a free secular republic but i guess Russia just love being dominated by Chechen warlords.

What do russians think of nalvany?

>implying russians support Eltsins fuck ups
Dudaev was decent, but still a huge fucking cuck. He would've gone flying for the last time either way.

>a free secular republic
Declaring jihad was a great idea.

Dudayev was a true man, there are streets named after him in Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania and Bosnia. He stood up to the biggest country in the world and he served for the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. He was awarded the highest medals and was the Major General of the Soviet Air Force.

The man was barerly a muslim, he though that muslims should pray 3 times a day when its actually 5. He married a Russian(which is looked down upon in Chechen Culture). He declared "jihad" to get volunteers from Dagestan and other muslims. He didnt want Sharia.

>as well as support of US
lol wut? us hates russia

>destroyed opposition like there's no tomorrow
>called for terrorism
>declared motherfucking jihad
>operated concentration camps
>cucked by Basaev and Yandarbiev
>was a true man
I am not even surprised, a true chechen.

>Heт в миpe тaкoй cилы, тaкoгo opyжия, кoтopoe мoглo бы cлoмить нaш дyх

good propaganda machine + arab funded party = rip turkey

Destroyed opposition that was full of criminals, like seriously one of the opposition was Beslan Gantemirov who was released from Prison in Russia if he fought against Dudayev. The opposition was financed by Russia.

Never called for terrorism.

Jihad as in protection of the motherland not jihad as in blow yourself up in a crowd of people.

No concentration camps just Russian bullshit propaganda that is easily refutable.

How was he "cucked" by Basayev and Yandarbiyev? please tell me? Yandarbiyev had good ties with Dudayev btw as they were from the same tribe.

Has someone done a Chad Ukrainian yet? The spike reminds me of that one haircut.