Is this the best album name of all time

Is this the best album name of all time.

Attached: a3109957338_10.jpg (712x714, 129K)

Other urls found in this thread:

im asian

maybe if you're a soynigger

Yes, never fails to trigger someone

who does it trigger?
KOOL cigarette trademark owners?

jpeg compression really does a number on red, dunnit

why does this album cover look low res until you view it full size

Because Sup Forums uses potato-ass compression for the thumbnails.

why doesn't the algorithm understand that it's just a solid color


Attached: cover.jpg (3702x3702, 1.31M)

because it doesn't see color
it's 2018, racist

wtf i love psycho right-wing capitalist fascist industrial death machines now

>he said yes to the psycho right-wing capitalist fascist industrial death machine
i shiggy diggy

>he talks to machines

true this shit triggers me not gonna lie
like nigga that’s like saying communist capitalist lmao

The only thing you should be doing to a machine is raging against it.

Not really, capitalism and fascism are very similar ideologies.

Sup Forums begone, this is a thread about white people or something

nah, the best album name is "what people call low self-esteem is just seeing yourself the way that other people see you" . by awakebutstillinbed

these covers just scream nigger at me. they were both made by niggers, right?


Why are you so racist?

I ordered this a few days ago and if it doesn't get here soon I'll be very sad.

I'm asian

Thoughts on cocoa sugar?

first humorous use of this so far

Humorous and accurate.

all good comedy comes from truth

Okay, let me give it a go

You're a pretentious idiot

not even a chortle
looks like im humble as they come

You're as pretentious and idiotic as they cum

nah your forcing it too hard bud



That's funny, they both scream whiteboi to me.

Classic whitebois

What's it supposed to mean?

is there an OP image that guarantees more replies than this?

The fact that it guarantees replies just shows how deluded the people on this site are. We've been watching the right dismantle this country for two years now. Any sane person would be tired of it.

isn't this the album that got 7777777?