When did you become racist, Sup Forums?

For me, it was when I was betrayed. Betrayed by Kikongo.

When Trayvon Martin got killed. Fuck white people.

after my wife left me for a black nationalist

when i was 10 my parents moved from a wealthy 98% white, 2% asian suburb with a country club and golf course to a more urban suburb that was 50% white

If you fulton a coon, I'll shoot the balloon.

human nature we all are
shhhhhh-shhhush dont fight it

when i saw a non white for the first time
i felt like they should fuck right off

I've always had an interest in WW2, and I always tried to learn as much about it as I could. All it took was reading a few things not written by Jews to realize Hitler did nothing wrong.

when the whiteman shot harambe

As I got older it just happened

getting mugged by a bunch of sand niggers didnt help their cause though

I was on a school trip in China. I bought one of those jade spheres within a sphere from a shop in Xi'an.

There were two half black kids in the class. Somehow, they got ahold of my souvenier, which I was planning to give to a girl back home, and fucking broke it. I was furious, but it also was like a sign from God.

There was one nigger, split into two people, in the ENTIRETY OF CHINA, and he found a way to break my fucking treasure.

when the leftists decided to dock SAT points because i'm a chink

after that i slowly started hating every race for letting themselves get pegged by this new world order lunacy

When I was born white

Ferguson riots
It was all downhill from there
>tfw I used to think this baboon was an innocent little child before Zimmerman chased him down like a dog and executed him

Everyone is.
There is not a single race that isn't racist.

Just now when I was having a nice family swim at a hotel we are staying at and a horde of niggers and nigglets invade the pool. Fuck niggers

frog knows.
xenophobia/racism are both result of tribalism, and tribalism is instinctive.
some have that instinct more than others, but everyone does


Egyptians moved in across the street from me when I was younger. They made everyone on the streets lives hell. Stole shit, sold drugs, started fires, vandalism, picked fights and other shit like that.

I eventually moved into an apartment building that was taken over by Indians that stunk the place up like shit and curry. Hated how they left their stinky shoes out in the hallway in big piles...

Haven't had a problem with blacks yet.


When I kept hearing all of these "racist" police shootings, and after looking into them kept finding that the officer basically just was doing his job and these hyper-active, gangster-worshiping wannabes decided to fuck around.

Tamir Rice? Pointing a fake gun at people.
You point a gun shaped object at police you are getting shot no questions asked and you deserve it.

Trayvon? Zimmer may have not listened to police, but not listening to police does not mean you don't deserve to protect yourself.


These people and those who support them literally can't into personal responsibility.

The fact I have to argue with my family that the police were just doing their job/self defense baffles me.

I'd prefer to use the term Race Realist, as I do not hate any other race at all. And it came after I learned just how much of a fucking failure "multicultural societies" were after watching Niggers destroy cities in the US (my city in particular) and Sandniggers destroy cities in Europe.

It was always clear to me that all races are inherently different.

The constant barrage of "diversity," "we're all equal," ideas starting from elementary school all the way to college and the over-representation of blacks, asians and mexicans in McDonalds commercials did it for me.

Too strong for the Kool Aid.

Haha kek

I grew up in Portland Oregon where all education was a liberal agenda. I never felt the need to question any of it until i saw a leather furry at the Saturday market at age 14.

I started to question all their ideals and was given half ass answers. Race baiting is huge there and slowly i learned the truth behind nigger culture. During the ferguson riots I listen to NPR while i drove to work. One morning it was interview with the Preacher. It was almost word by word from pic related. He didn't actually cared about Michael Brown. He was using his death fo' moe money fo' dem progems.

I hated niggers ever since.

Fiat time I saw a rapper on TV. I realized then meritocracy is a lie and this guy makes millions being a complete idiot.

When I looked at crime statistics in the US for the first time and how often Sup Forums was right.
I'm still not full blown "kill every nigger on Earth" prejudiced but I think you'd have to be a idealist brainwashed retard in denial to believe races didn't have superiority and inferiority to one and other.
Just looking at genetics blacks aren't technically even human, they evolved off from Homoerectus but not from Neanderthal meaning they're more like a close cousin. I still think they're capable of being just as intelligent as a Southern Asian or Caucasian, but they're at a disadvantage towards being that intelligent and need to both want to work that hard and work harder to get there. Their nigger culture and white-apologists have crippled them into not wanting to work hard, so they do not work hard and we end up with niggers.

it's like the difference between two autistic children, both just as autistic as each other. One who gets spoiled and coddled by their parents becomes Chrischan while the other is given higher obstacles and hurdles to take and they become at the very least an active member of society that contributes and can take care of themselves.
A lot of blacks don't have fathers and everyone in their entire social circle uses peer pressure to make them into a thug retard until they're fully brainwashed into it.

I don't have much of a problem with other races because they're all homosapien and as such their problems aren't magnified as much.

Roseburg here, I'm fed up with Portland. They're the single biggest cause of degenerates flooding in here from Seattle and Southern California. Oregon would be a great state if not for them. Pretty sure without Portland, Medford, and Eugene we'd have a nigger population of 6.

Is it really that bad to call races out on their shit?
>kikes jewing
>nigs nogging
>spics doing spics
>Whites being cucks
>Asians not common sensing ever and general lack souls
>Aziz pooing
>Achmed wearing underwear bombs
If this shit were true it would be racist. But let's face it, it's time to call a spade a spade.

As a Pole it's in my genes to fuck roaches up.