>liberals are this stupid
How did the world become this insane?
>liberals are this stupid
How did the world become this insane?
>had their pets killed
Gonna need a source
>sidious gave in
>other meme model goes full retard
How about reliable sources. You guys are just as bad as the left when you make up shit, and use bullshit sources to confirm it
Everyone laugh at the newfag, he didnt know Hillary went after Bills victims and killed their pets among other.
She also kills people.
"Waaah waah I want sauces!"
"N-no not those, REAl sauce!"
.08 cents have been deposited in your account
How about the fact that donald trump doesn't believe in man-made climate change? Something that the vast majority of scientific journals support and is most likely going to fuck us
do you mean climate disruption? or perhaps global warming? or the next ice age? there are so many left wing doomsday scenarios that we must have a one world government to fix that i cant keep track of it.
The sources are multiple women who claim Bill raped them and Hillary threatened them.
Aren't you leftists supposed to believe all rape accusations?
The same journals that said Florida would be underwater and the ice caps would be gone and that polar bears would have gone extinct?
rly maks u think
Heresy and atheism that was shoved down the throats of man by the frankfurt school of kikeism.
It's time for god to put man down for falling for such sin.
I'm a Trump supporter but I want real sources too.
Only a fucking pants-shitting idiot would use unreliable sources in an argument because anyone who is anyone knows that they'll be used against you later and you'll be standing around looking like a dumbass with no sources and no argument.
If you don't have reliable sources don't include it, there's still plenty of other shit she's done that does have reliable sources.
Get backed to be when the studies aren't funded by a democrat who wants more regulations on the economy to somehow solve the problem.
>they've literally said we'd go full ice age in the 1960s and have been saying it's only 20 years away for almost 60 years
Read the Clintons war on women and then go back to R3ddit.
how is world net daily any less of a "real source" than CNN or MSNBC? how are the women themselves who say this happened to them less of a real source than some mouth piece from CNN who is reporting on it?
I've never heard of it meaning it's not credible.
Correct the Record out in full force today.
Second Brexit Referendum Petition FRAUD
Do not let it slide Sup Forums
Because leftism is truly a mental disorder, and it's contagious to those susceptible to wanting to become retarded. Lots of dumbfucks wanting to blame everyone for their own failures, and liberalism gives them all the perfect scapegoat.
I genuinely am curious as to how Bernie voters react to Bernie's 'endorsement' of Hillary.
Like without any bias here. Just stone cold reactions