Post some good records, I have been likely this one

Post some good records, I have been likely this one.

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Nice. Here's more jazz.

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that one album i like

Lmao just listen to Red now


Starless is such a good track.

Red is top tier.

im asian

Is Red better than itcotck? I've never heard Red but I love itcotck.

I like it more, though its a slightly different style, more hard rock than itcotck is.

i think it is, (i also think Larks' Tongue in Aspic is their best tho)

>more hard rock than itcotck is.
I'll probably like it a lot then. Gonna check it out.

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I like itcotck and red better, but that's just me.

Nice. Have you listened to Rush? 2112 and The Exit...Stage Left live album are worth checking out based on that preference.

Love 2112. Will check out that second one.

Hemispheres > 2112

Yes; Discipline, Larks Tongue and Lizard are the three best King Crimson albums.

Red is a better, more accessible choice for people who arent already hardcore Crimson fans. Poseidon is also a good choice but it gets so unjustly overshadowed by ItCotCK.

>Is Red better than itcotck?

I'm just basing it off the fact that he likes hard rock prog, and 2112 is more hard rock than Hemispheres, also also still a great album.

Going along this hard progressive rock tangent, Atomic Roosters first three albums are solid 70s style hard rock albums that have managed to make it into the pantheon of prog rock classics.