Where has he gone? What have you done?

>Where has he gone? What have you done?
>A voice commands from high above this earth
>From the soil his blood cries out to me
>Murder, liar, vengeance, deceit

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What's nandos

>muh nandos
>muh fried chicken
who gives a fuck?

People over react, modern age is full of idiots. News at 11.

Good, now some british local businesses can move in.

Spicy Chicken Fast Food joint that pretends to be a restaurant.

I fucking love Nandos

that peri peri chicken and the rice and that spring salad - those hot sauces

shit's top but kinda expensive

all the nando's in canada are owned by Abu

>cheeky nandos


Yes, just like how all the pizza places here are run by turks pretending to be italians, same as mexican places.

>replacing Portuguese food with British food
>good trade

top kek

I guess someone will open another chain by a similar name and serve the same food.

what a shit capitalist

why would you punish your employees, your company and your self just to lash out at people who disagree with you (but still probably pay for your food)

>eating nigger dish from a mexican man

>panic sets in

Shut the fuck up, you fucking drama queen pukes.

Brexit sent a big signal flare into the sky. It's revealed all the traitors and scum fucks who don't care about the UK at all - they only squat on it's land for their personal benefit and as soon as the benefit is slightly inconvenienced (if at all), they start scurrying and having a tantrum. Like cockroaches when you turn the lights on.

They have had all kinds of controversies with illegal immigrants and tax dodging.

>Nandos closing.

Good, Brits should be exclusively eating only British roasts and fish and chips.

Our local 'Turkish' is run by Romanians, kek

Sounds like Britain made a big mistake.

I never really liked the cheeky nandos meme anyway.

What more do you expect from a fast food company founded by lazy Moor descendents in South Africa?

no it doesn't


>destroying your own business because of a tantrum


Fish and chips or fuck off cunt

>portugals debt is 325% of gdp
>not going to sell their $14 chicken sandwiches in one of the largest european economies
>because of a different worldview

no wonder you portaguineas are broke as fuck.

pay debts

Mate your national dish is gravy and chips, you can't exactly talk shit about our cuisine.

that looks pretty good

>implying it's real


Why would Nando's do this? Are their employees all there illegally?

Its too bad they dont have places in Canada so I cant not go there.


This is nonsense by the way.

They wouldn't.
They didn't.
It's bullshit.


good close kfc too maybe Dindu will leave


Its South African mate.

Good. Fucking garbage chicken anyway.

That's looking a tad cheeky mate.

1. It's a South African chain.
2. go eat a dick.

t. Alberto Barbosa.

>opened by two portugese men
>in a portugese cooking style

you're right,but still...closing a restaurant cause you're butthurt is retarded

If they are really doing this they were probably already close to bankruptcy.

thanks thought it sounded dumb