Sup Forums do you even keep in touch with the people you knew back in highschool? I'm from some small town in canada, and to be honest everyone i knew, almost everyone are pretty much losers now. Like they weren't accepted into a nice college, either unemployed or working dead-end jobs. A lot of them smoke weed now and do other degeneracy. I ran into a couple of people i knew, and it's always uncomfortable.
People from highschool
That boi on the right is qt.
No. I kept in touch with my best friend for a year or two, but I haven't talked to anyone else in 12 years. I still live in the same town, so I see people around sometimes, which is somewhat weird.
no unfortunately i do not.
some of my best friends ive ever had were in high school. I went to an extremely liberal college in, ironically, Indiana. and I hated everyone there except for maybe 2 people. the reest were new male faggot types who would talk mad shit behind my back because they were afraid of me (im 6ft, 215 mostly muscle)
Yeah I kind of know you mean. It sucks living in some bumfuck redneck town, because if you go outside too much you're bound to run into people you knew. And like at this point, their lives are miserable so they're usually unfriendly too. I wish I never even bothered to get to know people as a kid.
I met the woman i loved in High school we went our seperate ways when we left to university. I havent spoken to her in 10 years and think about her every day.
No. The males in my graduating class were quintessential chads. They went into fields like political consultant, insurance unerwriter, lawyer, etc.
They are happy, wealthy, and well adjusted according to faceberg.
Girls were Stacy.
There were project niggers bussed in, but they were animals with no individual personality , so that doesn't count. Obviously.
I wasn't a doper either.
Three strikes, and I'm out.
If your school is churning out political people, lawyers and shit like that, they must have done a pretty good job of educating you guys.
People with money and intact marriages make resilient and intelligent kids.
They were all ok for the most part. I would have liked to understand and befriend them.
My dad was kind of a sick fucker and red pilled me too hard too soon.
People thought I was strange.
I probably am.
No. Most are in menial jobs and offer nothing though continued contact.
It sounds like you're from a good neighborhood man. In what way were you strange?
Yeah, same for me.
I stopped speaking to all but my eat friend one year after graduating. She stopped talking to me after I could not make her wedding due to my hubs being laid off and two kids to take care of. Eh I was the weird girl who's mom died anyway.
For a point of reference, a very early memory was my dad (a cop) showing me a picture of someone who shot himself in the head. I was probably 5 or 6. Images like that were hard to come by in the 80s.
He always shared his work related chaos.
Meanwhile my peers were like, going skiing in Colorado, or going to disneyworld. Dads were doctors, architects, computer guys etc.
I just didn't understand conventional people.
Best friend* not eat
Friend...fuck auto correct.
I don't care about them anymore, after all why should I? My life has been a hell of a lot better while they are all stuck in some job they probably won't advance in or in debt due to doing silly worthless degrees, socially they never seem to go outside their comfort zone or accept new people and just stick to one another while it gives me the chance to expand my horizons in a lot of areas. It almost feels like they've never grown up from their secondary days.
That's probably why you're on Sup Forums man. Nobody's normal here. No offense.
Dad of the decade award goes to... Your dad.
Everyone I cared about in HS i can see in the twitter of once edgey rock lover friend, now pro feminist tranny loving toolerino of molecintraum.
Everyone who i had class with is now a gibbering retard.
I went to a different high school every year.
I remember very few individuals. Last school I fucked off early as I could, didn't even go to graduation.
Haven't talked to anyone from high school in about 8 years. Class of 2006.
Occasionally I see someone when I visit the area I grew up in and they're always doing very little with their life (waitresses, grocery store baggers, fry cooks). I make $70k a year and feel I could do much better, but it's nearly double what anyone I'm aware of growing up with is currently making.
I look a lot different than I did in high school (/fit/, used to have long hair) so most people don't recognize me.
IU and Notre Dame are libtarded as shit, rest of Indiana isn't bad
t. Former resident
I'm 35 and hung out with some dudes from high school recently; the thing that stood out, rather blatantly, was that "these people are fucking townies." Like, still hanging out with people from high school? Really? So, take that fwiw.
Nope, lost contact with them after going to college far away from my small hometown+ Parents got a green card and moved to the US.
Based on my hs friends facebook most of them turned into degenerates
Thinner and visibly cute male than HS.
People only remember me if i use my nickname.
I proved my own theory no one would remember me as a person if i enforced the idea of me as just a nickname.
Everyone is friends with "nickname"
I only talk to 2 people from HS, only on facebook and after 5 years of not talking to any of them.
A couple of my friends are people I went to high school with. Not really in touch with most people. Every once in awhile I bumped into someone I went to high school with at college.
Like me, they're living average lives.
All the people I went to high school with are bigots on their third child with their cousin. The only time they take a break from doing meth is to shill for trump.
So not a one. I'm too busy being a productive liberal to deal with a bunch of welfare methheads.
i still talk to a total of three friends and am actually hanging out with one of them later tonight
class of 2007 all the rest of them can fuck off - quality over quantity imo
Highschools are for cucks. Better to spend time with something more useful.
Everyone I know who is successful now had the same pattern. Well adjusted, married parents without substance abuse problems.
Sounds like your dad did you a favor. I bet most of those people are bluepilled now.
No they are all way too sucessfull now
hey that sounds like my high school experience, although my father is a wealthy doctor. Still turned out a failure though
Everytime I leave a workplace, I break contact with everyone I met and start fresh. There's only three people in my life this hasn't happened to and one of them I'm married to. You change as a person as you grow up, I choose to talk to people similar to me. It's also nice to change it up.
I think I was the only one that worked my way through college/trade school, became a journeyman, and made wise investments through buying and selling property. All but a handful of people in my 200 person graduating class is living paycheck to paycheck. The handful of people that are doing well are my best friends all the way from elementary school. They all joined various branches of the armed forces and put themselves through school with the GI Bill.