really makes you think....
Really makes you think
"""""""learning"""""" = sucking government titty for grants
The EU had a much bigger titty than the British gov
It tells me that Marxism is alive and well in their establishment of "learning".
Yeah, people in university have no real world experience and haven't been forced into the job market ruined by mass immigration yet.
nerds got blown the fuck out
You don't get to crow about equality and democracy and voter turnout and all that shit, then turn around and complain that stupid people voted stupidly. You had a perfectly functional system where only elites voted, and if that's what you want to have again, come right out and say it.
yeah, 70% of oxford and cambridge are pseudo intellectuals
>What does that tell you dumb fuck flag fondlers?
That the privileged elites desperately want to maintain the status quo.
I don't think you should be allowed to vote unless you pay taxes.
leftist strongholds
the left believes that since their reign is coming to an end, that all hope is lost.
the pendulum continues to swing...
It tells me liberal cultural marxists want Britain to suffer.
haha your tears are delicous. time to grow up and face the real world. the eternal facism of nature.
no more jewish regressive leftist koolaid for you.
That you maybe pushed the multiculti dildo too far?
gee, i dunno, it's like a total mystery.
Shills, the lot of them
People who are more educated voted one way, but lost
If they decided to say "lets leave" and then remain happened they would have been punished by the EU with significant cutbacks to their funding.
It's that fucking simple.
and the 26% that voted for leave? Are they suddenly invalidated?
Gas the schools class war NOW
They had to keep an eye on Oxbridge when the Soviet Union was in power since many of the defectors came from those universities.
>libshit 'education centers'
>not at all in touch with real England
>thinks their opinion matters
They wanted to keep the tasty EU Students money you dumb nigger
It makes me think that the left doesn't care about what the working class has to say. Gonna lose a lot of votes. Sad!
I actually laughed OP, thanks for that
Could you explain to me what cultural marxism is? I've seen the term used before but I am ignorant of its meaning.
>world renown
This is just a synonym for "globalist shit-hole".
It makes you think people in Oxford and Cambridge live in a bubble… they are the sort of people who benefit from globalism. They don't have to see or deal with it's downsides.
This idea that only 'dummies' choose to vote a certain way is actually kind of an ugly sentiment… I'm surprised the leftists run with this meme.. they are supposed to be the guardians of the lesser people aren't they?
It shows how leftism has changed since the marxist experiment failed in the ussr… it's all about gays and coloured now. They realized the 'workers' are dreadfully unhip, so they thew them all in the river.
that there are 30% bright people in british universities
It doesn't tell you anything. In any academic subject, a 70/30 opinion split would mean an issue was highly controversial and far from settled. In something as amorphous as politics, it means less than nothing.
The arguments against brexit were bollocks but my arguments against Scotland and northern Ireland referendums are pure wisdom.
Unis have always been a hotbed of lefty political bollocks which is not rooted in reality.
like kim philby
>The left is now calling for selective suffrage
It tells me that some people can't tell the difference between Oxford and Cambridge the place, and Oxford and Cambridge the university.
>25% of Cambridge is Students
>24% of Oxford is Students
>mfw all those Germans that go to Oxbridge/Ivy League universities to study for some liberal arts/humanities degree
>mfw they come back and can't find jobs
>mfw I used to he jealous of those guys
And they did lose a lot of votes. And here we are.
Same thing in America, really. Ivory tower elites, disconnected from reality, try to live on hopes and dreams.
They don't understand it when the people who have to live with their shit decision making finally turn on them.
Has anyone ever tried ruling by intelligent people only? Like not a monarchy or royal lineage or even dictator, but representatives who have proven intellect?
tells me that the Marxist bootlicker indoctrination centres are crying pretty darn hard
Use google you lazy nigger
Except not really, if anything Marx would consider university students as bourgeoisie of the worst caliber, it's kind of funny how much the new "left" hates the fuck out of the working Everyman and ridicules him at every turn.
Put simply its the destruction of a nation's inherent culture to make it easier to force Marxism on the populace (compare Stalin's problems asserting authority in the Mid-20s to the Late-30s).
More recently it's been used in Europe as a way to advance French post-modernism.
This sums it up nicely:
That democracy is good and civilized until majority disagrees with me. Then those who preach freedom and equality will preach about dictatorship and silencing infidels.
Same thing happens in the United States kiddo. Educated and well respected cities tend to vote democrat, uneducated counties vote republican.
>Marx would consider university students as bourgeoisie of the worst caliber
it's classic liberal doublethink, these same people are pro-LGBT and pro-Islam at the same time
What it tells me is that these two centres of higher learning are greatly out of touch with regular people.
So incredibly intelligent that they have to resort to calling people with opposing views "Dumb fuck flag fondlers"
Globalist "intellectuals"
No one in academia has any clout over the lives of real people. Universities are full of leftist cunts. Even ancient ones that used to be respectable.
>1 post by this ID
True enlightenment only comes to those who drop out of high school and spend the next 15 years receiving their political beliefs on a satirical imageboard.
A lot of the traditionally working class areas of the UK voted leave. Left doesn't give a fuck about them any more, so they gave them a big fuck off right back.
This argument works both ways.
George W Bush got elected by the US public.
There must be allot of basement dwelling socialists and SJW crybabies in university.
a fucking non-country
>Says the pleb who has never set foot in higher education.
That the people who have already learned far more than them made the right choice.
That liberals run and brainwash entire campuses
I do love how this should have been a wake-up call for Labour, who promptly turned around and insulted their core voterbase yet again. Such a toxic party
The 1% benefits from the EU
Thus paving the way for national socialism to ruse again, it will be glorious
> foreigners voting against British interest
Really makes you think
it tells me what I already know. people who never worked a day in their lives are blind to how the world works
>people in Oxford and Cambridge live in a bubble
It's the same with every single university student mang, it's not about the place they are living in.
Uni provides students a false realization as if they are living a completely independent life and are fully dependent on themselves and their own capabilities, the main drive for success.
What they don't know is that having a half-time job while studying some irrelevant bullshit at school does not make them live the life that an ordinary, full-time worker lives, so they have these """""rebellious""""" and retarded ideas such as cultural marxism etc.
I bet this shit has been relevant for ages and isn't anything new, Uni people are just retarded in that sense and they eventually WILL realize how stupid they were at the time.
How many """"lefties"""" do you know that are over the age of 40?
It's just a fucking meme that has been going on for centuries
Students were heavily remain, can confirm
Also filled with liberals and rich people. HMMMMMM MAKES YA THINK
That now faggy english boys with special interests can't go on holiday to their favorite European country, and now it hurts his wittle feewings :(((
It tells me the student faggots love their EU funding
It means that people there look down on the working and middle classes.
Cambridge PhD here
I voted Leave
All my mates think I'm a twat
>It shows how leftism has changed since the marxist experiment failed in the ussr… it's all about gays and coloured now. They realized the 'workers' are dreadfully unhip, so they thew them all in the river.
I don`t really see how. We are the mob and they are trying to control us.
>Universities are disconnected from reality
>Sup Forums isn't
This rustled my fucking jimmies.
>pic related
how's the response, needs more information? I was thinking of trying to find out how much these places recieve in EU funding in fact fuckit i'm going to try and find out now.
Top kek, I was in Oxford at a conference at the University (Royal Chemistry Society) on the day of the referendum and every scientist I spoke to there was for leave. At first I was edging around the topic because I fell for the "le super smart scientists for le EU!!! epic science is awesome and these guys are smart and we should appeal to authority fallaciously all day erryday" facebook meme video that was being circulated, and I thought that they would all be total bluepilled cucks. But I was mistaken and it opened my eyes to the false perception social media can create. Never trust it lads - we all know who owns and runs those websites.
>the two biggest recipients of EU gibsmedat in the country are overwhelmingly voting to remain in the EU
wow what a shocker
That your institutions of Jewish Indoctrination are filled with shit-wit cucks and goyboys
Adam Smith considered the teaching at Glasgow to be far superior to that at Oxford, which he found intellectually stifling.[12] In Book V, Chapter II of The Wealth of Nations, Smith wrote: "In the University of Oxford, the greater part of the public professors have, for these many years, given up altogether even the pretence of teaching." Smith is also reported to have complained to friends that Oxford officials once discovered him reading a copy of David Hume's Treatise on Human Nature, and they subsequently confiscated his book and punished him severely for reading it.[9][13][14] According to William Robert Scott, "The Oxford of [Smith's] time gave little if any help towards what was to be his lifework."[15] Nevertheless, Smith took the opportunity while at Oxford to teach himself several subjects by reading many books from the shelves of the large Bodleian Library.[16] When Smith was not studying on his own, his time at Oxford was not a happy one, according to his letters.[17] Near the end of his time there, Smith began suffering from shaking fits, probably the symptoms of a nervous breakdown.[18] He left Oxford University in 1746, before his scholarship ended.[18][19]
oxford has always sucked
it tells me oxford and cambridge have high numbers of shitskins who voted to remain
It shows 70% of students come from money, whereas everybody else gained entry on merit alone.
>70% of Oxford and Cambridge voters are directly in receipt of EU money
Seems legit.
I have learned long since that "educated" and "intelligent" opinions are really just opinions based on nothing but the assumption that they are automatically right.
After all, they are learned in a specific subject that has absolutely nothing to do with the matter, so surely they can't be wrong on something they know jackshit about!
>haven't been forced into the job market ruined by mass immigration yet.
>thinks university matters
ok dude
Have you seen the kind of idiocy that comes out of people's mouths from Harvard and Yale? Being educated =/= being smart. It's one thing to have studied a lot, a totally different thing to be able to look at the world objectively.
Self-entitled, arrogant cunts: go fuck yourselves!
> biggest learning centers
> cant persuade stupid flag fondlers with anything but > muh learning centers
Best thing I saw for the negative reaction with the educated fags in my workplace for Brexit was my retard tabloid gospel following-fag colleague walking right into the department he is currently being promoted into and says how Nigel Farage is a god, how the UK is great again from leaving the EU and he ignored all the arguments his soon to be educated-fag colleagues tried to put to him.
I'm sure many can have opinions about this. Just relaying what I saw with my own eyes and ears here.
I personally found the whole thing to be funny as it was real and my reaction to this matter is to react as effectively as I can to the incoming change that is on the way.
that people who have spent their entire life coddled in statutory institutions and have never worked a day i their lives who have no idea how the world works outside of the theoretical want to treat their country like one of their little science experiments
didn't take long
>£20m between 2014-2020 (top of page 2)
£20m for social funding? fucking hell lol
>£1.2m for environmental development
>£2.0m invested in solar so far
fucking hell there's even an itemised list on the last pages, nope no bias for voting for more EU funding from oxford x)
Makes me think 25 - 30% of Oxford and Cambridge students still have their brains.
Oxford here. Voted out along with a grand total of two other people in my workplace. Everyone was furious friday morning and told us we've ruined the country.
Surprise surprise, my workplace is near Oxford Uni and the subsidiary Unis. Mostly early 20 year olds.
I'll explain my understanding of it to you as best I can.
You're familiar with Marxism, right? The idea of fighting for the oppressed poor people against the oppressive rich people. Marxism is a sort of class struggle, in which the poor class is fighting against the rich class.
Cultural Marxism is just Marxism applied to culture. So women as an oppressed class fighting men as a privileged class. Or ethnic minorities struggling against the majority. Or gay people fighting against straight people. People don't like cultural Marxism because it encourages branches of feminism that hate the entirety of men, because they perceive them as a evil "group" instead of as a collection of individuals. At least that's what I've come to understand about "Cultural Marxism".
>REEEE Educate yourself!
Aren't they also the fuckers who wanted to trash Cecil Rhodes statue?
>a renowned university is in a city therefore everyone in that city is very smart
Thank you.
>Brainiac Science Abuse
I understand the humor to this underrated post.
Quite the Brainiac experiment indeed introduced by a representative of multiple right-wing parties of the UK.
god bless the tsar
I agree that social media is cancer - a liberal leftist echo chamber on a colossal scale that makes Sup Forums look like a reasonable and moderate right leaning intellectual forum
Facebook and Twitter are literally the cause of all society's problems
I worked for Oxford university for 3 years, out of the 3.4 million our lab had the 2.2 were from the EU.