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Imagine actually being surprised by this.
Oh shit.... Hillary BTFO
Nothing wrong with fracking son.
>Change in Dem polling numbers: 0.000%
The Neo-Cons always get their candidate.
Bernie wanted to ban it.
Nearly all of his proposals were rejected. He campaigned all this way for pretty much nothing.
What does "backs israeli occupation" mean? What is the opposite of this position?
>b-b-but muh political revolution
Trump needs to figure out a way to get the Berniebros pissed about Israel, without alienating the Evangelicals. Maybe a 3rd party can attack Hillary on the Palestinian cause, but not Trump.
Yes, lets pump poison into the ground, that sounds like a good idea
>no source
ok just drumpf shilling
Israeli occupation of Palestine
Basically, Bernie wanted to suck off muslims again.
He's gonna fucking die in 5 years anyway. Why the FUCK did he endorse her? He's got nothing left to live for. He should absolutely torpedo the convention.
Is Hillary retarded? Does she not realize that if she loses the Bernout vote, she loses the election?
Sucking off the Jews and spitting out their cum instead of swallowing it like we usually do.
way too much of a cuck for that.
Yeah but if you don't support the Israeli state, what is the position? Dissolution and just rename it to Palestine?
Fracking is perfectly safe you luddite
Im gonna take a guess and say she still sees Trump as a joke
not backing the illegal settlements, I guess
>there's nothing wrong with poisoning the groundwater
end yourself you good goyim
He's an idealist, a fanatical one even. He honestly believes Trump is worse than Hillary for ideological reasons, it's the same reason he lost against Hillary. Politics requires practicality.
Spent his whole life on his knees, may as well die on his knees too.
What do you mean? It has no effect on the environment. Do you realize how deep this is?
>Dr. James Zogby attempted to call for “an end to occupation and illegal settlements” in Israel, along with an international call to rebuild Gaza, but this attempt to pull the party platform further to the left also failed.
He should run as independent. It literally makes no sense for him to endorse Clinton. His positions don't line up with the Demokike party at all. Hillary's presidency would combine the worst elements of the Bush II and Obama presidencies.
>Trump needs to figure out a way to get the Berniebros pissed about Israel
Trump can go fuck himself with a telephone pole if he even thinks about doing this.
It's not about the depth, it's about the poorly designed tubing used to transmit the chemical concoction into the ground. Over a very short period of time, this tubing cracks and exposes the chemicals to the groundwater, which then spreads. Fracking is just another example of short-sighted neoliberal hand-over-fist money making policies.
>thinking Bernie supporters don't want to be cucked
why would they be mad? the the democraps are giving them their favorite thing, Hillary is a dominatrix
Why? Are you afraid it will work?
Two-state solution. Pull Israeli troops out of Gaza and the West Bank. Allow the Palestinians to govern themselves instead of forcing them to live in an Apartheid state.
>being this dumb
It's safer than drilling for oil you monster tard.
So pumping poison into the ground is perfectly safe?
Once you introduce something into the system it isn't going to disappear and it isn't going to stay where you introduced it. The companies who do this will never be held accountable for the negative externalities.
>backs fracking
>backs TPP
>backs Israel Occupation
I'm feeling the bern on this one m8s
they want us to go back to 67 borders
but we saw what happened when we gave them gaza back, so we wont make that mistake again
until its proven that they will not start a war with israel once the army pulls out of west bank the occupation wont end
its unsolvable conflict because they will always want a war
Just because X is safer than Y doesn't mean you should do X.
It's all kindling for the great happening.
You're going to west africa.
We're moving you out of Palestine COMPLETELY
I thought you progressives liked science and wanted to advance it -- why ban something instead of improving it and becoming better at it to make it safe and good?
Kinda like how leftists want to ban nuclear power despite it being the most environmentally friendly and powerful means of energy production, simply because it "can fail and there will be a disaster". Why not improve and make it safe then?
You cant do shit we run your country
Who in the fuck is "we"?
Once againt making obviously all the anti Israel shit from liberals media and government is just D&C. When Israeli interests are truly threatened they fall into line.
The same leftist rag talking about the poor Palestinians will turn around on a dime and call BDS anti-semitic. In the end painting the Palestinians as victims is useful to keep the masses cucked and accepting of immigrants but irrelevant to Israel. Because when something actually relevant to Israel does occur, like BDS, it's all hands on the kike deck.
End Israeli occupation
Want Israel to commit suicide
So progressive
Frackings cool and good for the job market.
The rest suck though.
Because Hillary isn't a fucking liberal. She's a NeoCon in the Democrat party.
Do you? We know you're afraid kike.
SJW's are 1 realization away from turning on you and the right has already turned.
It's the reason some of you are backing trump, you're so fucking scared that you actually fell for his bullshit on Israel lmao
Democrats have their base sedated. They can say anything and their base follows. I wish the Republicans weren't complete retards and virtue signaled everything
the right has turned?
we are the right mate
SJWs are against Israel always been
>People on Sup Forums actually against Fracking
Jill Stein pls go. What next, will Sup Forums back labeling GMOs?
Nuh uh, she told me she's progressive. You must be a Berniebro.
>SJWs are against Israel always been
nope, they're 1 meme away from it though.
you know you wont survive if both the right and left turn on you.
we're 1 country away from realizing you kikes did 9/11 as well thanks to obama.
take a break from the internet lad
SJWs are sheep. They are going to vote for a neocohen.
I support the stance of Israel can do whatever the fuck it wants, without our support and tax dollars
You do know what the samson option is, right?
Israeli-bro isn't really wrong about the Palestinians, either.
Samson option won't save them, they're all pussies.
It's myopic and destructive. I'm all for yoking Nature and bending her to our will but let's do so with a little common sense, let's not do what will give short-term profits with long-term costs.
Bernie wasted the money of millions of millennials, as well as years of his life on this failed campaign.
His dreams were an illusion and his policies will never see the light of day. I'm glad his "revolution" ended with him being cucked by and supporting the very things he fought against. He won't even make it as a footnote in history.
most oil is drilled in the ocean or in the desert. a lot of fracking takes place in temperate areas, they even want to drill in national packs.
I fully support developing nuclear energy. The difference with fracking is that there's no real attempt to improve it; the entire reason it CONSISTENTLY damages the environment is because the only reason it fails is penny pinching on the part of the corporations running these operations. They cut the corners anyway they can, including with terrible tubing, and damned be the goyim who have to drink poisoned water.
this just in, Democrats are neocons that pander to a different set of people for votes.
now, how do we convince Bernouts to vote for Green?
So that the Democrats actually, you know, change from being neocons.
The Bernouts think a single term of Trump will revert America back to year 1900.
>It's myopic and destructive
But that's wrong.
All "clean" energy sources are pie in the sky ambitions.
Of the realistic energy sources, Fracking is the least destructive.
OHD costs for nuclear are too high, also.
Fracking is an inevitability.
Too many things other than energy products, are made from oil.
We don't even fucking need it.
Nuclear and fuel cells could get rid of fossil fuels for good if the oil companies would get the fuck out of Congress. Don't enable them.
This was been such a good week.
>obongo and shillary both wrong on brexit
>bernie getting on his knees and endorsing shillary
>everything he fought for in fucking flames
This entire democratic primary season has been dumbasses give an old fuck money for absolutely nothing other than a pat on a back for being cute. You wasted your time protesting the wrong candidate.
>fights for relevance
he's been doing that from the start Tbh
There goes her global warming meme
dumb ass.
we need oil and natural gas to make plastics, medicines, fertilizer, pesticides, rubber, etc.
energy products are a minor, but profitable, part of oil.
>this is what ameridiots actually believe
oil is a dying resource my friend. It's just big money that's keeping us from moving on to nuclear.
I know it's easy to mock Berniebros, but god damn I feel bad for them lately.
the casing is cement rebar cement over multipul runs. where you make your fractures is blown open. All this is in impermeable rock. This technology is not new it has been advanced on since the 40's
how is nuclear power going to make the plastics in your keyboard?
The convention is going to be one big shitstorm. Bernie is just waiting in the shadows.
they used to just put sticks of dynamite down wells.
in fact some small time oil well operations still do.
As Trump pushes all the Neocons out, Clinton absorbs them all into the Democratic party. The progressive's reaction to this is pure schadenfreude.
we'll have more oil to turn into plastics if we use less of it for fuel. don't be a moron
>Trump turned the republican party into what the democratic party supposed to be
Anyone shocked?
He has a relatively successful Senate career, they would remember that when it comes to doling out committee seats next Congress. He would only be torpedoing himself if he sabotaged Shillary to the point where Trump can win.
hope you dont enjoy butane, propane, pentanes, and LNG because all that and more comes from NG
They are not minor, 80% is used for energy. I will admit I forgot about plastics but that doesn't mean we shouldn't replace fossil fuels where possible.
>not cucked
(libfag here)
this is why my fucking party is full of the worst cunts, they THINK they are voting for liberals, but they are actually voting for globalist tyrannical cunts who know how to play the game slightly better than republicans
I'm just not scared of Fracking..White men will invent a way to clean the water or extract it safely. What scares me is the Jews who don't give a shit getting ahold of the industry
>to build a wall
also this
clinton is the best of the bad choices for most people between trump and her. kind of like romney was against obama
(((Globalist elites)))
crude oil is a varied mix of different hydrocarbon chains.
when oil first started being pumped out of the ground. it was so they could refine out the kerosense for lamp oil. the rest was just poured into a stream.
gasoline is octane and heptane hydrocarbons.
the hydrocarbons that make plastics and other things are not the same ones that make fuels.
now, that being said, we could convert fuel hydrocarbons into other hydrocarbons. though this requires additional energy, pressure, and enzymes. though the end product will be more expensive than getting those hydrocarbons straight from crude oil.
the same conversion processes can also be used to convert any hydrocarbon feedstock into the hydrocarbons we need. though of course, costs will be greater.
> slightly better
Literally how? Obama vastly expanded the drone wars, the mass surveillance and increased debt. Clinton is even more of a psychotic war hawk and supported Bush's Iraq adventure too
importance to our modern lives wise. the 20% not used for fuel is a lot more important and harder to replace.
> compares fracking to gmos
This is why you shouldn't drop out of high school
>he thinks the politicians aren't paid by the same people
>he thinks establishment candidates on both sides don't have the same agenda
>he still believes "libs are the good guys because they have a D on the left side of their name!"
>he still thinks the main theme in both parties isn't to destroy the middle class by making the populous poor
>he still thinks american politicians aren't bought by foreign countries like Saudi Arabia and china
wew lad, the only diffrence between the rep party and the dem party is that the dems want to take guns and shill stupid ass shit like restroom laws no one gave a fuck about 1 year ago."trans rights are human rights" top kek, they are just getting virtue points, the agenda is still the same.
>Fear of new technology based on participating in left-wing echo chambers
Tell me how they are different.
>Demoshits now support TPP
Just let it burn