"M-M-my gun is in case someone break in my house". Do these right wing gun cucks actually think they have the balls to shoot another human being that enters there home?
2ND ammendment
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I fucking would, if my govt wasn't a bunch of cucks.
>implying niggers are human
>there home
wise sage
yes someone who came inside my house without my permission would get shot in the face
are you stupid op?
I have killed 1 home intruder, and 3 men in the line of duty.
>valuing human life anymore than you value animal life
nice. got any stories?
I have a gun on my hip right now.
Yes, if someone who wasn't wearing a uniform busted in my house right now I would immediately open fire on them
i would try to use the bayonet first. out of respect
They actually think that theyll turn into John McClane and literally dodge bullets while yelling "yipp kay yay", while shooting up 10 gangbangers with their 1911 10 round mag, counting the headshots.
It all comes down to poor vs rich.
Its a simple risk assessment.
Rich/smart people would rather the perp take their tv than risk getting into a shoot-out.
Poor/dumb people would rather get into a shoot-out than losing their tv.
go break into someones house and find out for yourself
How did it feel? I get the feeling I could kill another human either in war or defense and go on with my life and not give a shit
>thinking someone cant pull a trigger to defend themself.
>u miss out on grade 1.
This might come as a shocker to you, but not everyone is a sheltered cuck
Lame strawman is lame strawman
Squeeze, don't pull dipshit
>Implying anybody willing to break into a house while people are there are looking for JUST your property
Yes, and I'd have amazing fucking sex with my wife while we waited for the paramedics and cops to show up.
>or I would if successive Liberal governments hadn't fucked things over for us
hundreds of thousands of americans use personal firearms in self defense every year
try again faggit
What if its somebody trying to take your children
Did Obama pass a police state kind of thing after Orlando?
>implying thieves main goal is to kill people
Youre an idiot.
>implying Sup Forums has a wife
>not have the balls to defend your own life
>scared of shooting a known CRIMINAL who has no disregard for your property or life and wants you dead to leave no witnesses to their crime
Stay cuked and a faggot
>10 gangbangers entering your house just for a tv
Yeah nah mate. You kick in my door I kill you.
Good job getting your family raped and murdered.
Psycho murderers and Rapists don't exist?
i busted in ur house last night
>do these right wing gun cucks actually think they have the balls to shoot another human being that enters there home
It's not difficult when you genuinely believe your life is in danger.
Do you even have an actual argument?
1. Do you have children?
2. Why would anyone steal your children?
3. How strong does a thief have to be to rob American children?
Nice projection there, leftist coward.
I could easily shoot an intruder dead. The resulting depression, however, might drive me to suicide. Still, better the both of us dead than just him
I feel like that too. I think some of us were just meant to be soldiers.
I have the balls to shoot you for being a cuck.
Believe that.
lol @ 10 gangbangers breaking into a home to steal a TV. You can't assume anything is somebody is trespassing in your home so assume the worst and hope for the best.
FUCK. I meant me. Tired as fuck
Well I already did it once so
Take em
>psycho murders
You mean serial killers?
There are 50 active serial killers in the US.
Rapists are mostly people who know the victim and they dont target 30 year old NEET wizards, they target qts.
Theives go out of their way to steal when nobody is in the house.
If they willingly break in when they know you are home then they are looking for your boipucci
>learn how to spell
>by definition, right-wingers aren't cucked
you should kill yourself austocuck
you bring shame to the land Mozart once lived
>It would have to be the enemy soldier that threw the grenade that wounded me, but he’s not around right now to talk to.
Why can't more Democrats be like Webb?
I've read accounts of left wing cuckolds who are able to use a gun to defend themselves from someone breaking into their home, if they can do it anyone can.
>irony: the post
Is this a /k/ gets an asthma attack episode?
>being so cucked you wouldn't
>thinking they only want your shitty tv
Wanna test me?
Then they arent thieves, theyre robbers.
Get your nomenclature right lardo.
Your syntax makes Mozart weep.
The best part is you are so cucked that your little mind can't even handle the thought that others have the balls you don't.
A lot of the racists who post here think that killing other people is a joke. I was stationed in Afghanistan, keeping America safe, when a hooded figure darted from a doorway, holding a gun. I shot, it turned out it was a kid. With a toy gun. I can't describe the feeling I had as he died. I can still see his eyes.....I keep them in a jar on my desk.
>Theives go out of their way to steal when nobody is in the house.
And this is specifically because they don't want to get fucking shot. When people stop being armed at home, either by choice or regulation, home invasion sky rockets due to lack of risk, as it did in australia
Yeah youre right.
They specifically break in to get an adrenaline rush with the possibility of getting into a shoot-out.
Makes perfect sense.
Given that self defence shootings happen from 250k to 3 million per year I'd say yes.
I like how your pic has a self defense theme to it, but the gun owner is clearly fucked in that situation...might get a lucky shot off.
no really Mozart would think you are a fag just like I do. many laughs would be had at your expense
Why is your dildo shaped like a gun?
>And this is specifically because they don't want to get fucking shot. When people stop being armed at home, either by choice or regulation, home invasion sky rockets due to lack of risk, as it did in australia
Thats funny. Noone here has guns (in cities) and there are almost no armed robberies/home invasions.
Do you ever get tired of shitposting on a Taiwanese sweatshop forum?
Sadly neither Mozart, nor I give a flying fuck what you think lardo.
it's all "haha you don't have the balls" until trayvon dindunuffins receives a delicious scoop of hot lead.
While the gun issue seems to be the focus of most of the speeches, and especially in the liberal media, what is really at stake is the make-up of our Supreme Court. The next President will have to make an appointment immediately to fill the seat of Justice Scalia, who died this year. The votes by the current court, with Justice Scalia sitting, on both the Heller decision and the McDonald decision were 5 to 4. The conservative justices were the 5, the liberal justices were the 4. Now the court is 4 liberals and 4 conservatives. Here's a look at the Supreme Court makeup ranked by how liberal or conservative their votes are. Take note where the last two appointees, Sotomayor and Kagan, land on this scale.
The Supreme Court will decline to hear cases involving the gun issue until the new President appoints the new justice. What is at risk here is which kind of justice will be appointed for life. A long enough period to either reinforce or tear apart the Second Amendment.
We care deeply who makes the appointment.
A liberal President will appoint a liberal justice. And with the support of a liberal senate that justice will be confirmed. So if your personal choice of candidate did not make it and you've decided not to vote, that is a vote for a liberal, anti-gun President and a liberal, anti-gun justice. If you find the conservative candidate offensive and get pulled into voting for a third-party candidate, that is a vote for a liberal, anti-gun President. A third-party candidate simply will not win the presidency.
If you are so angry at either candidate that you stay away from the polls and don't vote – that is a vote for a liberal, anti-gun President and a liberal, anti-gun Supreme Court.
Now is the time to get over any personal issues you might have. Open your eyes. Will your position save the Second Amendment? So get over it. Get behind the pro-gun, conservative candidate to keep the court majority pro-gun.
>beta nu male leftist talking about balls
well duh.
You don't have niggers
We have niggers
I like to think of myself as an edge lord who thinks he can gun down someone easily. I honestly have moral objection to killing an intruder but I actually pulled a gun on a would be intruder and it was really tough.
Basically I had some retard banging on my back door in the middle of the day. I had my house broken into recently and thought this was the same guy. I got my pistol and ran down stairs and I was shaking a little but I opened the door and confronted him barrel first. It was some stupid looking Mexican and he just ran off. I came really close to blowing his head off if he made another move. But that situation just gave me a taste for how hard it would be to actually go through with it.
But if I had too I'd still blow his head off and ask questions later. There is no second chances in this world.
Why don't you break into my house and find out?
I bet you weigh more than me and with a higher bodyfat % as well.
Care to find out Austrocuck?
why wouldnt they? i'd hestitate a lot more outside in the street but not in my own house
Since you're carrying @ home, if given only the choice between the following 2 options, which one do you pick and why?
A) 5-shots of 22 Magnum in a North American Arms Sidewinder
B) 2 rounds of 45 acp or 9 mm in a Bond Arms Derringer
Not everybody is a gigantic pussy, like you.
>implying a Sup Forums tardy has a house and not a shitty 1 br apt.
#TRUMP 2016
Make America Great Again.
>". Do these right wing gun cucks actually think they have the balls to shoot another human being
What's so hard about it, you point at them then pull the trigger and if you aimed at their head or heart they just die.
Remind me how many black-administered majority black cities you have in Austria.
>How strong does a thief have to be to rob American children?
Top fucking post
Oh shit, youve got a point senpai
Consider me #disarmed now
i don't have the balls to take a stabbing, i know that
Yeah, cause that shit never happens. You've never had to be the one photographing a scene like this or having to make a death notification to a spouse at work in front of 20 people.
I've been shot twice in the line of duty, killed two suspects.
>implying modern Americans have remorse
Good one. But why keep trophies?
Never break into me or my wife's house again
Considering people have shot intruders before, yes I think most gunowners wouldn't give it a thought.
Nice projection though.
We live in mommies house
Duh #tendies4dayz
How does it feel to kill another person? Good, bad? Or is overrated and nothing of a big deal?
If you have a gun pointed at you and are smart you will obey the home owner and stay put until the police arrive. If you are a stupid nigger who has a knife or a gun and breaks into someone's home you are simply asking to be shot.
you killed that couple?
The .22 since I have plenty of backup in the form of machetes and bats lying around
Damn straight I do you libtard piece of shit
Why don't you start breaking into homes and find out?
Gotta arm yourself to protect those tendies
You make no sense. Why would they want to get into a shootout. Criminals HOPE you are fucking unarmed then they tie you up and force you to go to the bank and withdraw large amounts of cash or they will kill your entire family. Oh wait that's what happened to the Petit family.
Wife and daughter raped and murdered, burned the house down. Husband tied up in the basement barely got out by breaking the window. Now his wife and daughter are fucking DEAD because he was too beta to defend his family with a gun.
I would but I already know I would chin check user and knock him out cold before he could even hit the safety
It;s a pain the ass actually. Piss test, GSR, have to go see the fucking head shrinker, talk to the DA team, write paperwork until your fucking eyes bleed, give up your weapon. Fucking sucks.
Burglary rate in Austria
>1,044.2 (Rate per 100,000 population in 2013)
Burglary rate in the USA
>602.5 (Rate per 100,000 population in 2013)
Source: UNODC International Burglary, Car Theft and Housebreaking Statistics, 2015
And they're fucking filled to the brim with NIGGERS all over the place. I do believe the term is BTFO.