Any nationalists on here? I'm going to kick your ass!

Any nationalists on here? I'm going to kick your ass!

No. Nationalists are okay.
It's the ANGL* we should beat to a bloody pulp.

your are problly to fat to wipe your own ass kid

What? Type proper English when addressing me, fascist.


your are problly to fat to wipe your own ass kid


your are problly to fat to wipe your own ass kid


Yes, whtie nationalist reporting in 14/88 SIEG HEIL

Holy shit this has to be bait

lmao, hitler hated non-"aryan" whites. He would probably murder your amerymutt ass.

On a board whose main point of banter is commenting on how white a country ia, it shouldn't be of any surprise.

Hitler beileved in separation and preservation of each race. He had no hatred for non-ayran people. It wouldn't matter for me since I am a superior alpha Aryan ubersmech anyways

>tfw can't annihilate far right and far left extreamists

Antifa israel when antifa bro?

Israel needs more black population

You wouldn't happen to be a based civic nationalist as well, would you?

Good idea! But then im gonna kick your ass for being a liberal

>heh I dont believe in anything heh bet you haven't seen the likes of me kiddo

If you're white and want a future for your kids or all of western civilization in general its in your best interest to join the right side. If not then I don't care

>muh race
>muh duty
>muh honor
>muh blood
>muh white wimminz
>muh feelz
>muh spooks

>TFW so beta and unattractive you fear Tyrone's gonna fuck your race out of existence

I prefer patriotic

Actually just center right

If you want to secure the future of white people then you should get married and have kids

What does center right even mean in your own words?

He's a R A D I C A L - C E N T R I S T

You know that wouldn't work. Much easier to just get rid of all the non-whites.


Oh look, another nutcase making a fool of himself. Too stupid to realize it though.

I'm an European nationalist. Europeans are better than the rest of the world, purely by being born in Europe and raised in Europe by Europeans.

Australia is honourary Euro because all the white people here are Europeans.


Nationalism is a literal spook. It makes sense that nation states exist at some degree of scale within human society, but taking their existence as being a mystical thing ordained by some internally shared and externally exclusive identity contradicts their reality as an arbitrary consolidation of power at some practical historical limit.

true, so lets do something about all the fucking immigrants. I don't mind chinks to an extent, but there needs to be a controlled number. Kick out all muslims though, and all niggers. Fuck them for ruining Europe.


I love my country with all my heart. Fuck you faggot come at me.