My mother and father were both homeless and I never went to school. I can barely speak and write English. I'm having trouble with there, their and how to a construct sentence. any tips?
My mother and father were both homeless and I never went to school. I can barely speak and write English...
What the fuck is your native language then? I know for a fact you're not Asian. Asians are smart.
any help
Kill yourself. That's all i got.
I'm white. I was born in Kentucky
Google English grammar. Why FUCKING ask here???
It seems like there are a lot of bright minds here.
Incorrect, most people here are borderline mentally retarded or(and?) severely mentally ill.
I don't know about that but they are very good at writing english.
Thats true.
How did your parents became homeless and you did not attend public school?
Are you a cute redneck?
Post pics
They are very religious, they said the liberals were controlling the education system so they never registered me. I was born at home so no one knew they had a child.
OP, are you a Appalachian?
>I was born at home so no one knew they had a child.
Did they rise you in the basement?
so you suddenly can construct some sentences? you said you couldn't
Americans why you give money to drug addicts? I am watching drugs inc and they all get over 100$ begging per day to buy drugs.
I never really went outside but I had a window I could open and look through.
I can but they are not impressive
There refers a location their refers to someones possession
Its is possessive of an item
Its handlebar
It's = it is Wednesday.
It's is a contraction of it is
is your house made of doors?
You seem to have a basic enough handle on the language to read, so go to your local library and check out some books. Start off with some young adult novels and use a dictionary (the internet will suffice.) Make sure to regularly talk and write to others using the new words you'll introduce to your vocabulary. With time, it'll become habitual and you won't need to make a conscious effort.
You even used a comma correctly, it seems you can construct sentences better than most college students. Next time you try to use this as bait, act more retarded.
How do you survive OP?
We are a profoundly loving and caring people
The first letter in a noun needs to be capitalized, a noun is something that is a person a place or a thing.
The end of a sentence needs to be ended by a period if the sentence is complete, a question mark ? If the sentence is a question, or an exclamation mark ! If it is a loud exclamation
A vowel are the letters a,e,i,o,u, a consonant are the rest of the letters, a comma is used to seperate different clauses of a sentence.
If you want some honest advice OP, you should get your I tested. Not being exposed to education while young may have permanently impaired your brain. If you get I tested and end up with like a 90, your fucked. But, if you end up with something like 110, you can still turn things around by intensely studying a few things, such as reading, mathematics, comp sci, etc. Get tested OP
I'm inconsistent with my commas sometimes I get it correct sometimes I do not. I've been learning how to write and read for the last two years. I even moved to Cali because it has a lot of opportunities, unlike Kentucky. I wanted to make something with my life instead of sitting on my ass and reading a bible all day like more parents.
I have a job at KFC
Fuck, those IQs, got corrected to I. I meant IQ Op
But you are funding drug use and wasting your money.
Iq is not affected by education.
You can study for a few months and do much better on an iq test than you would otherwise if you hadn't prepared
That's because iq tests are just a test,
cognital function is not permanently changed by studying because successive iq tests have higher results.
Iq refers to cognital function not knowledge.
That's the point. If he is uneducated but turns out to have a high IQ, investing his time in education would be worthwhile. But if he has low IQ, there is no point in him wasting his time educating himself. See what I'm sayin?
You can prepare yourself for IQ test-type questions and be better suited to answer them is what I meant.
The first letter in a personal noun, such as the name of a store or person.
Enjoying living alone?
learn from observing how other people speak and watch movies and TV to help with this
As long as I succeed I'll be happy.
I thought IQ test were bullshit and didn't prove anything?
I'm confused with "your" and you're" can i use them indistinguishably or do they have different meanings
Your is possession Your (thing)
You're is a contraction of you are.
In like 1 month you can easily get to highschool level and graduate
Your as in having your food. You're is like you are.
so instead of using "you're" i could just use "you are"?
he writes in pretty simple sentences actually
reminds me of myself learning english
if you have internet access you can study all kinds of things for free
take a month to straighten your english and you're good to go
Did you learn English online or do they teach it in Romania?
Ah it all makes sense
thread makes sense now
a bit of both
i technically had english classes in school but didnt learn much
most of my english ability was slowly picked up from the internet since i browsed a lot
I am confused with there and their. Aren't they interchangeable? Also when do you use who and whom? I never use whom. I always say who.
Is your English as advanced as your Romanian?
there indicates where something is
>The apple is there.
they're is a contraction of they are
>They're/they are there.
whom is in the dative case
the dative case is used to indicate TO WHOM the action is being done, and is a remnant of the old english case system
observe the following
>To WHOM did you give the apple?
>Who did this
i'm not sure
but they're pretty close
i might sound like a mexican tho
I want to write as good as him
to and too are challenging
He's a massive faggot and renowned shitposter
If you really needed help for that you'd just google it
seems like you made a fake story to get (you)s kek
Like I said, The people on this board seem like very smart people.
where are you in kentucky
I've always lived in louisville and it whenever I go anywhere else in the state it feels sort of weird