>he hasnt heard of the 21 foot rule
>he thinks a gun will protect him
>almost 100% of the times you need a gun you are within 21 feet of your danger
>guns work
>Zombie killer green
My dubs will confirm OP is a faggot
What is 'taking that bastard with me'?
You silly cunt.
>he thinks I care that I won't probably be able to use my gun in self defernse under some circumstances
>I'm suppose to give up my guns and rights because I'm just going to die anyways so why the fuck should even get the Opportunity to defend myself
really makes you think, huh?
diminished chances are still chances you fucking dumbass. If I didn't have a gun it'd be zero.
Faggot confirmed.
>sources pulled out of my ass
>he hasn't heard of the Sup Forums
>he thinks the things told to him by the glorious media are true
>almost 100% of the time you will be btfo by the Sup Forums
>he hasn't superglued a gun to his hand to have it ready at all times
Turn off your proxy, you're clearly not from freedomland
16 rounds. You are telling me I can't fire 16 fucking rounds at someone rushing towards me 7 yards away from me and at least 3 of those bullets won't hit? Given I probably won't be able to get off 16 rounds maybe 5, but unless it's some autist with a katana or some weapon that can kill me in one hit, stab, or slice instantly, even if he gets through 3 rounds there will be a hand to hand struggle and one of my hands will be holding a gun with most of the rounds still in the magazine. You can FUck off
youre forgetting the time it takes to draw, son.
>thinks you can't supplement firearms with hand to hand combat training, especially nerve cluster and joint strikes and joint manipulation
If you're under 15 feet from me I'm not going to shoot you, I'll likely draw a knife or just go hand to hand
>Pistol bayonet
For what fucking purpose?
youtube the 21 foot rule you epic fucktard. It takes time to react, draw, aim and pull a trigger.
Because he is a gear tard.
You didn't have to throw down some dubs to point out the obvious, but it's still a nice touch
>nerve cluster, joint strikes, joint manipulation
Sounds like you are in need of some hand to hand combat training. Bullshitsu kills, son.
>there's a chance that being armed won't save your life
>therefore we should strip everyone of their guns and make them have zero chance to save their life
>time it takes to draw
Kek, eat your heart out user.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast, fast is slow.
Bob Munden u r dead stop posting
>burglars know exactly where in the house i am
>i should wait for a racist cop who is 100 miles away
Kek, when OP forgets that I am the gun and as such am always drawn and loaded
The 21' rule comes from that being how far a typical person (yes, even a fattie,) can move in the time it takes for the average person to register that the threat is NOW, draw their pistol and fire.
In reality, if you are aware of the potential threat, your hand should, at the very least, have your hand on your pistol, because for most people, half of the time drawing is simply getting their hand on their pistol. Situational awareness can negate the 21' rule.
Here we go again with this shit.
Yeah a gun doesn't guarantee your safety but I would like a 50/50 shot over a big fat zero.
21' / 10 seconds rule, but regardless it's better to have and not need than need and not have, and if that silly fucker is beyond 21' and/or 10 seconds any normie would have the time to recognize the threat, draw, aim, and fire.
Someone who trains better than most officers that are used for that study who only qualify once a year would have a far better reaction time, and other than that once a year qualification most officers don't shoot on their free time, just the gun enthusiasts, and even then most of them don't train to high proficiency.
Also hiro-kun please fix the ban shit, I'm tired of every time I use my phone and the random IP it selects to post when it connects to the cellular data network it picks one that happens to be banned and I have to reset my network via airplane mode. Is it possible to clear the IP ban list and use MAC blacklisting?
>+5 faggot points for sideways picture
>1 post by this ID
No one has even said anything about the bayonet on the end of the pistol
It takes me less than 2 seconds to pull my concealed pistol and fire 2 rounds. It's called training.