Hey Bongs - I bought some of your piss water to show my support for Brexit.
Anyone else doing their part to help out the Britfags before the Globalist strike back?
Hey Bongs - I bought some of your piss water to show my support for Brexit.
Anyone else doing their part to help out the Britfags before the Globalist strike back?
Geordie here and thanks for buying Brown Ale, how did you find it? I think we've got better Ales here but Brown Ale isn't what I would call one of my favourites but it is pretty nice chilled.
Don't the dumb UK alcohol laws mean that "cider" is a lot more popular than beer due to much lower taxes?
>gets Bong beer
>drinks it cold
what are you doing
They carry it in my supermarket here in the great state of Texas.
It came that way - ain't waiting for it to warm up. Got the other half of the 6-pack sitting on the floor. Maybe tomorrow.
Bongs drink their beer warm?
What fresh hell is this?
I don't mind newcastle. It's one of the better mass produced beers.
Yea I'm a little confused on this one too. I guess when our traditional beer is Budweiser, we don't really know shit.
Just watched this.
>A long time I ago I was in the Zulu Nation, my friends and I
God bless Texans, I really hope we live to see the rebirth of the Texan empire in our lifetime.
They carry that every where.
Im trying to drink this shit right now. Its dog puss.
Yeah newcastle is not rare at all. It's in basically every liquour store across North America
No. We just like cider.
Maybe someday, but hopefully it won't be necessary if things go right in November.
I enjoy being a thorn in liberal asses, so no rush.
He's just trolling.
Cider is generally cheaper than beer per unit of alcohol because it is taxed at a lower rate to subsidise orchards, but it's mostly popular in the southwest due to inbreeding and homeless people due to cheapness
Most of our ales you'd want to serve at cellar temperature, which is about 12 degrees. The colder beer (or any other liquid) is the less of it you'll taste, which is why a lot of commercial lagers advertise that their product should be served just above freezing
>Not buying American beers when your an American
>Being this much of a cuck
You have to buy hipster beers these days in order to buy American. All the major "American" mega breweries have been bought out by foreign corporations.
There he is - glad you could join us faggot.
Flavours are stronger when warm. A room temperature beer is just the thing when your country has been in decline since Victoria died and it rains every other day even in summer, reminds you that it could be worse.
Actually the brewer even suggests that Newcastle Brown Ale be drunk cold. Look at the back label.
As for real ales, IPAs and porters, yes. Traditionally drank room temp.
He was asking how OP enjoyed the beer.
As in, "did you find it was skunky due to having sat on the shelf for too long in its clear glass bottle?"
Hard cider in the US just tastes like apple soda. (At least the big brands.) Am I missing out, or is this it?
I'm not a beerfag. What's some good liquor I could drink to support the UK in celebration. I would say scotch normally but Scotland has proved themselves to be total cucks.
Hey, the bottlecaps have British witticisms on them.
It's like drinking beer and watching Downton Abbey all at once.
You'll probably find more dry cider in the UK, but fundamentally cider will always taste like apples unless you're a faggot that drinks fruit ciders.
I've never had a non-skunked Newcastle.
This. I bought a 6 pack and gave it to girls after I tasted how sweet it was. Made me feel like a fag for a moment.
Crispin or Strongbow?
Your troops used to pass out when they were here in 1943, since they couldn't handle how fast warm ales hit you. We're a nation of alcoholics tho, teebeekyooaitch fampai.
Buttblasted Greekfag here.
This is why I drink rye whisky and bitters neat.
Fuck your warm beer. Fuck your cold beer. Fuck your carbs in general.
[spoiler]you can't handle ouzo anyway[/spoiler]
I hate brown ales, what else you got?
why do you fuckers like gin so much, juniper is a godawful flavor. why can't you make whiskey like the Scots and Irish?
American Bourbon is near perfect, but I'd be curious as to what English whiskey would be like.
>beer at room temperature
This is a meme. Cellar temperature is optimal for "real ales" i.e. not chilled but slightly cool
I fucking love Ouzo
t. Greek Cypriot
Among Europeans we are renowned binge drinkers. We drink similar amounts, but all at once.
Zulus is badass. the sequel Zulu Dawn is depressing because the niggers win.
That is a bad beer. Thanks for the support, but that is very bad beer.
Cellar temp is just room temp in winter.
afaik Pabst brands are still American, like Ranier, Olympia, and PBR
then again, that is the king of the cheap hipster beers, so I guess you're right.
fuck, even a lot of distilleries are now owned by Japs and shit
there's a cider from southern california I've had that's extremely dry, but it's probably not available anywhere outside of a few gastropubs and where they bottle it
pop it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes
I'm from New England so not sure how much it's available across the nation, but Sam Adams is actually pretty damn good for a purely American beer.
That's awesome.
Geordie here aswell.
taste is subjective
I mostly drink G&T in the summer desu m8. Keep the gin in the freezer and you don't need ice.
I drank some tea today.
That's a classic. I have a few bottles in my fridge
Too poor for that so I drink Yuengling instead
I went to this authentic British establishment.
Shit, I was a PAfag in my youth. I thought Iron City was bad.
I'll say a prayer for you the next time I drink a Natty Light.
There are a few companies that make a "extra dry" variety of cider than I imagine is what regular cider is to the UK, as in not loaded with 40 tablespoons of sugar to appeal to sorority girls.
They sell that shit in my local grocery store. In cans.
>brewery moved from newcastle to yorkshire by giant brewery corporation
what self respecting geordie would drink that traitors brew?
Listen to the Ameritard talking about piss for beer.....Really?
newcastle is pretty popular here in texas m80 I'm sure its popular in the rest of the states too. Good stuff.
I bought a bunch of Hobgoblins yesterday so I could toast your success. Thought about getting a nice Aberlour A'bunadh, but eh, the Scotts might be a bit too pussy to support this time around.
How about some Canadian Molson eh?
Disgusting. Besides, we're celebrating the British anyway. We haven't done anything useful up here worth getting the party balloons out for.
I'll have to look for it.
You can import more my friend when the markets open again
Molson is wack, at-least Labatt and Moosehead are drinkable.
Beefeater is my go-to for gin if that helps :S
>American beers
You mean the ones that are now owned by the Belgian company InBev.
much much nicer than American.
Pretty much the only real American beer at this point.
Fucking ameriburgers with their nonredeemable shittier pisswater they call beer.
fuck off and die, or maybe try some real beer and pass out.
We have the stuff everywhere in Georgia. I had a few pints of it yesterday to celebrate your independence.
there are a billion fucking IPAs right now, their motto is: the more bitter, the better.
it's like sucking on raw hop juice. they fucking suck ass.
Newcastle is the only British beer most people in NA have heard of. I had a few last night to celebrate
there are fucking no distilleries in England or Wales.
you fuckers simply do not make whiskey. and that's just sad, because whiskey is superior.
just don't dry your malt with peat, that shit gives you cancer.
>Pabst brands are still American
they sold out to a Russian conglomerate last year . feels bad
fuck yeah!
i just bought some Coleman's Mustard
good shit
strong kick- not bland and weak like typical american mustard
My favorite mass-produced beer is Sam Adams, too bad it's owned by a kike.
the american equivalent of actual mustard is spicy mustard
fugg, all the info I saw said they were still 'Murrican ;_;
not really
'spicy mustard' almost always has a heavy dijon flavpr
this stuff is just strong without having that
which is good for me because i don't really like dijon
still a good beer though, also they make it in LA now instead of Milwaukee
It's tasty, wish I had more abv. I like boddingtons also, it's kinda rare though.
>they make it in LA now instead of Milwaukee
fucking blasphemy, LA water sucks ass, full of nasty ass minerals
yes it is horrible. Overly hopped local hipster brews are about the only beers I can drink these days. feels bad
this, strongbow tastes like getting fingered in a park
I think he means beer, not carbonated corn water.
Holy fuck.. I didn't know they made water that strong.
whole grain grey poupon in the jar makes me jizz
I am not brushing my teeth and boiling my meat
I love Newcastle ba. that werewolf one they had a while back was fun too.
best beer to have at room temperature in winter
Maybe I will order something from the UK. It might shock you that I was supporting the brexit as a liberal but I think they made the right choice. All political shit and "racism" aside they weren't getting nearly as much back as they were putting in. The business world will throw a hissy fit because they will have to reconfigure everything and move their shit around but that temporary price is worth the long term benefits. David Cameron can fuck off and cry himself to sleep, you did good lads.
How can i support bong economy from here?
Bought the new Motorhead album today.
>R.I.P. Lemmy
Bought a union jack flag and royal standard from a seller in the UK the day of the vote with a message congratulating them on Brexit. About £40 in total. Worth it.
according to aggregate reviews, PBR is still the best domestic adjunct (read: cheap) beer there is, other than limited releases and seasonals.
My contribution!
It's pretty normal beer if you know about it. Even got an official pint from one restuant
Having this tonight. Excellent but very expensive.
Fellow Georgian here. Family is all from Newcastle, I'm the first born here. Grew up on it, will always favor it. Idk what people have against Newcastle. Will always buy.