Why diid build wall became a meme when Trump said that we would pay for it, not build it?
Not like we will.pay anyway, just some food for thought.
Why diid build wall became a meme when Trump said that we would pay for it, not build it?
Not like we will.pay anyway, just some food for thought.
So more jobs for Americans?
also, who's gonna build it?
too many questions in this life, we'll never know
Tell your government to invest in concrete companies. Maybe your pesos will stop being toilet paper
food for thought
likely mexicans on the northern border who need to support their 50 children.
What makes you think you will have a choice? Do you think Trump is going to send you a bill?
Mexicans, ones here legally.
Holy shit, maybe for Mexico it would be such a feat, but for a country that put people on the moon decades ago, I think we can manage a fucking wall.
Your going to pay for it one way or another.
How's the wall actually gonna look like? Will it have a badass pathway at the top with towers like SSShina's? Or just a 25ft length of concrete running across the desert? so many questions, such few answers, so little time.
It's going to be huge, plated with gold. There will be a dedicated "Nights Watch" for the wall. People would be honored for their sons to go do a tour of duty guarding the wall. There would be restaurants at the top where you can fine dine on Trump Steaks and Trump Wine and watch Mexicans try unsuccessfully to get into the USA.
That must be a sight
>yfw 2023 and still no wall
You will have to swallow a big ol humble taco and just pay it. The USA does not need you and you have everything to lose by pissing them off
says the guy whos economy is based on people sending money back from USA to there families.
A wall and deportations will put you in the stone age
You know maybe when I was a kid I would have said maybe Mexico has a point. That's because everything I bought said "Hecho en Mexico".
Now everything is made in China.
Mexico is a strong trade partner, but nothing we can't do without. Meanwhile Trump as President can enact regulations that would essentially cripple the Mexican economy and there is nothing you can do about it. People aren't going to sever relations with the US over Mexico. You won't be able to use force as you just have no hope of beating the US militarily.
Sounds a lot like Poland.
Most Construction workers south of whatever are Mexican.
Would you work picking tomatos 12 hrs for 10$ a day? Or even less
You're already worse off than them.
I don't know how you think you can make fun of any other country with the shithole you live in.
We are the mexico of europe
(But maybe 10% of you)
We let in a set amount of immigrants for a years work. After a year they are evaluated and if they are not productive, sent back.
What would you do?
Yes, no problem actually, that's better than most jobs citizens take here.
Dunno why you faggots want to make it out to be so bad when field work is pretty nice.
Italy is
Like Mexico, they are brown, lazy and useless with tons of organized crime.
Increase tariffs to force them to pay for the wall.
shoddy wall built by mexicans? not thanks
>field work is pretty nice
Keep that in mind for the future
$1 US = $19 mex
Hardened concrete. There's a video in which Trump talks about it.
I already do field work from time to time.
It's better than being cooped up in a building all day and I can talk while I work without falling behind.
You fags are just pussies.
Shut the fuck up you lying sack of shit
no one should mexibro. farmers should not be able to pay slave wages and be millionaires. WE HAVE MILLIONAIRE FARMERS PAYING SLAVE WAGES AND GETTING GOV> HANDOUTS. i fucking hate farmers.
t. calibro
Our fucking shit country should die already, there's nothing of value worth saving here.
You have to go back.
It would be a fantastic opportunity to make some really aesthetic architecture like the Chinese wall, instead of an ugly intimitadi an wall like the Berlin one.
I maintain a 1/4 acre garden for fun.
I agree with you on that second sentence
Yes, I must be Mexican xd. We have burger flippers wanting 15 an hour, and you're going to pretend the lazy pieces of shit I see every day, would work for 10 a day for that kind of work. If they work at all.
Stop lying fag, either that, or get out more and lay off the memes.
>not like we will pay anyway
You won't have a choice, if he taxes remittances. Or did you think he meant that Mexico would literally cut a check for the price of the wall?
Are you aware we went to war with France over some fucking cakes?
Because property taxes and insurance don't exist. Because farm equipment work all the time and never needs to be repaired or replaced. Because those tomato plants grew from seeds which just spontaneously appeared on the farm ready to be planted, and when they were picked, they washed themselves and teleported to the market. The fences to keep out pests and roads to move around the land were always there, and they never need to be maintained.
Fuck you.
They are lazy. If they weren't they would be 1st world and Mexicans would have accomplished things like walking on the moon or drawing dicks on Mars.
You are aware you already went to war with the US and lost hard, at a time when the difference between the two countries was orders of magnitude lower?
Do you realize that 75% of your agricultural workforce is mexican?
Really, what is Mexico going to do in protest? Deprive you of nannies and gardeners who don't pay taxes and send all their earnings home anyways?
>mfw Mexican
>lighter then most Italians
>full of niggers
>we are the shithole
>Trump saving Mexico by giving us jobs
75% of our agricultural workforce is machines. And that is going to only increase.
There are a lot of mexicans who are hard workers and a lot who are sponges and criminals. We gotta remove the sponges and criminals and prevent then fron coming over. It will be good thing for the hard working mexicans over here. Also mexicans need the white man to remain majority or we turn into mexico 2.0 and that wouldny be good for mexico or the US.
If the farmers didn't have access to cheap labor from Mexico they would need to pay people real wages and invest in cost saving technologies or get bought out by those that did.
Quick test; take a look at a satellite map. Any farm that doesn't use center pivot irrigation is wasting water and hasn't invested in a technological advance to lower costs. Or has enough rain to grow their crops.
Take a guess at what 90% of California uses. Not center pivot irrigation.
I thought the wall became a meme because it was such a simple concept it was funny.
Not all US agriculture is in California. Vast majority is in the mid west.
Probably because there already IS legislation for building a wall, it's existed since 2006, only it's no longer being made because it was too expensive.
But people are so politically ignorant that once "build a wall" became a meme, they act like the fundamental concept is something insane and politically unrealistic.
>18.60 pesos to 1 US dollar
Mrw Mexicans are already paying for it, with their tourism bucks
>full of mexicans
that's terrifying enough. wew lad
instead of sending the criminals over here, just kill'em, i'm pretty sure more than one will be happy to pull out his revolver or an assault rifle and gun the fuckers down.