What percentage of his native power did Sauron pour into his ring?

What percentage of his native power did Sauron pour into his ring?

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All of it


Thats kinda dumb, isn't it?


Kept half for himself, put the rest into the ring.

Considering he should have died instead (or whatever the maiar do gtfo tolkienfags), not really?

Also, how sexy was Sauron?

Typical arrogant Dark Lord,
He didn't think anybody could challenge him with the ring so the consequences of him without out were not much of a consideration

At times very sexy, at others very unsexy.

He was probably quite beautiful before he became an edgy emo.

wow he's just like one of us

Sexy enough to make 9's/10 Elven nobility turn gay for him

he got control over other rings, also made horcrux, so kinda good deal imho


Rowling is such a fraud

yeah that was my point
it's quite an old idea anyway, there's plenty myths about items with power from their creator in it that carries on somehow their will

Over 9000.

Sauron's native power goes to 11.

Bout three fiddy

If sauron with the ring was so strong, why was he defeated by a single man' butterknife

Because he wore it on his finger, should have worn it on his cock

About 90%.

Nobody told that nigga to diversify his power portfolio.


Yeah, he should have divided his power into at least three rings, for redundancy's sake.

In all seriousness, given her depiction of hippogriffs, centaurs, and wizards, her horcrux idea was probably more based on a Lich's phylactery from Dungeons and Dragons than Tolkien.

In the book he was defeated by Gil-Galad and Elendil, basically the most powerful man and Elf in Middle-Earth at the time.

They both died and Isildur cut the ring off Saurons corpse.

The movie simplified it