Is nobody going to talk about this????
New Sup Forums Banner
Other urls found in this thread:
Really makes youthink. . .
men will change? into lizard people?
Truly makes your neurons fire....
Yeah, that line was very peculiar
thats an AD not a fucking banner your adblockless inbred
Fuck you you irrelevent country.
Hungarians are one of the most honorable people on this planet. The street this guy lives on probably has more history than your entire country
Nice proxy you starving nigger
I remember Intellibro and his warnings to investigate refugee migratory paths, "citadels" etc.
He wanted us to uncover a pattern. Is intellibro related to the guy who buys ads for the Antartica bunker?
fucking cryptic
he's right though, not having an adblocker is like not knowing how to connect to wifi
you are basically subhuman
>starving nigger
t. Burger who's ancestors were starving niggers from my town who were cowardly and ran when times got tough
>a fucking star and stripes
What does the ad even lead to?
Fuck off commie, I bet you voted Bernie
at least TRY to hide your butthurt
It leads back to Sup Forums
has anyone clicked this? what is it?
i voted Trump faggot and i rock my maga hat while you jerk off to ponies
you should stop posting for awhile
How do I reserve a spot?
Focus on the matter at hand
Of course not, I never see ads on Sup Forums.
If you're seeing ads on Sup Forums you're doing it wrong.
>muh hat
Fucking kys
leads to Sup Forums homepage
>Not having Ublock
Can you get more pathetic namefag?
Now we're asking the real questions
I'm going to be pissed off if it promotes something autistic.
The matter at hand is that OP doesn't know how to use an ad blocker
was for you
>not supporting the site
You guys are cancer
No one is going to visit your shitty website you retarded fuck.
you can't be anymore butthurt can you?
it's palpable at this point
It leads back to Sup Forums you nigger
it's fucking over
>message from soros
>prepares to throw one side against the other, just like in the past, so nobody comes for him or those who side with him
you know this to be true, they will whore themselves and prepare to promote group of people, making friends of them. then they use this group that has been bend to their will with money to attack against nationalists elsewhere, who hasnt fallen for soros trickery
it will be, nationalist who hate soros and his men, versus those who are as well nationalists, but have taken the aid from soros and his men, thus making them more neutral towards them
be warned, they will first let group of nationalists economy fall, then they offer aid, then they make friends and last they will use these whos mind they have enslaved against those who never let people with enormous wealth control the fate of men
so who will it be? perhaps a country that has always been a battlefield? a poland? ukraine?
be wary of friends you might make, do not trust money or those who trusted money
>Implying this site isn't supported by Hiroshimoot selling your personal info
Lol'd hard
Hmmm you may have a point there
Memes aside. It really does make you to speculate, more than think.
What does this mean?
What could they be warning us about?
What did they mean by this?
Guess i'm a #prepmissile now
Did anyone actually see this ad?
>OP just photoshops this ad into the box
>Makes a thread to collect the (you)'s
If you did:
>OP pays to get this ad on for a week
>OP makes a thread to gain attention
I want to know what this guy is talking about
Yeah but here's the problem with your theory.
I clicked the ad and it took me back to the Sup Forums homepage.
Clearly something is missing or information is being hidden from the normies who come here.
It's cryptic on purpose
Or somebody is just memeing
This. Anyone have anything saved?
Muh horse archer escaping from Pecheneg opressors.
Muh Arpad
a fucking leaf
>someone is spending hundreds of dollars on a meme
He's probably Australian
What's fucking bunkers???
I want to live
I would assume the fact that it links back to Sup Forums means that we're all safe for posting here, probably.
That, or the banner owner will make a thread soon.
Press it several times no kidding
Eventually it chances into pic related
Then click it once again and once again in the new web
It opens this shit:
>not using ad block
There are still people that subject themselves to ads? It's the second thing I download every time I do a fresh install.
I told you guys.
if you press it it opens a new web
Ah shoot.
whats there? what are you talking about?
reminder to ignore name fags
Do you have any cocks I can suck? I literally cannot stop sucking cocks
we were giving these coords by Intellibro and we sent an user, Lazerbees, there and he got , we dont know, taken.
this was months ago.
>someone is paying money to warn us about something
This just got real fucking weird, I'd thought he would link to something to buy...
the citadels are like Svalbard seed vault.
Could their be a structure underneath?
This shit again
That's pretty spooky
What the...
I smell bs, however
If I lived near there I would volunter to go
What else you got? What is this intellibro you afe talking about? Did the taken user return?
I give out useful information and help people aquire firearms ass hole.
that's the thought. You'll notice the haziness on the pic? thats where it's been edited.
I live near there what happens if I go there?
What are the Citadels? How do you get a room inside?
Whats the story of this one?
>the jew is spooked
we never heard from Lazerbees, I had just had hernia surgery so my ass was on workman's comp so I ran /Intel/ Generals for a few weeks but none of us heard from him.
we were told by intellibro not to send anyone else.
you can find the oler threads in the archive, but we had problems by getting shilled and raided a lot of times when we had threads.
>pic related is routes of migration last year. look where they are coming from.
What did Hiroshimoot mean by this?
Please tell me more, what else have happened? What did intellibro told you after?
I dont know, I dont recommend it.
>use adblocker
>miss the happening
How is this all related to the Advertisement?
Why does it lead to an archived thread?
Why is someone spending hundreds of dollars to warn us?
the citadels are abstracts.
everything with him is abstracts. Nothing is literal. this was our last major clue and we got quite lost.
he likes margaritas.
oh fuck.
it's really happening this time, isn't it?
Agreed, Why warn us? We're the asshole of the internet, so why would you help the scum of the world to live?
where I can find the /intel/ threads ?
>All these summer fags and retards who don't know may day and think this banner means something
Wew lad.
Perhaps he was trying to convey information cryptically as to not blow his cover?
Idk all this seems very fishy. Also what's this about bunkers in Antarctica?
its more than one thread user. The problem is sorting out the shitposters from the real guy but thats part of what allows him to even post here from what he has alluded.
I'm not trying to be vague, but I dont know quite how to tl;dr two months of threads.
Yeah I like the part where that guy is spending hundreds of dollars for a may day meme.
Start thinking critically for fucks sakes
I dont care. What if I hiked there and periscope streamed it. If something happened its not like they could delete it if multiple people recorded it.
>Got to Australia 10 days ago, don't know if not being scared of terrorists is worth being constantly scared of white tails (and it's not the fluffy kind of white tail that you hunt from back home)
So why is he spending all this money on advertising for the thread?
This shit must be serious if he's willing to spend his cash on us
svalbard is a seed vault, it is set up to hold genetic copies of things to survive doomsday scenarios. really.
Its like a noah's ark. but for plants.
the citadels are the human equivalent.
He's on a mobile phone. You CAN'T block ads on a mobile device.
Have anything else weird happened... like the lost user thing?
Have you verified anything...?
If we are men of distinction should we try to enter?
we went through all of this with lazerbees. im trying to find that thread for you.