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I was born in a commonwealth state and therefore I am British. I am also southern so therefore I am not a yank.
>other anglos
>southern yanks
Oh dear Jean Pierre!
>I am also southern so therefore I am not a yank.
If you didn't want to get called a Yank you ancestors should have fought a little harder.
>be pasty inbred
>post in /brit/
yes, home sweet home.
die amerikkkan bastard
Aussie posters and Yanks are not anglo but official shit skin lovers and they love nigger dick and have racial fetishes. Honest truth.
u wanna be me but u cant lol cringe lol
made a pepe out of wound channels
Alright here I made up my mind. England=Scotland>>>Wales>>N.Ireland>>Ireland
States called commonwealth in the US arent called that bcuz of reference to the british empire commonwealth
i like everyone in this world except african americans
got my hair cut by an iraqi man once
nice guy
>13.6% of black Africans in South Africa are HIV-positive, whereas only 0.3% of whites living in South Africa have the disease
w e w
>he isn't jewish
I'm so cringing mate, so cringing. My cringe is off the cringe scale. Cringe.
>Australian posters lmao
Really into washing my feet in the sink lads
trust a wetback
suffer the setback!
shut up
if they're margiela gats you're a fucking boring faggot
Canadians are all yanks mate
I'm Irish, not British but ive far more cultural affinity and links with the Brits than you larping identity crisis new world cucks
in the loo
Its because blaxk workers tended to migrate away from their families to work due to the bantustan policy.
As a result of being far from home and doing a depressing job theyd go and fuck hiv+ whores getting most of the workers infected and then infecting their wives when they went home
>shut up
He's right though. Did you really believe American states could be part of the British commonwealth?
Would rather live in 1990s or 1320s britain?
>I'm irish
Your potato nigger country is most associated with Bostonian yanks lmao
They were called commonwealth before commonwealth became the new term for the former empire
Things can only get better
they're not gats you thick yank cunt
even the leafs are humiliating the irish scum hahha
Not fond of living in a hovel with animals and toiling all day in fields
How does his state being a commonwealth pertain to being anglo?
good taste but you have to baby these
plus all white derbies usually look dumb
lol le potato nigger xddd
state of you leafs, get culturally enriched by jamal crypto yank cunt
No. (yes, I did extensive research into the etymology of a handful of the US states and I am merely joking due to the parallel between the Commonwealth nation of Canada and the Commonwealth of VA, KY, PA, and MA whose full state titles are stated on your birth certificate but not really elsewhere.)
Doesnt its just a word/name.
I think it's more of niggers gonna nig issue.
>Turn on 'facial beauty mode' on chink smartphone
>makes my face look whiter
Reely causes one to ponde r
>literally being fucking Irish
Holy shit lmao
The facial beauty mode on a lot of Chinese beauty apps shrink your chin and enlargens your eyes.
It looks weird.
they're too big I'm probably going to sell them
love plastic chinks
hahahaha i like this leaf
Hol up. The Loyalist southerners fled to Canada so GTFO.
>give historical and socio-political account
its boring having a world view like yours.
Reminds me of Bioshock splicers.
*tips kalpak respectfully at you*
just look at these lovely jews
Yeah right, you also boiled it down to one bullshit answer. Even Thabo Mbeki thought people could take a shower to stay safe from HIV.
>thats me in the cuck shed, losing my white privilege
Jakshy, jakshy, Anglis bratishka
slav version
>4.5+ days
>still 0 calories
canadians are et absolutum ultimum posters
The origin of the spread came from transient workers.
The continuation of tge trend came from misinformation and so on.
Actually it was zuma who took a shower rather than mbeki telling ppl to shower iirc
Another Canadian song perverted by Euro cucks.
the internet ruined her life
*starts playing this while manufacturing runts*
fat people are so fucking stupid
post original
I'd fucking kill you if I knew what that meant
do yanks all have autism
et absolutum ultimum = the absolute ultimate
came in a black benz left in a white one
*neurons fire*
mental how country singers from the 60s and 70s all sound like they're middle aged in their songs but then you look it up and they were only like 25 when they recorded them
>autistic spergleafs from /cum/
go back to your gaylord general
ily Australia
And whys thats sweetheart? X
We need to save them from the yank
Enjoyed this post
i knew exactly what this was going to be before i opened the link lol
Fuck off you non-fun cuckhold faggot nigger
don't want mcgregor to win because he's cocky
don't want mayweather to win because he's black
this is what racism looks like
>tfw wanna be slav
would like to see hot girls from canada and australia having sex
all corbyn voters want is what their boomer parents had
good lad
>Kim nukes Nevada just as the match begins
is that too much to ask?
me irl
suburban scum
As much as Australia says otherwise we have bigger willies and we'd REAM Aus women's cornholes bud
Jeremy 6 million more corbyn
would respect corbyn voters a lot more if they were honest about their ambitions
love how smug corbyn is when he reminds everyone that he's pro-brexit
every time i see a leaf say "bud" i hear that cringey creep catchers song in my head
i hope sam hyde executes tim heidecker
use grailed
friend founded it, i used to be an admin over there