So uhhh........ Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate apple products? They really arent bad at all.
Why does everyone hate apple products?
Walk into an apple store sometime and you'll see why. I don't hate apple products, as they are mostly pretty damn good, barring their new OS hiccups. The customers and heads of the corporation are shitty, and that is why people tend to 'hate' apple. They don't hate the product, they hate the culture.
I'm a PC.
If you hate someone based on what operating system their phone or computer runs, euthanize yourself.
>they really aren't bad
>literally the proverbial jew
yeah but this was back when the apple 2 was one of the first computers to utilize color graphics. Thats why it was colorful
Reminder to report and sage off-topic shitpost threads, stop fucking responding to them.
Because Apple products are made for the lowest common denominator. They're made for complete morons who don't know a keyboard from a motherboard, and who absolutely insist on a larger authority making all their decisions for them because they're simply too incompetent and lazy to figure it out on their own. Apple designs are for people who only care about appearances, not substance.
Apple products are made for literally human fucking cancer, and their userbase shows it.
Make sense now?
This most definitely is Sup Forums related.
Quit the shilling pls.
Personally I hate apple because it panders to the tech illiterate and people who want that recognition of owning an iPhone. Also don't like Apple cause their not revolutionary no wireless charging, just now getting 1080p screens, under powered, and especially hate them since everyone who owns the iphone thinks that there better than android owners
No it isn't, I hope you get banned you fucking piece of shit.
aesthetics matter, and so does user friendliness if you're creating products for a mass market. Apple is very good at what they do. They'll never be cutting edge, and their market doesn't care.
You sound like a whiny nerd who can't see other perspectives on something that really doesn't matter.
They are incredibly pleasant to use.
I'm on my 2008 unibody macbook right now and it's running fine. just from 2009 to 2013 in college i watched most people with lenovos or other PCs go though at least 1 laptop. my roomate went through two dead lenovos because his dad worked for them. My other suitemate's laptop at shit in 2 years and he got a macbook. I've never seen a windows device last 8 years, which is common for macbooks.
Isheep detected
>Isheep detected
Isheep detected
Have fun without webms
>aesthetics matter
>User friendliness
Sloth and stupidity
>Apple is very good at what they do
Yes jewing people of shekels.
>You own the media on which the Apple Software is recorded but Apple and/or Appleās licensor(s) retain ownership of the Apple Software itself.
Literally the first paragraph of the license agreement. So you pay a premium price for mid-tier hardware and forfeit all rights to use their fisher-price UI and buggy OS.
>buggy OS
Compared to what.
They are overpriced. The apple logo and brand recognition that they have lets them jew people into overpaying by as much as 200 dollars or more.
People like you are the reason I hate apple users... they think there better than EVERYONE else because they have a "Nicer" piece of technology because it has a apple logo on the back
That logo has nothing to do with gays, rainbows weren't always a fag only thing
Depends on what you intend to do. Most stable Linux distributions are great for servers or power users. Windows has the best support for office and business applications. They aren't better when it comes to licensing but you don'treally have a choice when it comes to business users. I don't care that you use apple, if that's what you like. But I can't support a company like that. Also, I hate the workflow on OS X.
> because it has a apple logo on the back
fuck off it's not only about the fuckin logo and the fact it's an apple product, not really hard to admit macbooks are nicer than the "average" laptops
You can use VLC for webms buddy
Have fun being THE product sold by Jewgle
not an actual safari extension tho
I have an '08 iMac and it still runs like a champ, 24" with an i3 upgraded to a 1 TB HDD and 6GB ram, it runs well, looks nice in my office. They make solid desktops and I don't play video games so I don't give a shit about muh FPS and 980ti. I don't see why everyone gets so fucking fanny flustered about this shit, PCs are great at what they do. I prefer something else. Why the fuck does every have to choose which billionaires dick they're gonna suck? I don't have an iPhone either, android has more of the stuff I need. Get over yourself and this god damn artificial corporate pride.
>Needing to install a third party application cause apple dosent want to natively include something basic
>Isheep defending this
Apples just runs off of linux hope you know that... also my laptop hasn't had ANY issues
because I don't want to pay more for the same hardware just because there's a logo of an apple.
2011 MBP owner here. Most owners of the 2011 Macbook Pros will be able to tell you about the logic board failures these fucking $2400 computers experienced. Luckily someone decided to sue apple, so any failing logic board is now covered under an extended repair program, but a lot of these laptops did not last even 5 years without major failure.
>forbidden fruit
Steve Jobs was gnostic possibly luciferian
> If someone makes a good product, you are not allowed to say it is good
> t. liberal dickhead
talking about how it physically is, not the unix meme
I should add that it was the fault of AMD and their shitty manufacturing process that caused this shit. AMD not even fucking once.
You have to actually be retarded to believe that the only difference is the logo.
But it's not good user... if something is good I will admit it
check out this faggot Sup Forums
also vlc for webm
so everything designed with aesthetics in mind is vanity? try harder
>Sloth and stupidity
Yeah I don't see why we dishwashers. I like standing around hand washing.
>Yes jewing people of shekels.
what company who sells luxury items isn't jewing people of shekels
get back to your didgeridoo, straya
Posting this fom an ipad.
My brother gave it to me as a gift.
what's with the slide threads? - take this shit to Sup Forums
because this is the user base
>Not Vanity
A phone is a phone not a Van Gough. You don't need a diamond studded gold plated iGoy, unless you were compensating for deficiencies in other departments...
>Because touch typing and using a mouse is too damn hard.
Yeh that's why you're using an Apple product whilst the adults get to use the washing machine and the dishwasher.
>Luxury item
Im glad we have an accord
>Why does everyone on Sup Forums hate apple products?
they're aimed art posers and trendies aren't they?
>They really arent bad at all.
they're generally overpriced
Now I'm mad.
Apple sucks because they sell shit hardware for an extremely inflated price and then used force obsolescence to make people upgrade every 3 years or their device starts having consistent problems.
Windows sucks because it's absolute shit as far as security goes, and they really aren't much better than apple and their forced obsolescence, when you consider the "update to windows 10" fiasco.
I'd take Windows over Apple any day though, because I actually do work on my computer unlike the 20 something liberal art student cucks that use Macs.
HOWEVER, there is an answer. Behold your one true God, Linux.
>>Needing to install a third party application cause apple dosent want to natively include something basic
I will gladly defend a company not having to suck another company's dick. Apple should just swallow Jewgle's WebM when they have perfectly good HARDWARE h.264 support ?
This is why I'll always defend Apple. They think for themselves, based on research, instead of going along with retarded popular opinions. Not going along with popular opinions, also triggers the libtards, and I love that.
> Apples just runs off of linux
It runs off of BSD
Very disloyal to Trump. Also:
>current year
>not even respecting your software freedoms
>shilling tech companies on /pol now (since you alieanted everyone on /g with this shit already)
good job mods for not deleting this shit.
>fisher-price UI
I hope you're not using Windows 7 or Windows 10 while trying to call any other operating system "fisher price".
>Apple sucks because they sell shit hardware for an extremely inflated price and then used force obsolescence to make people upgrade every 3 years or their device starts having consistent problems.
Meanwhile 2012 rMBPs are still being used and still being supported.
>I'd take Windows over Apple any day though, because I actually do work on my computer unlike the 20 something liberal art student cucks that use Macs.
So the backwards operating system with a broken UI, broken security, and other nonsense like telemetry and poor window managment is your choice for doing real work over a *nix OS? I hope you're not a programmer.