Wow.. really makes you think.
Wow.. really makes you think
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The UK gives in more shekels to the EU than it receives.The EU should have both of its arms sawed off
>comic is not just a kebab shop on fire
If britain was part of the EU, then wouldnt that make them all one person?
Why would he be shaking hands with himself?
because UK wasn't entirely part of EU. as it retained its own currency
>EU isn't some fat german woman
If brexit was really so "harmful" to britain, then why is the EU a big fat sad person, and britain is a happy skinhead?
Seems like EU was just lying about the negative effects because they wanted to keep getting fat on all of Britain's shekels.
>american """""education"""""
dude, you people don't know shit about the EU.
>typical skinhead little englander
>large-nosed EU man
gee, I wonder who could be behind this
I don't think the rest of Europe will ever get their dignity back. The humiliation of having their free borders union rejected at the cost of trillions of dollars to Britons is probably what this century will be known for.
Can someone shoop this to be the other way around, with the EU having his arm chopped off.
Since it's a more accurate representation of what actually happened
worth it, unlike this idiot's opinion
Stop trying to psychoanalyze people, it makes you look like an idiot.
I was just pointing out why the political cartoon makes absolutely no sense if you look at it for more than 2 seconds
God I hope Farage proves these cunts wrong. They really are trying to shame the fuck out of the leave voters.
I bet anyone who bought a shitload of the pound when it tanked will make a lot of money, especially if France and others end up having a referendum.
you just made a claim that was entirely wrong.
i dont get it, does the artist support brexit or not?
>eu is not a kike with 30 niggers by its side
The artist is implying Britain harmed itself (the man chopped his own arm off)
>you just made a claim that was entirely wrong.
Even if I was wrong, the comic STILL makes no sense.
If britain gains more than it loses by remaining a part of the EU, then why the fuck is EU depicted as a big fat ugly sad person?
Are you suggesting that EU is actually sad that it isnt giving away free money to UK anymore? That makes even less sense.
The EU is like this fat friendzoned beta orbiter that just got it's heart broken by Britain.
Ultimately the EU will end up giving juciy deals to the UK to try to entice them back.
The hands should have been cuffed to each other.
Yeah, would you not chew your own foot off to escape a hunters trap?
top fucking KEK
EU should be a Jew w/ devil horns looking dismayed.
Hand should have claws digging into UK's wrist.
Also pic slanted w/ hell behind the EJew.
>a hunters trap
so when are you chewing your dick off?
>The EU is so shitty that you will gladly cut off your arm just to get the fuck out
oh you
if Germany fuck off out of the EU, it will become a great place to be in, for every other country.
Awww shit.
Thanks for posting the unedited version user.
What the fuck is with that fake signature?
>not signed by ben garraison
>literally punishing Germany for WW2: The union
>literally everyone gets free money from Germany: The union
>hurr Its going to be great once the cash cow is gone
>The UK gives in more shekels to the EU than it receives
no shit
thats the price to access the european market in a free trade agreement. That money gets mostly spent in poor east european countries otherwise they would not be able to compete or in other words such a deal would be not favorable for them.
Would too if the fatty was going to eat all of you. Now he just gets the arm
i fucked up
what a load of shit. kill yourself kanker mof.
EU as it stands now, is basically an extension of German politics.
>free trade
>price to access
>price for something free
Just like free healthcare!
Yes, all the money we are giving to the rest of Europe only benefits us. The other countries really suffer from getting so much free German tax money. So sorry :(
>Implying the UK doesn't have deadpool powers
>price to access free trade agreement
Fixed it with the original signature
free in terms of no barriers you dipshit
It's """free""" trade, meaning crony corporate trade rather than genuine laissez-faire trade
>be german kanker mof
>make more debts by bailing our greece
>do this to devalue the strong euro
>devaluing the euro means you can export more goods to non-euro countries
>benefit because german economy = export economy
>don't care about how this negatively impacts rest of EU
kanker moffen moeten opkankeren
t. merkel PR team
>price isn't a barrier to entry
wew lad
i woudl advice you to read up that stuff before you call out people...
Cute how they imply that this is just the UK hurting itself, when it held the EU back from going full suicidal for as long as it could, and finally left when it became clear that it couldn't anymore.
The EU was going to crumble anyway. It's far better for the individual countries if they split off rather than all collapse together.
It'll grow back.
Fuck off with your ghetto speak.
The French forced the Euro on us as requirement for reuniting Germany. We should still have our glorious DM. Then we could inflate it and BENEFIT OURSELVES, not by throwing our money into other countries.
We inflate the Euro for the shit tier south, not Germany.
>That (((nose)))
Lol not even hiding it
>that image
There's something very wrong with jews.
Oy, they're onto me.
Fix the shadow of the arm, it's bugging me
Thread theme?
i hope you are pretending to be retarded
>There's something very wrong with jews.
(((((((Synagogue of Satan))))))))
>murican education
What's to know after last summer? The goal is forced 3rd world immigration
>price to access
>free trade
And you wonder why we voted to leave.
>as requirement for reuniting Germany
Why the flaming fuck would you want East Germany back?
I can understand why you'd want East Germany out of the the Soviet Union and a friendlier relation with them, but to entirely tear down a border with generations of people raised under communism? People who knew only how to survive under corruption? To invite them to vote for your leaders, to run for office?
Is it really surprising that you ended up with open-borders Merkel letting the third-world hordes in?
keep em coming
Surprised that an Argie is based.
Don't invade the Falklands again and I'll treat you as a friend.
I guess the EU is the old stable institution while we're the risky, possibly right wing upstarts. As a Brit that voted to leave I feel the part about escaping the EU despite the cost. Literally an arm. This thing is like chopping off a body part. Over here we are referring to it as a divorce because that's how it feels. We're parting ways and hope it amicable because we have kids involved. I hate that it's gotten so nasty but I hope it's just red blood and it'll fade. We do love europe, we're just not in love with europe any more.
>A free-trade area is the region encompassing a trade bloc whose member countries have signed a free trade agreement (FTA). Such agreements involve cooperation between at least two countries to reduce trade barriers – import quotas and tariffs – and to increase trade of goods and services with each other.
switzerland and norway also paying into the EU budget to be part of the EEA which is also listened as free trade area...
and your peoples general cluelessness does not make me wonder why you voted to leave.
sure there are they are on the sides of the Brexit Car as Decals.
>makes it go faster.
>arrow is line with the nigger kids head
>nigger kid = watermelon
good ol style comics
How the fuck can Ben keep up
>dat horsey signature
Hey I voted remain, and unlike most of /pol I have a degree and a graduate job.
As I'm bilingual I'll be taking my skills to another country and leaving this shithole to the racist welfare scroungers.
Brexit won't stop immigration, nor will it improve the NHS, but it will dissuade educated people to settle here
Now who the fuck made the comic is impossible to tell.
stop playing stupid
It seems like a lot of butt hurt from a generation that finally got called out on their bullshit. A fair vote was called and you lost. 48% of people have had to realise that fair is fair.
>posts a movie with a australian american
How exactly is he a hypocrite?
Afterall, he is right.
Incorrect, abuser of Humans.
I am none of your pre-conceived notions.
>stop abusing the blacks because you try to make them into something they are not , stop pretending you know what you are talking about.
You goddamned racist facist nazi, scum of the earth that supports TPP Fracking and slavery.
>How exactly is he a hypocrite?
>Afterall, he is right.
Because poltards will insult immigrants coming here looking for work, but also criticize natives leaving the country looking for work.
>Because poltards will insult immigrants coming here looking for work
Pretty sure 99% of the shit being flung is at """refugees""" who don't work
>but also criticize natives leaving the country looking for work.
He's criticizing you for voting remain and being a pompous faggot