Why can't non-Anglo countries into queuing? Every time I'm in a shit poor country and I'm queuing for passport control, the cash machine, getting on a bus etc. it's literally a free-for-all with people shoving you out of the way and barging in front of you. Why don't people automatically form orderly lines like in the civilised world?
Why can't non-Anglo countries into queuing? Every time I'm in a shit poor country and I'm queuing for passport control...
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what countries don't queue?
>even fucking rodents are more civilised than foreigners
Asians. And slavshits.
that's because they don't want to queue with angl*s
Slav's can queue alright. They had lots of practice at standing somewhere cold for something rubbish and got pretty good at it
Some of the slaphead (not brown variety) countries are also trained to form a line
t. someone who has never been to Japan
They make >muh anglo-queuing-skills look like babbies
You sound so surprised
what? since when it is an anglo thing? Everybody makes a queue
Have a (you)
When im in mcdonalds you can see all the mediterranean tourists just form a huddle near the counter while all the anglos queue
>says japan, whose culture and society at its core is an archaic hierachy-tribalism-traditionalism beast, conflicting with anglo concepts, the modern world and more often than not, just itself
We don't, we just ask who was the last one to come and relax until it's our turn.
Unfortunately shitalians don't, and down in south shitaly it's even worse, basically uganda tier mentality
>not defeating your foes until the queue is no more
anglo pussies
when people say asian they usually don't mean Japan desu
We're talking the middle east here
No reason to be uncomfortable by forming a queue when you can just sit down and wait for your turn knowing no one is going to get in the way or try to take advantage of you.
>Every time I'm in a shit poor country
I doubt you even leave your basement, let alone leave the country.
Germans don't queue in front of buses, trams, trains, etc.
When I enter a tram, I just stand somewhere next to the entrance, because there's no line, but i make sure to let people leave the tram before i enter.
It pisses me off though when i leave a tram and some shit heads are blocking the entrance because they feel entitled to enter before the people inside can leave.
i sometimes walk into them on purpose.
Germans are too much pussy to complain about people walking into them so it doesnt matter.
>the weak shouldn't fear the strong
Passport control waiting lines (of all countries in which I landed by plane)
Taiwan: lines are painted on the ground, people queue along the drawn lines.
China: like Taiwan.
Japan: people queue freestyle, sometimes drawn boxes on the ground hint waiting areas.
Korea: like Japan, but with monkeys instead of people.
UAE: Everyone pushes every other out of the way. A queue forms implicitly, with the strongest in front. The weak or considerate have to wait longer.
Germany: people just form a line.
Switzerland: like Germany, with the exception that if multiple counters exist, often one line only is formed which then splits into the many counters right in front.
Italy: Lines are less strict, but order is sufficiently given and progress happens linear.
Norway: like Switzerland.
Belarus: there was no queue, I was the only one in the "non citizen" line.
Top notch projecting
>brits unironically call forming a line "queuing"
never countenance cutting into the line.
We form a queue for buses but not for trains. I never thought about how weird that is
The queue is a symptom of decadence
People and civilizations which practice queuing are domesticated first worlders who have grown soft and weak, and experience no selection pressures.
They don't try to push through the crowd to get what they want, instead they stand behind other humans for extended periods of time like a bunch of indolent faggots.
The queue is a hindrance to evolution and natural selection, and therefore a hindrance to human progress.
"""People""" who practice queuing are literally subhuman
Have you never met any Germans?