Is this true?

Is this true?

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No, quite the opposite.

>quite the opposite.
Except Pet Sounds predates Sgt. Peppers by a year.

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>Pleb hypebeasts flock to Krusty Krab
>True patricians, far and few between, go to The Chum Bucket.
It's the opposite, OP

No, but this is.

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Doesn't matter. Sgt. Peppers is much more influential to music as a whole and has received more critical acclaim than anything The Beach Boys has done. Pet Sounds is the Chum Bucket to Sgt. Pepper's Kristy Krab.

For all you know, Plankton could have founded the Chum Bucket a year before Krabs opened the Krusty Krab, but that doesn't change their situation.

epic twitter meme

You mean that they're both shit?

It's more that it's Rubber Soul and Pet Sounds, really.
>few and far between going to Pet Sounds
Come on, Sup Forums has tons flocking to it, when it's not that good. It's really good, still.

Wrong. The Devil and God is just as Emo as American Football. Hell, if you went with the traditional definition of emo (emotional lyricism mixed with Hardcore Punk/Post-Hardcore), TDAG fits that Emo definition much more than American Football's Math Rock/Pop Rock influences (not to knock down American Football at all, I love them).

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Pleb sounds is for kids who are easily impressed; dr. Peppers is not even top 5 beatle albums. All in all bad post.

Fuck off nerd

t. pseud

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I actually agree, I was merely memeing. I don't even like American Football. I much prefer Brand New and Sunny Day Real Estate.

1.5 *
Anyone who disagrees with this has sperm in brain.

>not eating at chum bucket
Reverse drown yourself, pleb.

off yourself

The Devil and God sounds nothing like americ anfootball, the fuck are you smoking? It's not even emo.


Pet Sounds inspired sgt plebber, without it, it wouldn't exist

So it's ironic?

Rubber Soul inspired Pet Sounds

Fun fact, without the invention of the dildo the beach boys would have had no fanbase

I'd personally say it'd be:
>SMiLE: Krusty Krab
>Sgt. Pooper's Stinky Farts Club Band: Chum Bucket

Both of these are true!

>moving the goalposts

>Sup Forums is filled with literal children
Why am I not surprised

Pet Sounds isn't even a good record.

Spongebob first aired in 1999, grandpa

Your a child

whoever made this shouldn't be allowed online

No, but this is

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t. Edgy man


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Wish you were here is the only album on there that's even close to being 11/10. Everything else had a couple amazing songs but were over rated as shit.

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Keep them coming.

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It was Revolver
The beatles inspired the beach boys who gave the beatles ideas to expand their sound. They were just a middle man; it would have happened anyway, maybe even later that same year. They were already down that path.

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