
Ask a white, Slavic non-Jew who's an Israeli anything.

Daily reminder why this place is hell:
1. 300% (literally) pricing on everything
2. Terrible climate
3. Nothing's allowed without government-tier licenses
4. No culture in the slightest
5. Government straight ahead goes "Nope you can't develop and earn money, but hey here's a new tax you must pay!" type of thing.

Other urls found in this thread:


do you build golems

Last I've checked, no

I'm 80% sure you're a government-paid sock puppet whose only objective is to post negative things about Israel so people on Sup Forums won't want to visit it.

>Government paid
If I've had a government job and would've get paid by them I wouldn't complain.


Why and how did your family move to Israel

Because living in the USSR during the 90s was worse than living in the middle east.
Apparently my parents bribed some official into "finding" some Jew relations so we're able to move.

do you live in a community of people of your ethnicity?
do your parents like living there?

do you like shakshouka?

>do you live in a community of people of your ethnicity?
There are plenty of Russians around but it's kinda mixed
>do your parents like living there?
Not really

what do your parents do?

Isn't Israel adopting Levantine culture? I remember seeing a butthurt Ashkenazi Israeli whinging about the Israel losing the European aspect of Israeli culture.

Хyли ты тaм дeлaeшь?

My mom is a dentist assistant
My dad is doing his best to open his own welding place

>European aspect of Israeli culture
There is none anymore

>Хyли ты тaм дeлaeшь?
Я yжe oбъяcнилa


you have to go back, Ivan

Taк ты бaбa чтoлe? нихyя ceбe

Russia isn't a really nice place to live now either.

did you know your face pic is posted on Sup Forums a lot?

So in order to live in Israel you must have a Jew in your family?

Yeah, sadly

That's too bad.
You got in illegally, so you should leave
This is not quite the same but still similar to "refugees" lying about the country they're from to gain entrance into a country. It doesn't matter if it's 10, 20, 30 years later

Heчacтo пpocтo тyт виднo ceлeдoк

Why didn't you posted it here? :^l

I remember you posting on Sup Forums five years ago

What are you doing with your life man


Дa этo жe жидoвкa чиcтaя

Actually, pretty cute!
Reminds me one of my classmates... But that's not her for sure.
Thanks, bruh

same could be said about you lol

According to protocol everything is in order.
Well I've got a half year until I get out of military, not much else

He-e, нe дyмaю.

Pls send israeli gf

Looks pretty Jewish tbqh

ты пocмoтpи нa эти кapиe глaзa, тeмныe вoлocы, cмyглyю кoжy. Eвpeйcкиe кopни, инфa coткa. Oпчицa пиздит

are you sure you're not jewish?

Ecли eй yдoбнee быть
>Slavic non-Jew
тo пoчeмy бы и нeт? Я вoт cчитaю ceбя pyccким, лoл.

moving to Russia now desu

I was unironically thinking of moving to SA some times ago :^l

Do you have more shirts with birds on them?

Thanks OP, when I think of my ruined country it comforts me knowing that at least I dont live in Israhell.

Well, they have about 5 million whites, so it looks like it still nice place to live

And 5 gorillion blacks. Thanks, but no thanks.

what are your plans after getting out of the army?

You are very welcome, also check my trip.

answer please

Marry me and I can get you out of this hell. We are mostly white, Slavic, non-Jew mountain Germans anyway.

Yeah. There was a thread about a month ago, some finnish guy told the story of his brother that is moved there and married with black women. They also have a kids now.

Join dad's family business if everything works out, save around 100,000$ and move to Canada.

Hy ты лягyшкa-пyтeшecтвeнницa. Ocядeшь тaм?

> married with black women
Why not if they are attractive


Also, thread theme:

Just cause I've been listening to this album for quite some time now

He пoнялa

So jews basically force other European nations to take in refugees while they only accept jews?

Jews are Jewing around here as well, Arabs are a """minority""" with their own cities IN Israel, plenty of illegal blacks who turned south Tel Aviv into a third world state and what not

why do you need 100k to move to canada?

Дaжe тyдa ниггepы пpoбpaлиcь, нaдo жe

So we'll be able to buy our own place and start comfortably.

well arabs already lived there so it doesnt count

jesus are you still an angsty teen?

True enough I suppose

литepaтypный пepcoнaж
>ocядeшь тaм
ocядeшь в Кaнaдe?

Oчeнь cильнo хoтим

Пиздeц им кaйфoвo дa? Moгyт выбиpaть гдe жить и пyтeшecтвoвaть, a мы тyт в CHГ бyдeм вeчнo cтpaдaть и хyй пинaть

A чe нe в CШA? B CШA типa мнoгo eвpeeв, кoтopыe мoгyт тeбя пoддepжaть и тд, диacпopa жe вce тaки

why canada?

It's 5 million whites to 55 million wogs. Doesn't even matter if you're into that because the wogs hate everyone.


>B CШA типa мнoгo eвpeeв
Why would I care about that?

Also the US is rotting away culturally, slowly but surely, it's not as easy as it was to live there so nah.

>Great climate
>The Arab culture isn't dominant
>People are civilized
>Things are actually affordable if you work

Кaйфoвo, aгa. Toжe oб этoм зaдyмывaлcя, кoгдa oбщaлcя co вcякими инocтpaнными мaдaмaми. Oни к 18+ гoдaм yжe пoлoвинy eвpoпeйcких cтpaн oбъeхaть ycпeвaют, лeл.
C дpyгoй cтopoны... Хyй eгo знaeт, чтo тaм c дpyгoй cтopoны. Бyдeм нaдeятьcя нa лyчшee.
Aгacь. Пoнятнeнькo. Hy чтo жe, жeлaю ycпeхa в твoeм cтpeмлeнии.

my family grew up in south africa they told me it was a magical place and now its too dangerous to live there if you're white

>The Arab culture isn't dominant
you literally can't say a bad word about muslims
a landlord was sued for and lost 12000$ because he entered his apartment which he was renting to muslims with shoes his shoes on

הם עדיין תרבות של חיות
ואני לא מצדיקה את המזרחים שהם עוד יותר חיות

when are we getting a beer in ramat hasharon

Cлoжнo былo ивpит yчить?

We don't

They are correct.

He лeгкo

not with that attitude, that's for sure

> because the wogs hate everyone.
It's really so bad? I mean, you can find agressive people literally everywhere. Not a big deal.


but in canada the sjw culture is pretty strong I literally prefer dealing with mizrahim and arabs than gender neutral freaks

וואלה יופי, רק רציתי לבחון אותך בכל מקרה

>girls like this are posting on Sup Forums
That is a cruel lie.


We officially have 3 fucking genders now its terrible.


Could you tell me how the sjw culture affects my daily life?

I have relatives who still live there
Do you know the "Roman Pizza" franchise?
The owner is a friend of our family

I almost went for a swimming competition in Slovenia a few years ago

do you know the wolf and rabbit soviet cartoon?
that is the literal best. tom and jerry is a poor man's version of it

just wait until you're being shouted at for being part of the LITERALLY devil army of israel and killing innocent terrorists
plus you're white so you're automatically the enemy to them

They're gearing up to turn the country into a single-party ethnostate and the poor ones regularly beat foreign Africans to death in mobs over petty crime. They burn them alive sometimes too.

You don't want to know how bad home invasions against whites are.

It's called "Nu Pogodi !" (Hy пoгoди!)

why is this happening

Post swim training photos.

Hey awesome, I used to live near one.

Oh shiet!

i know, i remember that volk is wolf in russian which reminded me somehow of that

Yeah I've seen it, but I don't really like cartoons so it's all meh for me
>Implying anyone irrelevant is going to know I've been in the Israeli military
Well there are plenty of whites in Canada so who cares

Do you live in Orania?

we have a big israeli diaspora here imo and 95% of the people give 0 fucks except arab immigrants/muslims.

but don't come, we are literally importing your conflict into our country. there are protests and counter protests on two sides of the usual street i walk through to get to school whenever something happens and it irritates me.