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Brexit butthurt reactions thread
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Christ Brits are fucking ugly
>yfw brits are actually FATTER than americucks
Please tell me someone got a pic of Eddie Izzard leaving the remain party !
Has John Oliver killed himself yet?
"muh bennies"
These people's ancestors once rules 1/3rd of the world
No you're not
Blame immigrants for doners
Smart thinking
>Britain stronger in Europe
Did these retards actually think Britain was leaving Europe? Do they even know what the EU is?
rand paul looks like shit, what happened
Europe is synonymous with EU within certain contexts. Like the difference between Ireland and Ireland. The first being the Republic and the second being the island.
These are beautiful
Any with crying pls
>asking for foreigner in UK
Chances are he gets aloha snackbared after marriage and citizenship.
My favourite. By far.
This one is best. apple cider cuck
nothing like arranging a sham marriage on a publicly website
why are fags always so fucking stupid?
Freeloaders they have to work now
Female bracelet on, confirmed for cuck
Fucking kek!!
He's been Sup Forumsed!
This is art
God these people look like such total cucks
>Stronger in
>Arms like toothpicks
After the DOTR we need to keep some of these leftycucks alive for Doktor Mengele style human experimentation. I would like to prove the link between being a lefty and not having enough test in your body to give an amoeba a hard on.
Who the fuck eats subway as drunk food?
Why would anybody vote to stay? I don't get it.
I predict a lot of /pol butthurt in the next few days ...
Who the fuck is fat or dumb enough to eat subway when they're sober?
Kiddy diddlers and fat fucks on diets?
"Oh no Hate has WON!"
She really makes you think.
Hey, it's not my country.
Low test from being slavish masturbators.
Paki looking bitch.
>I keep hoping something impossible will happen.
>And then it doesn't happen...
What the fuck does she expect?
>it's the current year
Why would Sup Forums be butthurt about an election going their way?
>The elite
>"Oh the horror! How can my company import chinese shit and flip it with low taxes now?"
>"Daddy isnt going to buy me a new ferrari next month"
Suck a bag of dicks then....
Cletus, it's a shill. Don't feed the shills
Guys after Trump is elected, what else are we going to do to saltmine these fags?
Will we have to genocide the Muds?
He took the bantz better than most people. I can't fault him for that.
A lot of the very early campaigning essentially centred on the distinction between the EU and Europe, a lot of Remain people used the terms completely interchangeably until Leave started calling them out on it.
My personal favourite so far.
Because they are mentally ill.
>expects something wonderful to happen
>gets upset when it happens
is this a deleted scene from children of men?
>loss of funding for discrimination law
Thankfully hasn't happened yet
Actually those people's ancestors used to work in the factories
Yeah but s/he is right less anti discrimination funding now :/
>immigration is a buzzword
>most people
The thing is, most people aren't acting like a bunch of assblasted pansies. I actually had a few pints with some remainers yesterday and they told me they were eagerly waiting to be proven wrong.
>the top 1%
Those same people wanted to remain in the EU you fucking moron. It's the working class that really pulled through for leave.
Ameritard here, should I be buying pounds or Euros right now?
Be realistic. Nothing will even happen for at least two years. We just left a club, the world isn't ending.
Surely there's video footage from this viewing party?