What are Sup Forums's opinions on this trailer that's being disliked into oblivion?
Is this movie anti-free speech like many are saying?
What are Sup Forums's opinions on this trailer that's being disliked into oblivion?
Is this movie anti-free speech like many are saying?
Image came out very small
If you can't read the tag line, it says:
"the whole world knows the holocaust happened, now she needs to prove it."
Won't somebody bite? This movie is like Sup Forums's worst nightmare.
>blue pill, the movie
the way this year is going, it might backfire horribly and result in people actually looking up the shit for themselves more than ever before.
but it sounds like the movie would be illegal to show in europe.
When white people bring up free speech 99.9% of the time they're saying something ignorant and racist. So yeah...fuck your free speech.
0/10 bait
I hope this fucking bombs. I could not possibly care less about some woman being prosecuted because of Britain's regressive libel and slander laws.
Also, spoiler: she won.
double spoiler: they then made it a crime for the other guy to say anything at all.
Third Round?, pls Raid this merchant shit movie
No one is going to see that movie except for jews, and most jews are atheists which means that almost no one is going to see that movie.
Enough people in the world today know full well that the holohoax is just an exaggerated lie to protect the jews from being massacred again. It is simple math. There is no way 6 million jews were killed. The number of jews killed was around 150,000 — a mere fraction of the number of Allied soldiers killed. Most of the jews fled Europe well before the 1940's. Some jews changed their names to hide their jewry (which is why today we have jews with Anglo names such as Moss, Stone, Fisher, Miller, Green, Black, Brown, Gold, and so on). And many jews were hidden in basements and attics of jew sympathizers in Europe. Six million bodies.
Try to imagine the work and space involved to bury just 100,000 human bodies. Then multiply that by 10. Then imagine the work, the fuel, and the space required to cremate 100,000 human bodies.. Then multiply that by 10. That is just 2 million human bodies gased or cremated. We still need to do the work for another 4 million human bodies. Where are all the skeletons? Where are all the burial pits? The massively large and numerous burial pits. Where are all the bits of bone and the millions of teeth and the tons of ash? Where is the evidence of all the fuel depots required to cremate all those bodies? Germany was too busy using its fuel to make steel for guns, bullets, mortars, bombs, tanks, planes, and ships.
There was never a holocaust. There has only been a holohoax.
She was the one being sued, not the other way around. UK's libel laws are retarded. It's not anti-free speech, ironically enough. She wrote a book saying the holocaust happened and a denier sued her for libel.
is this a reaction to the new wave of anti semetism thats risen up over the last few years
How many more movies about things relating to the holocaust need to be made. I feel like there is a new one every year.
Just because you can't imagine the logistics of something isn't proof that it didn't happen.
This honestly sounds like bullshit.
It was all soviet commie propaganda bullshit.
No, she called him a holocaust denier. Which he is, basically, although he prefers the term "revisionist".
The tide is turning for the Juden
I have physical pictures taken by my great-grandfather in Buchenwald of the corpses piled up. It is NOT soviet propaganda.
this looks like a good movie. Rachel Weisz is still smoking hot, what's the problem? David Irving is an insane neo-nazi.
Are the bodies all skeletal? Then they died of starvation/typhus, not gas chambers/masturbation machines/roller-coasters of death.
Oh, you.
Remember goyim, it's not the Jews, it is the lost tribe of Dan.
so does my great grandfather. he took a bunch too. i can tell you exactly what happened.
>concentration camp built
>jews and other ne'erdowells get placed in camp
>everything is pretty ok for the first few years, working for der ubermensch, getting fed, whatnot
>germany starts fuckin up
>germany slowly stops supplying concentration camps with food and supplies and sends it to the troops
>eventually the concentration camps are getting nothing, causing them to slowly starve and die out
dont believe that? google Andersonville Prison. the exact same thing is seen in the civil war era prison, but its seen as an effect of extreme overcrowding and food shortages, because of the lack of supplies by the confederate states
>all those dislikes
What the hell, are we actually breaking the conditioning?
Are millennials better at seeing through the hoax because they weren't guilted as strongly as their parents?
Or do millennials not trust anything from the media or Hollywood because of how many lies they've been told?
Or does the existence of the internet actually allow for people to see evidence against the propaganda?
I heard my 13-year-old jokingly say the Holocaust wasn't real, is Sup Forums slowly shaping the next paradigm to come after Globalism?
I've always found it interesting that no evidence exists of the order being given by Hitler or anyone else in the high command. There's not a single document showing the Nazi high command was complicit in that particular mass murder. Also, the holocaust has gained a hugely disproportionate amount of attention relative to other atrocities of the early twentieth century from Armenia to Ukraine.
Nonetheless I'd lick Rachel Weiss' butthole in a second.
This is a clear attempt to group anyone who knows the holocaust didn't happen into the conspiracy nut category for good. The veil is being lifted, so they must feel the need to address this now. I can already a few spot flaws though... the trailer reeks of FORCING a narrative (and that's what "they" are notorious for), and I believe that will turn around to bite them in the ass.
>some truths are better than others
>four legs good two legs better
I for one will be watching it either way, and mumbling underneath my breath and I encourage the rest of the board to do the same.