
Dobbie edition

Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/int/search/username/Kamen Rider/page/200

>not helena

ugly skank goblin lookin bitch

just checked archive upon seeing this post

desuarchive.org/int/search/username/Kamen Rider/page/200
the absolute state of me

Everyday I'm shuffling



>Posts disgusting Jewish skeleton
Opinion disposed


I have spent over £8000 on cocaine 8 months. I can see how insane it is but I have literally no plans to stop. That amount doesn't even cover the escorts and cigarettes and booze. I probably spent over 10 grand getting fucked up this year.

Watching the episode where mark rejects dobbie to take his fake gf to his birthday party. Had to turn it off at that moment, not sure if I wanna continue 2bh

How do you feel about Zimbabwe?

Glad they're suffering there.

saved about 10 grand over the last 10 months.

going to invest it in stocks and bonds.over 8 months. using 2.5 grand on a nice holiday or 2

imagine all the other things you could have spent that 10k on. thats nearly a deposit on a house.

read bitter harvest by ian smith back in 2014 and can't rightly believe how two faced and despicable the british government was once the rhodesians pulled off their UDI

reckon the entirety of africa would have turned out for the better with a stable and prosperous country to guide them for the next three decades instead of mugabe's disaster

Both the whites and the blacks got exactly what they deserved.

its alright.

The gf made a vid about how we met xx

if you support mass unskilled immigration, globalisation or the EU then you're a neoliberal, not left-wing.


i'd much rather go on a 3 day coke binge than put a deposit on a fucking house



>Des Pas Ito starts playing

got diarrhea :)

fuck off yank

this is a bit... lewd

ooh you're well cool mate

ac lassic mem e

what a time to be alive

this was in my recommended vids for some reason


kinda like it desu

Ever look at a 13-14 year old girl and think "holy shit you're going to be fuckable in a few years?"

Y-yeah me neither, I'm not a nonce you know...

Going to stick the footy on

>mass unskileld immigration
only if there are shortages of unskilled workers and mechanisation is not viable (eg for agriculture) and the industry is vital.

in that case i support mass unskilled immigration, but it should be temporary migration with sufficient safeguards and incentives to get migrants to return. there could be some mechanism for a few to stay on longer but those requirements should be exceptional and stringent.
vague term, support a globally integrated economy though - simply because of basic ricardian trade theory - but agree that countries should be free to engage in protectionism in at least a few industries.
for the sake of avoiding uncertainty and futures along the road yes. in itself not necessarily a big fan - indifferent/mildly suspicious

wouldn't call myself a neolib though, because i still support the role of a government in doing things like redistribution of income (that supports economic opportunity amongst the less fortunate), skills training and the provision of other merit goods.

can't wait for that mayweather to heem the shit out of that ginger potato wog, hate the irish

going to stick my foot up your arse



>8 people dead in that crash on the M1
wew :(

>city building thread that actually talked about game mechanics on Sup Forums just got pruned for no reason

same lad, hope the cunt gets floored.

you deserve it

the second grenfell

hope may answers for her crimes this time


all because of a couple of reckless speeding nogs.

thanks diversity.



*changes my facebook profile pic to a milton keynes flag*

i want mcgregor to win so that boxing purists lose their mind when some random irish drunk knocks out their impenetrable idol

feelin' fine

the nhs has gone to the dogs

that would be amazing

what are some good movies?

miss ossie and Jordan

feel like pure shit just want them back


Once Upon a Time in the West

k-on movie

as a white supremacist I've got no dog in this fight

problem child 2

every girl you liked has been fucked by a somalian

repo man

I have definitely not masturbated to this future (current) semen demon

Ambivalent at best

Literally nothing wrong with the NHS (that I've experienced)


newfag to /brit/ here why are there so many threads even though they haven't reached the bimp limit

Aus btfo

The Departed

don't like girls

can't wait to watch the youtube video of you runts get a chav knocking on your front door repeatedly having a go at you whilst you look completely distraught realising that your entire life has been ended and only difficulty and problems await you from that point onwards, whilst the police take 3 hours to come

combination of early mongs and extremely sporadic janitor intervention in the last few months

think they're cutting back on staff

>don't like girls

stranger by the lake

cos we do wot we fackin wont mate


>norrlands guld

oh no you had to sit in the waiting room for a couple of hours for world class FREE healthcare? Absolutely tragic. LYNCH THE TORIES NOW

andrei rublev


wish I was a part of the top gear gang, actually looks like the biggest laugh and you get paid silly money for it

don't you have a virtual city to build?


we've had some new retards that are overly excited to make the threads and it's a real problem when they can't decide who's to use

very very annoying


oh no you had to sit in the waiting room for a couple of hours for piss-poor PUBLIC healthcare? Absolutely tragic. DEFUND (AND THEN PRIVATISE BY PROXY) THE NHS

t. Tories

Spike Spiegel

might give this'n a go

why is white people food so terrible lol

janny is dead and we killed him

to dance is to be sexy

I took my dad to A&E a few months ago because he fell off his mountain bike and landed on his wrist.
The waiting room was busy but he was seen in under an hour

Took him for some other reason a few years ago (can't remember what) and we didn't even wait 10 minutes

go to an area of the country fucked over by immigration. then you'll see what people mean.

no wonder he got fat with that skull shape

looks like a literal spastic mong

more like

>oh no you had to sit in the corridor in your bed for hours on end because we're hopelessly underfunded

what's the worst thing you've ever done


Both times I went, i had blood literally pouring out of my head and had to wait like 3 hours.

Still felt good about it afterwards, not having to then worry about insurance or bills or anything

just shitposted on /brit/ whilst i waited.

don't like the NHS? just get private cover you runts

ah that makes sense
I took him to Blackpool A&E and everyone was white except for a few nurses

Have to say this is probably in the the top 5 best /brit/ editions