Does your age effect your politics?
How old is Sup Forums?
Seriously, Sup Forums, are any of you old enough to shave?
26 and yes, I believe no one should be allowed to vote before the age of 30
People tend to trust elderly people more due to "more life experience".
i'd love her only if she would be my daughter in bed every nite....i love how scientific cure dead dick but cant cure cancer
Or because you don't start to mature before your mid twenties.
bow down to me youngfags
gonna be 70 in august
I am 23 and hate the political opinions of almost everyone I know. They all love being cucks.
I'm 127 years old.
Post hand pls.
48, no shit. No difference for me from being 18 during the Reagan Administation - I was never a young, stupid liberal.
Does black crack at that age?
>amerikanische untermensch calls me black
>he doesn't realize who I am
My politics didn't change, the world changed around me. Suddenly what once was the radical-left is now just the left and what is now the far-left is what used to be called domestic terrorism.
All you young faggots need to buck up and tell Hillary to fuck off.
t. 64 years old
25. Family was christian right wing jew worshippers. Gave up Jew God around the same time I got into Ron Paul in 2007. Gave up on the holohoax around 2010 thanks to DDees. Found Hitler. I hate almost everyone else my age and I live in a college town.
be 53 next month
was for Nixon in '72 as a nine yo... alwats been right
first vote in '92 was for pic related... next one was Howard Phillips then GWB and The Prisoner and Mittens the magic Underwear wearing faggot
>gonna be 70 in august
turned 73 last April
Don't blasphemy.
I'm 420 years old
>most of Sup Forums is in their 20s
Well, now we know where the cancerous 'Russia is so based!!1 I love Putin!" redditards come from. They never experienced the Cold War.
Old timer.
I'm 53
18 fresh from Leddit :DDD
By the way anyone want to hire me I'm sick of working for liberals
Jesus Christ. Did you get drafted in 'nam?
>This moron thinks the USSR and Russia are the same thing
Whew lad
18, shitposting since I was 16.
Old enough to know a data mining thread.
remind of that louis cuck king bit where he asks all the kids to raise their hands and they all fucking do it.
>Did you get drafted in 'nam?
No. I joined in December, 1961
>learned my lesson - never joined anything since...