A liberal history teacher who I'm friends with asked me what Sup Forums is about

A liberal history teacher who I'm friends with asked me what Sup Forums is about.
I'm going to show her this thread.
Please convince her why Trump is right.

Fuck you, nigger

Meme magic will make America great again.

Americans, nigs and Muslims should be evirated, gassed and decapitated, then fed to insects.

We want to secure a future for our white children

Also fuck globalists

The Jews control everything. Gas the kikes. Race war now.

Your History teacher is a nigger

dear teacher, your student frequently posts his lewd sexual fantasies about you on this board. every single day he writes about how he wants to "plow [her] ass like the Portuguese plowed Brazil." It's frankly getting out of hand




i want curries, chinks, boongs and lebs out of australia NOW

white australia policy when?

Because every single year 250 000 people enter the United States, use its resources, commit crimes, and don't pay taxes. These same people also will work for less than a USA citizen (lower than minimum wage because no taxes), lowering the standard for workers and also making it impossible to compete.

The United States lost a large portion of its manufacturing jobs to Mexico through NAFTA. These same low-skilled, but decent-paying jobs were the true foundation of the American middle-class, and now they are gone. Average Americans with no post-secondary education now only have the option of working at fast-food or retail, where they also have to compete with Mexicans who will work illegally for less. By charging a large import tariff, companies such as Carrier, which left because of the cheap-wage incentive, will now come back to the USA. They will come back as no one will buy their product if they charge 35% more on the consumer end.

Everyone jokes that the USA polices the world, but no one ever likes to admit that they are at least the bouncers at the door to a lot of clubs. It is not affordable for the USA to maintain bases throughout the world, at their own expense, to protect the military interests of other countries. As well Trump hopes to rebuild the relationship the USA has with Russia, which was weakened under the leadership of Obama.


kill yourself you dumb leftist nigger cunt women shouldn't teach because they don't know shit in the first place

This picture best represents Sup Forums

Remember the 30000.000000000 gajillions Paraguayans killed in the war

A hero summed up in one pic

We'll do it again if you get uppity

>Because every single year 250 000 people enter the United States, use its resources, commit crimes, and don't pay taxes. These same people also will work for less than a USA citizen (lower than minimum wage because no taxes), lowering the standard for workers and also making it impossible to compete.

Trying to make us seem like retards, I see

40 years ago..

We still got the biggest dam in the world

I don't give a dam



>Celtic cross
>not even a swastika

America is the last bastion of western civilization. /pol is dedicated to the preservation of true freedom and natural human ideas of free trade and freedom of ideas. /pol is free speech incarnate. Say that to her


>1 post by ID
Hill shill pls

America was such, because it was the successor to Great Britain. Now that the United Kingdom is no longer out of commission, they should take over.
Thank you, for your contribution to the Anglo-empire.

Make who seem like retards? Is this not a valid concern of most Trump supporters? Are these not some of the reasons for building the wall?

Not all 250 000 stay, I probably should have worded that differently. That stat includes people who try to enter but are stopped and sent back.

>tfw I bought this on a shirt for 4th of july

because he will make anime real duh

Sup Forums is the last true bastion of free speech on the internet. No opinion will get you banned.

Permanent residents and people with work visas are considered tax residents ie they pay taxes.

Migrants working for less is basic labour supply and demand. Unskilled labour is never in demand. And the middle class is made of households earning about 70k a year. It's made of white collar labour like accountants and managers.

Protectionism might be a half decent idea, but it's not the magic bullet Trump supporters think it is. Factory jobs aren't amazing and there aren't that many of them.

Removing bases around the world it's more of a moral decision. I'm not sure if they realise this means giving up on the "Manifest Density", "World Police" identity of America. They'll he irrelevant globally if that happens.

Except complaining about the mods and anything to do with the physical superiority of the negro

Where to buy?

Tattoos are fine. Fuck off with your christian leaning white pride.

Where the fuck can I buy this holy shit

Except posting child porn because you are all a bunch of normies who hate child love.

>Tattoos are fine
kill yourself degenerate

Donald Trump summed up in one pic.

>has a nigger for president
Kill yourself, cuck

Dear teacher, as I'm sure you've suspected, your student is racist, homo-phobic anti-spaghetti monster, shit lord that is pretending to be your friend so that (s)he can take advantage of you. The student has no feelings, as can be seen by the fact that (s)he would endorse a candidate that thinks gays should have right to defend themselves. Gays & other minorities don't need to defend themselves because they have a government to protect them. Instead we should continue to blame others rather then actually taking control of our own lives. PS report this student to the FBI for sending you to his hate filled site.

Hillary is a neocon

the left got burned by obama who promised to deescalate our wars in the middle east, but has continued the mass slaughter of arabs

it can only be "my team" psychology to ignore what a blatant war hawk hillary is and consider her better than Trump who has consistently denounced our interventions and who empathizes with the arabs who have seen their homes destroyed and families killed.

even if Trump is 100% serious about closing borders, what do you prefer?




trump is fourth reich and those of us on Sup Forums are the first line on his right wing death squads

we're taking out traitors first. that means you, liberal. just a heads up

Seriously how do I get one of these shirts.

I like to poop on children.

where the BR memes at?

did they fuck?




what? no you don't china does.


Show her this picture

is the picture cut off or does your shirt say "rump"?