Do kids in France also sing La Marseillaise?

Do kids in France also sing La Marseillaise?
How do they cope with its hell of aggressive lyrics?

>Qu'un sang impur
>Abreuve nos sillons!

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Nobody sings it except soccer fans including the niggers and nationalists.

I don't really think they give two fucks about the meaning of the lyrics.

How many people here support those terrorists called 'revolutionaries' anyway...?

i see

You could've asked that directly in /fr/, I remember singing it when I was young and I didn't think much of it, I wasn't really aware of how violent the lyrics are, I just thought it was cool.

Probably true non.

Muslim and africans lobbies are trying to make these lyrics sound like if it was a pro colonialism message when it just means an call to sacrifice.

I remember my civic education exam in middle school was about "should we change the national anthem since the lyrics of la Marseillaise are so violent ?"

Obviously we all said no.

Yea, an hymn to tell honest french people to die for stupid bourgeois traitors...

>song against the ancien regime

>holup so this be ur anthem?
>so this be ur anthem...
>its RAYCIS then, white bois!

It could have been a royalist anthem or an hippie anthem, it would have been the same
I became obssessed with La Marseillaise just because of Mireille Mathieu. There's something about girls with powerful throats that turns me on.

They say the "impure blood" refers to blacks and arabs. It's completly idiot because there isn't any other line in this anthem that concern them.

>tfw hate revolutionaries but have to live under their shitty system, with their symbols and sing their anthem

Actually, we had nothing to do with arabs, back then

Good ol' days...

>what are the ahdnames
nigga you're not aware how many wars among levantine christians french missionaries caused

In 1792?

not long before

Why can't the French do like the Germans and just leave out the offensive parts?

well, I was obviously talking about maghrebis

another question:

is it really a crime to booing at singing La Marseillaise in France?

Reported to the Comité de Sûreté Générale

Say goodbye to your heads, monarcucks :^)

if it isn't it should be

Because we're not fully cucked yet.

>Say goodbye to your head


That was actually a good post.


The only thing wrong with la terreur was that it ended

Awful post

kys, republicuck

based israel

Thermidoriens BTFO

>e tréma

I don't remember learning it at school

and the lyrics aren't aggressive, there's much worse

>How do they cope with its hell of aggressive lyrics?

France used to be an extremely agressive and violent nation

Is this about it decrying "unpure blood"? For fuck's sake, it just means killing royalists and foreigners.

>you see guise, we aren't cowards lol

>killing royalists and foreigners
The only impure blood comes form the blood spilled for the nation. Period.

>le vérité me déplaît

toi d'abord.

Do me triple faggot.

I'm not a criminal, unlike your revolutionaries heroes

Me gustan los posters franceses porque a la minima se ponen a pelearse por tonterias exactamente igual que nosotros.

what do you think of this man?

igual y màs.

Nice Jaw

>por tonterias
yeah it's not like royalism and republicanism is something important amirite

>current year


>Look at me I'm so germanic I didn't understand what you just said

Seriously now, this sort of regional autism is pretty relatable, I want to hug all of you guys and pet you and tell you everything's going to be ok.

>trying that much to fit me in a box.
>as if you knew Revolution better than me.
JVC was a mistake

the unpure blood mean the boll of the blue blood, aristocrat blood, nothing to do with racism since they were no black or arab in that time

I honestly didn't understand.


Not even close

Why? Because I can't speak Spanish and because I can't understand it just because 'huur duur, French is a Latin language, you should be fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, Occitan, Catalan and Romanian xDDDD'?

you arrogant twats, I'm out of here

your sentence implies that is does refer to them

t.Louis XX

I can't speak Spanish but you're just retarded

How so?


You guys should stop wandering elsewhere than your own shithole. Seriously.
Sup Forums was a better place before you's. In fact there was a time when /int was about diplomate's childs and such. THAT was cool. And rafinated. And careful about historical references. Even /fr/ was informative.
Since LARPers n'shit, this board is full of uneducated and pseudo-intellectuals, and french are high-challengers at this level.
Pic half-related.

>Even /fr/ was informative.
calling bullshit on that one

I told you I was not a JVCunt

Did nothing wrong

how is he supposed to know what ponen, pelearse and tonterias means?

I bet you do not know COCONUT; FWG even.


>I swear I'm not one of those.
St Pierre and the cock are laughing at you.


shamefur dispray

Nice fail.

J'ai regardé sur Internet comment faire en plus

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Chant du départ is objectively the superior french anthem.

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haha, cock :DDDD

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It's ironic because they couldn't defend Disneyland from an army of plush toys.

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LOL try again

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>Jew supporting masons
Not surprising


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Almost there

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