>tfw my mom is telling everyone at my birthday party that I voted for trump
>tfw I saw my uncle take a few bucks out of my card before he gave it to me
wake me up
Tfw my mom is telling everyone at my birthday party that I voted for trump
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sorry user
Good, I hope more trumpfags are marginalized by their own families, this is exactly what you're trying to do to Mexicans, you deserve this and more.
That's the price you're gonna pay for being pieces of shit
Sorry m8, hopefully you learned to keep your politics to yourself. I used to talk about it with my parents but not I don't like to talk to them that much.
My mom wouldn't take me to the polling station unless I told her who I was voting for.
Tell your family you hope they get deported to mexico for being unamerican.
Then take a shit on the table and run off yelling TRUMP 2016 and go make a life for yourself that doesn't involve faggotry like this.
Why so angry, Pablo? Do you want to migrate to the US?
>bring some friends over
>mom enters
>"hey guys did you know? user doesn't really think the nazis were all that bad"
worst decision of my life
You're full of shit, Señor Wetback.
We want to keep Mexican families together.
your mom is retarded, user
Cartel cartel ola amigo no sombrero americano bordero crosso trump ese juarez?
I literally don't say shit apart from conversations about the weather, you can't say anything now
If your relatives are that petty then they are bad people.
Real families love and support each other regardless of differences in personal politics. The libcucks in my family are still MY libcucks.
i see you got a nice family der tell him im gona build a wall around your coffin
Damn, I would have just walked. My parents and I don't even disagree on most stuff, but whenever I talk about stuff they just say things like "I think you need to stay off the internet"or "you're reading this stuff on forums I haven't seen anything about this on fox news" and then they chuckle. Cold, hollow, belittling chuckles that cut deeper than what they said.
>Sorry m8, hopefully you learned to keep your politics to yourself
yeah be a cuck and don't stand up for what you believe in. Thats exactly how we got in this mess dipshit.
>old enough to vote
>still having a birthday party
is this normal?
>tfw convinced my family to vote for trump
If your mom is intentionally shaming you like that then she loves your more as an accessory to her own life than as a person
Good on you user
>not carrying papers with facts to support your claims
>Not blowing the fuck out of normies with facts on your side
So blabbing about how I'm a "scary nazi" to everyone I meet would have kept us out of this shit? Nice logic there.
FUN FACT: Getting a Trump tattoo increases your chances of being beaten the piss out of by some neighborhood assholes.
Why don't I do this again?
LOL. Why do you care? I honestly would be so what?
Being this butthurt pedro
Who the fuck said anything about telling everyone about being a nazi?
>tfw I saw my uncle take a few bucks out of my card before he gave it to me
Why didn't you call him out on that shit?
Time to get /fit/ and beat up your uncle.
that feeling of sticking up for your beliefs and knowing anyone who is against you with such venom isnt worth the conversation anyway
it's a double party celebrating my birth and my younger bro's. I don't think there would be a party if it was just mine.
mommy loves me you liar!
he's ex military, I don't want to get on his bad side.
God that triggers me so fucking much, I'll be talking to Normie's/libcucks and they're throwing things like "rich don't pay enough/wage gap/muh peaceful natives" without citing shit and when I ask for info they tell me to "educate myself" or that the burden of proof lies on me, and then refuse to explain anything they said. then like literally after every sentence I say they force me to give an in-depth detailed citation with like 20different peer reviews, and if I say educate yourself they say that i have the burden of truth.
Fuck you, Estevez. How about you criminal Hispanic sacks of shit come here legally, follow our rules and guidelines, and see how rewarded you are to be functioning properly in a prosperous country.
>ex military
M8 you can beat him up in a couple months of training.
>tfw mom hates Mexicans
>tfw dad hates blacks
>tfw both my parents and 90% of my family are voting trump
>tfw I can talk politics around them
>tfw me and my dad make racist jokes all the time
I'm sorry user I wish you had it this good
Grow the fuck up faggot. Don't give a fuck about stupid shit like that.
>Sorry m8, hopefully you learned to keep your politics to yourself
>yeah be a cuck and don't stand up for what you believe in. Thats exactly how we got in this mess dipshit.
So I said don't talk to people about your political views and you said "yeah be a cuck and don't stand up for what you believe in"
Fuck Mexicans
The top tax rate is .396%
1,000,000 x .396 = $396,000
Just in fucking taxes on 1 million!
Belive it or not, the rich pay.
you have to bring sources with you user. This blows them the fuck out like nothing else. Some of those lefties can still be saved believe it or not, a lot of us are former lefties. Once you leave the left, you never go back.
You told him to keep his politics to himself. I said you're a cuck if you do that. Theres no reason that discussion Trump with someone should be crossing the line.
I was not talking about whatever your beliefs are and don't give a shit.
>tfw I saw my uncle take a few bucks out of my card before he gave it to me
Why didn't you set it on fire in front of him?
>most of us are former leftists
I never was but I always thought my dad was a bit racist
And I didn't hate obungo
But Sup Forums still changes you a lot
>tfw I saw my uncle take a few bucks out of my card before he gave it to me
Give the card back
How abput voting for John Kerry. Then find out the motherfucker helped push the wars in Libiya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. Lieing piece of shit. Him and Obongo
No I know they do, I'm saying when I am talking to libcucks THEY say that with no evidence, and if I say something like black family death correlates to welfare increases, they starkly deny it unless I produce 30 citations that are all peer reviewed 20 times
That's what you get for supporting a bigot
>old enough to vote
>mom giving you a birthday party
>money in birthday cards from relatives
this, dont need traitors fake words on a generic card
Ive seen so many minorites on food stamps and driving up healthcare costs.
Ex wife use to tell me all the doctors were refusing to accept medicaid and chip bc of all that shit.
Illegally, not legally, otherwise he wouldn't be so booty bothered
>underage is trump supporter
why am i not surprised?
i bet youre a gamer too lmao
it's free money. it's like welfare but different
This. And sign it with a Trump 2016 MAGA to boot
Break off contact with your family. It's what I did. Liberals are a cancer that should be purged from all aspects of your life.
>not celebrating your birthday with your family
go be a soulless traitor somewhere else
that is one comfy pig famalam
>he's ex military, I don't want to get on his bad side.
So? Worst happens is he kicks your ass and you can take him to court for assault. He sounds like a piece of shit anyway.
>birthday party
People do this shit?
>break off contact with your family
Why do that when you can show them the light
Sources, statistics etc
Liberals are cancer yes and though it can't be cured it can be treated
>Break off contact with your family
go to bed stefan
The fact we haven't murdered all of you for the shit that's gone on in California and Texas says something Pablo.
Fucking hang yourself.
¡dios mio! Donde esta la burrito? Los tacos putos.
>Liberals are cancer yes and though it can't be cured it can be treated
Cancer can't be cure. You kill it before it kills you.
That's something my father taught me before he died.
>he's ex military, I don't want to get on his bad side.
stolen [s]valor[/s] shekels
>tfw my entire family is voting for Trump save for my grandpa who got cucked by my grandma into becoming a liberal decades ago
>tfw ill never talk about deporting illegals at the gun range with my grandpa when he was a republican
>not having friends who also think Hitler did nothing wrong
I guess theyre hard to find
>uncle takes money out of birthday card because you're for Trump
>not because you're for Bernie so as to exemplify socialism
>not telling your socialist family to keep their money, you don't want gifts from communist fucks
lmao, that is the beauty of democracy my friendly spic.
anonymous voting
Underage can't vote in the us, leaf
>my mom is telling everyone at my birthday party
How old are you?
Dude, Mexicans run CA.
turned 21 today
hb redpilled degenerate whitey
Are you literally retarded?
Your uncle is a asshole
OP probably bloviates and rants about SJWs and liberals to his family all the time and they're just sick of his bullshit.
How much do you want to bet he derives his entire sense of purpose on this planet from shilling for Trump on an anime imageboard?
How close do you think he is to becoming this man?
>mother at your birthday party
>family present
Living with your parents is a symptom of the times and plenty of people that can do, but god damn dude.
I know a lot of you guys are NEETS but it is so weird being at work where everyone is a liberal. Basically everyone in my is liberal and I feel like a closet homosexual for not following their politics.
I bet a white woman taught you that word.
the dubs command you to go back Brayan.
die normielopotzli scum
>not wanting mommy to spend all morning preparing for your special day
shame me all you want, but between the two of us only I got to spend the afternoon relaxing in the pool with mommy
I encourage you to proselytize your fascistic beliefs to your closest relatives.
i'll help to build the wall I don't want all the kebabs, south americans, drunk whores, crazy gringos who lives here and works in USA hidding earnings to the IRS and when the big one hits USA nobody gonna be there to help you.
>yet this isn't your mommy, user
>carrying around pieces of paper containing cherrypicked "facts" about jews/niggers/women/muslims just in the rare case you get into a political argument with somebody
holy shit the autism stench in here is overwhelming lmao
Sup Forums is satire right?
good, be proud of your opinions and don't let a few bucks take that away from you.
>this is exactly what you're trying to do to Mexicans
no it is not, mexican intellectuals.
your mommies and daddies broke the law. one of our most basic and important laws. and they are going to pay.
Homosexual here.
I no doubt get more shit for being conservative than being gay, from the same people I can always trust to fall over themselves accepting me for being a cocksucker. It's spectacular.
Hold firm. If you don't grovel then people will actually despise him for his action. You only win by forcing him to play his pathetic hand. Besides the ideas and testicles that trump imparts will increase your wealth far greater than a few birthday bux.
feel free to legally immigrate at any time. we'd love to have you... legally.
Sorry no one wants to break into your shitty country, I really am. I didn't choose to be born in the USA but I'm thankful I was.
Shouldn't post pictures of yourself online, leaf man