Where do girls who like Death Grips congregate?

Where do girls who like Death Grips congregate?

Attached: yes-m-a-girl-yes-i-like-death-grips-yeah-25495948.png (500x522, 143K)

probably only in your fantasies.

Yes I want to know too so I can infiltrate them and find my qt gf finally.

that's a boy

looks like an insufferable cunt desu

middle school

some1 post da swans dirtee mirror girl

On muh dick ;p 8===D~o:

>girl (male)

God Tier Cafe
Noided Inn
The Bistro On GP

im a girl and im asian and i like dg

Are you my ex? Please take me back :,(

legit south and west philly.

would you have sex with this...girl?

im asian

how noided are you today
on this very day in particular

Attached: 1488043344890.png (1042x849, 1.44M)

I'm NOT asian

Hehe loser

nm Tbh :(
pic related its me im sad

Attached: henlo.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Nice try FBI

fuck off

Attached: djeufbidn.jpg (513x289, 42K)

as long as she stomps on me with her glitter heels. that's the way i like it


cute desu