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Other urls found in this thread:

i understand gary, but i dont understand how alberto barbosa is tied to him

Attached: DYhLT38VAAAL0-G.jpg (960x1200, 133K)


Attached: ffff.jpg (1280x720, 107K)

one of the worst raplines ever

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Attached: haseulie.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

>tough and cold
are you mistaking her for heejin?

Attached: DYUH5UU8AAYWnE.jpg (800x1200, 131K)

>Go Won last
What's his freaking problem

Attached: DXxkIQuUQAA32rq.jpg (800x1200, 92K)

sehun's hair got fried

heejin is super warm and sociable tho?


Attached: 1510262951032.jpg (1800x1200, 1000K)

why is mina hugging a guy?

1/3 was a mistake

turn your head and cough

Attached: 29095084_937733686391929_2241744938763026432_n[1].jpg (1080x1350, 1.15M)

more like oec was a mistake

this is the eden subunit.

Attached: 1517626300263.jpg (1500x1000, 196K)

more like loona was a mistake

cut it out

Attached: C1i80ZZVIAA_eZS.jpg (1200x675, 87K)

you are missing two girls though

>you cucks
it's chuucks.
also, show any shred of proof for what you are claiming about hyunjin's supposed shyness or being a softie


reminder ur only a true loona fan if you love and accept all members

she seems chilly to me.

you can talk about your fav if you want

Take off your bra and jump up and down for me

Attached: deargodinheaven2.webm (1078x720, 854K)

why does this mentality get pushed so much on other sites

>hyunjin is cold and evil
the face of the devil, everyone

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i'm an eden akgae

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becuz why would you consider yourself a fan if you're gonna trash on other members

i do but i like bullying other posters

i've bl*sted to every exo member except pcy


sehuns hair is starting to look like chens lmr hair

Attached: c0EBOz4Bjsro6eax.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

I just watched this movie, it's pretty comfy

Attached: Take+Off+2+%2528+2016+%2529[1].jpg (640x640, 70K)

>eden akgae

i still don't get why vivi's a deer rather than a rabbit

Choerry is honorary Eden

Attached: Yves~34.jpg (1365x2048, 271K)

Attached: DOY_HDDVQAETOJ7.jpg (707x437, 50K)
I love this kid


late retardbro here
i fucked up somewhere jinsoul should be tied for 6th

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please complete the set

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i'm cummning, I'M CUMMIGN


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Even Tao?

The face of a goddess.

Attached: 2371454dd64c815875ecf2ea81e2d95c.jpg (768x960, 93K)

don't talk about that

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yves, the beggar.

Attached: 1507481626709.jpg (2048x1366, 204K)



>tia is 21
time sure flies

haseul is so popular


Attached: DYhXfPhXkAEARif.jpg (750x314, 41K)

dubu inspired me to lose weight

i liked his perm

Attached: 6 (2).jpg (1000x1500, 793K)

especially tao

Attached: taozi....webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

pcy is for bro'ing not blasting IDIOTS

Attached: 1520756828433.gif (245x245, 621K)

Based lone Lippybro
How did that happen? I don't remember a single person posting her before

Word. Don't wanna end up a fat whale like her

Taemin is my lord and saviour

She doesn't look human

Attached: haseulie.webm (1280x720, 2.6M)

we're more active at night time

i liked it at first, but could i say that now? idk

Attached: 54a761db6f56833c1d1132162b9b45de.png (460x504, 277K)

wtf, don't say that!
but word.

i want a fat dubu gf

that's just The Momo

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is this the group's blastee?

a clip of hyunjin laughing doesn't really show anything though. doesn't everyone laugh?

taeil is ug-


Attached: IMG_20180317_201139.jpg (2048x1536, 482K)

>all that acne

very true

shane dawson on the left

The other selfie is better

can't wait till loona starts promotions & we get some fresh pictures.

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yves is not a beggar, but humble because she's a proper confucian gentlewoman

god they're both so ugly

it always looks like she's going to pull something down when the webm starts.

That's cuz she an angle


goodnight friends
i hope i dream of egg tonight

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Attached: standingup.webm (2000x1124, 2.43M)

never come back

pull up on you wacks with a mac fully loaded ah

they both are freaking handsome!

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nct are an uggo group desu

who would've thought sm would drop the ball in the visual dept

what's that from?

is that the nct sign?

nct is a visual group.

Attached: 1490236145402.jpg (1536x2048, 457K)

i do love and accept them all. i just love some members more than others.

now show me a clip of hyunjin being a softie or being shy

She's so pure and innocent she doesn't even know how a marker works.

i think it's from this but i don't want to put myself through the torture of listening to it again

you already made your mind, i can't help you

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you're my best friend

why are his legs so skinny?


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Attached: Twiceboyuggo and Chewbuggo.webm (480x600, 2.8M)

what happened to all the scammershitters